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Winnetka Village Council, residents discuss planned development along Elm Street and Lincoln Avenue


Winnetka Village Council met Tuesday, Jan. 3.

Here are the minutes as provided by Winnetka:

(Approved: January 17, 2017)

A record of a legally convened regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Winnetka, which was held in the Village Hall Council Chambers on Tuesday, January 3, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.

1) Call to Order. President Greable called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Trustees Andrew Cripe, William Krucks, Penfield Lanphier, Scott Myers, Christopher Ritz and Kristin Ziv. Absent: None. Also present: Village Manager Robert Bahan, Assistant Village

Manager Megan Pierce, Village Attorney Peter M. Friedman, Water & Electric Director Brian Keys, Community Development Director Mike D’Onofrio, and approximately 13 persons in the audience.

2) Pledge of Allegiance. President Greable led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3) Quorum.

a) January 10, 2017 Study Session. All of the Council members present indicated that they expect to attend.

b) January 17, 2017 Regular Meeting. All of the Council members present indicated that they expect to attend.

c) February 7, 2017 Regular Meeting. All of the Council members present indicated that they expect to attend.

4) Approval of the Agenda. Trustee Myers, seconded by Trustee Cripe, moved to approve the Agenda. By voice vote, the motion carried.

5) Consent Agenda

a) Village Council Minutes.

i) December 13, 2016 Study Session.

b) Warrant List. Approving the Warrant List dated December 16-29, 2016 in the amount of $692,851.74.

c) Resolution No. R-2-2017: Waiving Formal Bidding and Approving an Amendment to the Contract with WESCO for the Purchase of Secondary Cable (Adoption). A Resolution waiving formal bidding and approving an amendment to the WESCO contract for secondary cable purchase.

d) Resolution No. R-3-2017: Waiving Formal Bidding, Approving an Amendment to the Contract with and the Purchase of Primary Cable from the Okonite Company (Adoption).

A Resolution waiving formal bidding and approving an amendment to the Okonite Company contract for primary cable purchase.

e) Ordinance No. M-20-2016: Authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village of Winnetka (Adoption). An Ordinance authorizing the disposition of surplus personal property.

Trustee Myers, seconded by Trustee Ziv, moved to approve the foregoing items on the Consent Agenda by omnibus vote. By roll call vote, the motion carried. Ayes: Trustees Cripe, Krucks, Lanphier, Myers, Rintz and Ziv. Nays: None. Absent: None.

6) Stormwater Report. None.

7) Ordinances and Resolutions.

a) Ordinance No. M-1-2017: Granting Preliminary Approval of the One Winnetka Planned Development, including 511-515 Lincoln Avenue; 714-740 Elm Street; and Portion of Lincoln Avenue Right-of-Way (Introduction). Mr. D’Onofrio noted that a slight modification has been made to the One Winnetka development proposal. The plans presented to the Village Council on September 20 included 61 residential units, and the developer is requesting approval for a range of residential units from 55 to 62. Next, he reviewed a plan summary along with the exceptions being granted for maximum building height, upper story setback and rear yard setback on the east lot line.

Mr. D’Onofrio explained that the Subject Ordinance and a Resolution approving the development agreement are scheduled to be adopted at the January 17 Regular Council meeting. After that, the developer will submit full engineering plans, which are required to conform to the preliminary plan with no significant alterations. Then the final review process will commence, with concurrent reviews by the Plan Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals and Design Review Board. Finally, after the advisory boards have given their recommendations, the application will come before the Council for final approval.

Trustee Lanphier asked questions about the final approval process, construction staging, removal of debris and pedestrian access.

Mr. D’Onofrio explained the agenda packet contains information on the above concerns, and he added that the Community Development Department will oversee the construction process.

Trustees Myers and Rintz asked questions about parking. Mr. D’Onofrio said the parking lost during the construction process could be absorbed elsewhere in the Elm District, and confirmed that the development has capacity to provide any extra parking demand that a potential change in unit quantity would require. Manager Bahan noted that commuters will be given advance information about the parking impacts during construction.

Attorney Friedman summarized the deadlines for: (i) executing the development agreement; (ii) submittal of a complete final plan application; (iii) submittal of building permit applications; and (iv) commencement of construction. He noted the Village has discretion to extend some of the deadlines if it so desires. He reviewed the conditions requested by the Council, which have been included in both the Subject Ordinance and development agreement. He explained that having the development agreement executed in the preliminary approval phase gives the Village an added level of security, as it is usually done at the final approval level. Finally, he said the development agreement lays out very clear parameters for financial security, including a provision requiring the developer to submit proof of financing to complete the project and a third-party guarantee. In addition, the Village is fully indemnified against all liabilities associated with the construction, and significant restrictions have been placed on transfer of the property prior to completion of construction.

After some more Council questions, President Greable called for public comment.

Frank Petrek, 711 Oak Street. Mr. Petrek thanked Mr. Trandel for communicating and responding to the residents at 711 Oak Street. He asked five specific questions pertaining to the development agreement and construction process. Mr. D’Onofrio said there would be regular meetings between the developer and 711 Oak residents, and that an on-site contact phone number and email address will be obtained from the contractor.

Mrs. Petrek, 711 Oak Street. Mrs. Petrek expressed concerns about the construction phase and asked the Village to be an advocate for residents of the area.

David Trandel, One Winnetka developer. Mr. Trandel said he would plan to have open houses on a monthly basis to keep residents abreast of what the next phase of construction will be, and he volunteered to give his phone number to Mr. and Mrs. Petrek in the event they have concerns.

Next, the Council had a final brief discussion about the project, after which Trustee Krucks, seconded by Trustee Ziv, moved to introduce Ordinance No. M-1-2017. By voice vote, the motion carried.

8) Public Comment. None.

9) Old Business. None.

10) New Business. None.

11) Appointments. None.

12) Reports.

a) Village President. None.

b) Trustees. None.

c) Attorney. None.

d) Manager. None.

13) Closed Session. None.

14) Adjournment. Trustee Myers, seconded by Trustee Cripe, moved to adjourn the meeting. By voice vote, the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.