
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Analysis: State taxpayers spending $108K per Northeastern Illinois U. graduate


Student enrollment is falling at Northeastern Illinois University. But the school is still expanding, building dorms for students on campus. | Northeastern Illinois University

Student enrollment is falling at Northeastern Illinois University. But the school is still expanding, building dorms for students on campus. | Northeastern Illinois University

State taxpayers spend $40 million per year subsidizing Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU), but fewer than five percent of its students manage to graduate on time.

That’s according to Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and U.S. Department of Education (DOE) data analyzed by Chicago City Wire.

The DOE’s National Center for Education Statistics tracked NEIU freshmen starting in 2007 and 2009. 

By 2011, just four percent of the 2007 entrants had graduated. 

By 2013, just five percent of the 2009 entrants had graduated.

NEIU, 5500 N. St. Louis in Chicago's North Park neighborhood on its far north side, currently has 8,095 undergraduate students, or approximately 2,024 per class, according to IBHE.

$108K per four-year graduate

At the school’s historic rate of performance, just 323 of the NEIU students who entered the school as freshmen last August will graduate in May 2020. 

Some 1,700 won’t.

That means state taxpayers, who pay about $4,300 annually per enrolled NEIU student, spend the equivalent of $108,000 per graduate.

The school spent $151 million on operations in 2015, including $39.8 million (26 percent) from state taxpayers and $36.2 million (24 percent) from the federal government.

Given six years to finish a four year program, 20 percent of 2007 entrants at NEIU got degrees.

Given eight years, 27 percent graduated.

The school’s federal subsidies have been the subject of scrutiny.

A 2012 report by the Illinois Legislative Audit Commission found that NEIU had problems tracking how many students it actually had enrolled,  which inflated the amount of federal taxpayer subsidy it received.

“(NEIU) did not properly identify all students who withdrew from the University,” the report said. “(NEIU) did not determine or return the unearned portion of (federal) aid provided to students who withdrew from the University, resulting in inaccuracies in the amounts reported in their financial statements and noncompliance with federal regulators.”

“The university does not have adequate procedures in place to determine if a student began attendance in a payment period, “ it said.

The report also slammed NEIU for failing to require faculty and graduate assistants to file time sheets, as is required by state law.

“University procedures did not require time reporting documenting the time spent each day on official state business,” it said.

Enrollment down, tuition up

Since the 2011-12 school year, NEIU has raised undergraduate tuition 21 percent, from $8,397 to $10,138 for undergraduates.

Over the same period, the school’s undergraduate enrollment fell 15 percent, from 9,421 to 8,095.

Despite this, NEIU used eminent domain last year to seize private property adjacent to the school, where it plans to build dorms.

Before recently announcing it would layoff 9.5 percent of its workforce, NEIU had 1,887 employees, or one for every four students. That includes 787 faculty members who earned a collective $43.3 million in 2016, before taxpayer-funded benefits and pension payments.

NEIU's acting president, Richard J. Helldobler, says the school needs to cut another $1.8 million if it is going to open next year.

Salaries are the schools biggest line item.

Last year, NEIU had 112 faculty who earned more than $100,000, before pension and benefits expense, according to IBHE.

Helldobler earned $291,115 last year. His predecessor, Sharon K. Hahs, earned $291,115. She retired in July 2016.


100K+ earners at Northeastern Illinois University

Leaders at Northeastern Illinois Univ. say the school will close if it doesn't get more state subsidies. The school receives $40 million per year from state taxpayers.

How much does it pay its top faculty?

NameTitle2016 Compensation
Sharon K. HahsPresident$291,114.91
Richard J. HelldoblerVice President$199,788.03
Alireza DorestaniAssociate Professor$187,431.56
Victoria A. Roman-LagunasVice President$181,443.84
Dragan MilovanovicProfessor$177,973.25
Michael J. PierickVice President$176,503.86
Melissa Reardon HenryVice President$173,043.00
Jian LiAssociate Professor$172,861.39
Sara AliabadiAssistant Professor$165,347.44
Nont DhiensiriSenior Officer$164,574.20
Michael D. BedellSenior Officer$164,092.50
Sundaram DoraiUnit Director$161,378.58
Wamucii E. NjoguSenior Officer$160,921.56
Maureen D. GilletteSenior Officer$159,185.28
Charles A. FunkAssociate Professor$158,111.05
Shubin XuAssistant Professor$153,784.17
Marcelo O. SztainbergSenior Officer$151,327.18
Daniel LopezVice President$149,142.72
Lidia Z. FilusUnit Director$148,392.73
Maria T. GarretonUnit Director$148,379.91
Azim Zanjani HajAssistant Professor$147,654.62
Wendy M. StackVice President$147,094.74
Hong G. ChenAssociate Professor$145,113.38
Conrad W. WorrillUnit Director$144,353.19
Essam ElshafieAssociate Professor$143,376.09
Michael J. SternSenior Officer$143,028.99
Peter G. KimmelUnit Director$142,089.48
Mark P. McKerninVice President$141,375.09
Dilek G. YunluAssistant Professor$140,970.80
Xiaohong WangAssistant Professor$139,639.44
Stijepko TokicUnit Director$138,669.57
Myung-Ho YoonProfessor$137,784.51
Ai-Ru YenAssociate Professor$137,552.47
Rasoul AfifiAssociate Professor$137,320.57
Charletta GutierrezAssociate Professor$134,304.14
Narendar V. RaoProfessor$133,227.84
Chunwei XianAssistant Professor$132,940.39
Judith D. Kaplan-WeingerProfessor$132,232.06
Heung D. KimProfessor$132,086.50
Philip W. GwanyamaProfessor$131,466.06
Craig DuetschVice President$130,124.58
Janice M. Harring-HendonVice President$129,826.47
Suresh SinghAssistant Professor$129,709.94
Nancy MedinaVice President$129,690.75
Carlos MelianSenior Officer$126,798.75
Liesl V. DowneyVice President$126,104.80
Shahrzad MahootianProfessor$125,955.82
Robert B. FilippVice President$124,981.74
Emmanuel M. NyadrohAssistant Professor$123,782.35
Pillai Deepa AnilAssistant Professor$123,639.97
Cynthia G. MoranProfessor$122,102.47
Therese SchuepferProfessor$121,928.21
Sargon J. Al-BaziUnit Director$121,671.33
Ann M. McNabbUnit Director$119,600.43
Suleyma PerezUnit Director$119,393.58
Jean T. PotilloUnit Director$119,044.03
Rasoul RezvanianProfessor$118,793.41
Michael M. DizonSenior Officer$118,341.06
Francisco D. IacobelliAssistant Professor$117,679.61
Erick J. HowenstineUnit Director$116,968.65
Blase E. MasiniUnit Director$116,608.05
Richard KilpatrickAssistant Professor$116,516.53
Timothy R. LibrettiUnit Director$116,061.07
David YasutakeProfessor$115,517.80
Brett StockdillUnit Director$115,358.25
James L. ThompsonUnit Director$115,170.53
Anna MitinaProfessor$115,109.62
Jade StanleyUnit Director$114,802.87
Moira E. StuartAssociate Professor$114,552.14
Lee BeatyProfessor$114,289.93
Huong T. LeAssistant Professor$114,048.56
Saba Ayman-NolleyUnit Director$113,680.47
Cris E. ToffoloUnit Director$112,492.23
F M. SpechtSenior Officer$111,582.90
Ana FraimanProfessor$110,874.82
Louise A. BohrProfessor$110,753.14
Ozair NoorUnit Director$110,426.46
Jeffrey HillUnit Director$109,882.65
Katrina E. Bell-JordanSenior Officer$109,395.00
John W. CappeckUnit Director$109,329.72
Nancy A. MatthewsProfessor$108,916.57
Terry StirlingProfessor$108,489.44
Brian SchultzUnit Director$107,887.80
John KasmerUnit Director$107,711.85
Ellen S. CannonProfessor$107,376.62
Paul A. SchroederUnit Director$107,035.11
Lawrence N. BerlinUnit Director$106,890.27
Patrick B. MillerProfessor$106,216.48
Bradley R. GinnUnit Director$106,210.50
Charles N. PistorioUnit Director$105,733.14
Lynn H. BushProfessor$105,657.58
Rodney G. HigginbothamProfessor$105,601.07
Lisa A. Hollis-SawyerAssociate Professor$105,577.32
Richard W. HallettProfessor$104,265.49
Sung D. KimAssistant Professor$104,257.36
Steven M. WolkProfessor$103,977.62
Mei-Whei ChenProfessor$103,727.89
Paulo H. AcioliUnit Director$103,452.33
Denise L. CloonanProfessor$103,159.05
Richard S. CoferUnit Director$103,017.57
Sandra D. BeydaUnit Director$102,831.30
Jeanine NtihiragezaUnit Director$102,656.56
Fe L. LenonUnit Director$102,433.50
Emina A. StojkovicAssociate Professor$102,169.57
Vicki F. ByardProfessor$101,598.34
Gerald D. GreenSenior Officer$101,439.00
Job E. NgweProfessor$101,427.37
Sara SchwarzbaumProfessor$101,324.43
Kenneth T. NicholsonAssociate Professor$100,915.48
Rachel AdlerAssistant Professor$100,870.81
Shencheng XuProfessor$100,737.13
April NaumanProfessor$100,043.55

Source: Illinois Board of Higher Education