
Chicago City Wire

Friday, May 3, 2024

Former Justice Department official Prior: Go on the offensive


Ian Prior | Twitter.com

Ian Prior | Twitter.com

Ian Prior, a former Justice Department official, went on Chicago’s Morning Answer radio show to talk about why race theory in schools shouldn’t be taught.

According to one of the hosts of the show, Dan Proft, Prior is coming under fire from suburban mothers in Loudoun County because he supports ideas that are controversial and according to those mothers, even racist.

Prior went on air and said that the cancel culture of left-leaning groups have made it almost unbearable to speak one’s mind freely.

He said that when he posted a message on Twitter outing his neighbor who tried to rally likeminded individuals to oppose him in what he called an illegal manner, Prior was surprised that his neighbor called the FBI on him even though he believes that his neighbor is guiltier of committing a felony.

Dan Proft asked him if the intense scrutiny over him by his opponents have put a strain on him and Prior said that not only is he unfazed by the activists out to get him, but he is even invigorated to push back and fight these individuals on an intellectual level.

Proft then asked him about teachers who are trying to teach students about political correctness. Prior made it clear that he was against it and that it is important as a parent to be more vocal about one’s opposition on the leftists’ political agendas.

He said that if teachers knew that you are furiously defending your right to free speech and expression then they might not be too willing to brainwash your child.

Prior also said that it is important for everyone to go on the offensive and not be defensive when it comes to handling cancel culture.

He recounted a New York Times article about a student who got kicked out of her cheerleading group and university because of a racist message she posted on her social media platform several years earlier.

Prior explained that it is not enough to go on the defense when you’re attacked by leftists. Instead, people should go on the offensive, in a legal manner, such as seeking a larger audience to voice your side in order to effectively battle against the left-leaning groups.

 Prior spoke about the girl’s family and he said, “You have this family cooperating with the New York Times and playing defense. What they should have done was go on the offense . . . go on Tucker Carlson, talk to people so you can get your message out to the right people.”