Fifteen new security cameras have been installed at the school. | File photo
Fifteen new security cameras have been installed at the school. | File photo
The Whitney M. Young Magnet High School Local School Council met March 23 to discuss the break-in and vandalism of the gym, the third break-in in six weeks.
Located in a contemporary facility just north of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School (WY) has a tradition of academic excellence and ethnic and cultural diversity.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the school:
WYMHS Local School Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Call to Order at 5:04 pm by LSC Chairperson, Ms. Laura Durudogan
Roll Call: Ms. Kristin Boeke-Greven called the roll.
Dr. Kenner
Ms. Durudogan
Ms. Baldwin – arrived at 5:20
Ms. Boeke-Greven
Mr. Browdy
Ms. Boyle
Ms. Hopkins
Ms. McKenzie
Ms. Murphy
Ms. Webb - arrived at 5:10
Mr. Keshk
Mr. Johnson
Mr. Ritter
Agenda: Mr.Browdy moved and Ms. McKenzie seconded a motion to approve the meeting agenda.
Approval of Minutes: Mr. Browdy moved and Ms. McKenzie seconded a motion to approve the February meeting minutes. Motion passed unanimously.
Principal’s Report: Dr. Joyce Kenner
? Dr. Kenner and a group of principals met with Forrest Claypool and Janice Jackson to discuss current CPS issues. She is hopeful something will come out of that meeting.
? Mayor’s Meeting - meeting cancelled but it will be rescheduled to talk about an addition/renovation of the athletic field with a track and turf field
? Furlough days - 3/25, 4/21, 6/22, 6/23
? Day of Action - April 1
? PARCC testing begins for Academic Center students next week; High School testing starts March 31
? The Young Company Play “Fools” begins on Thursday, March 24
? ACDEC state pep rally – April 15
? New student letters went out - only 25 students declined
? Academic Center letters go out Monday
? WY is hosting a group of Japanese exchange students for one week.
? There was a break-in yesterday and the gym was vandalized; this is the third break-in in 6 weeks; the board will install 15 security cameras.
? Tornado drill to be held Monday, March 28.
? Ms. Chinn has resigned effective after spring break; she is moving to Texas for her husband’s job.
? Senior luncheon – April 8
? WY College Fair – April 12
? Dr. Kenner sent letter to CPS indicating her dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the building and her decision to manage the custodial scheduling. The new CPS facilities director Mr. Jason Kerner came to Whitney Young. They had a great meeting and did a walk-through of the building with Mr. Swanson. The building was filthy; however, there was an improvement the next day.
Chairperson’s Report: Ms. Laura Durudogan
? The principal evaluation process has changed. Now it is a two-part process: the first part is for the LSC members to fill out an evaluation form and return it to Laura’s mailbox in a sealed envelope along with a brief paragraph narrative by Monday, April 4. The LSC will vote on the evaluation in an open session in April and it will be put online by May 1 in accordance with the new CPS process.
First Public Comment and Questions
There was a discussion about the break-in.
Budget Committee Report and Vote on CPS Budget Reductions
Ms. McKenzie reported that CPS required every school to reduce its Student Based Budget – the second budget cut this quarter. They asked Whitney Young to cut $101,290. The budget committee met last week to discuss the cuts. The Whitney Young leadership team identified $82,943.98 to cut by transferring items and covering them under another fund.
Ms. McKenzie made a motion to transfer two teachers’ salaries of up to $45,000 from the SBB and pay out of SGSA/CIWP budget; and to transfer $10,000 in SGSA funds previously designated as “Focus on Us” to the SGSA pointer line.
Mr. Browdy seconded the motion. Ms. Boeke-Greven took a roll call vote. The motion passed unanimously.
LSC Candidate Forum
Candidates running for the upcoming LSC election presented statements. There were 4 teachers, 8 parents, and 2 students who participated.
Old Business: None
New business: None
Second Public Comment and Questions
Spring Bash Friends of Whitney Young Fundraiser will be held April 1.
Mr. Browdy moved and Ms. McKenzie seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 6:21 pm.
Meeting minutes by Kristin Boeke-Greven.