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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago zoning committee to review requests

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The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning, Landmark and Buildings Standards will meet Sept. 12. | File photo

The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning, Landmark and Buildings Standards will meet Sept. 12. | File photo

The city of Chicago Committee on Zoning, Landmark and Buildings Standards will meet at 10 a.m. Sept. 12 to review a zoning request change from 3629-67 South Archer Ave.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the city:


Of The

Committee on Zoning

Landmark & Building Standards


couNclL CHAMBERS, 2nd Floor, Citv Hall

Please Note:

Items on this Agenda are subject to change. lf you have any questions

regarding this Agenda, please contact the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks

& Building Standards al 312-7 44-6845

Roll Call

Deferred ltems

New Business


Items on this Agenda

Appear in Numerical Order

According to Ward

NO. A-8234 (gth WARD) ORDINANCE RE.FERRED (6-22-16)

pocuMENT # o2016-4862

Common Address¡ 29 East 89th Street

Applicant: Alderman Anthony Beale

Change Request: M1-L Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RS-L Residential SingleUnit

(Detached House) District

NO. A-8235 (12th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6-22-16I

DOCUMENT # 020!6-4946

Common Address: 3629-67 South Archer Avenue

Applicant: Alderman George A. Cardenas

Change Request: CL-2 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District to RT-4 Residential Two Flat,

Townhouse and Mult¡-Unit District

NO. A-8236 (12th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22-16}

pocuMENT # 02016-4944

Common Address: 35t4-3623 South Archer Avenue

Applicant: Alderman George A. Cardenas

Change Request: CL-2 Neighborhood Commercial Zoning District, M1-2 Limited

Manufacturing/Business Park District, B3-2 Community Shopping District to B2-2

Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

NO. A-8237 (15thWARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22-16)

DOCUMENT # O20L6-4863

Common Address:


Change Request:

6543-6545 South Wood Street

Alderman Raymond A, Lopez

RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT-4 ResidentialTwo

Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

NO. A-8238 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED {6-22-16)

DOCUMENT # O2016-4860

Common Address: 847-861N Larrabee Street

Applicant: Alderman Walter Burnett Jr,

Change Request: To Classify as a Pedestrian Street


NQ. A-8239 (27thWARp) ORDINANCE REFERREp (6-22-16)

pocuMENT f 02016-4865

Common Address: 251"1-35 West Warren Boulevard

Applicant: Alderman Walter Burnett Jr.

Change Request: ML-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RT-4 Residential Two Flat,

Townhouse and Multi-Unit District


DOCUMENT # O2016-4881

Common Address: 27OO-70 West Lexington Street

Applicant: Alderman Jason C. Ervin

Change Request: M1-2 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District to RT-4 ResidentialTwo Flat,

Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

NO. A.8241 (49th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (6.22.16}

pocuMENT f o2016-4883

Common Address: 7636-38 North Sheridan Road;7630 North Rogers Avenue

Applicant: Alderman Joseph Moore

Change Request: Residential Business Planned Development No 977 to B3-5 Community Shopping


NO. 18887-T1 {1't WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-161

DOCUMENT #02016-5551

Common Address: 1636 N. Western Avenue

Applicant: 1636 N. Western lnvestors, LLC

Owner: 1636 N. Western lnvestors, LLC

Attorney: Michael Ezgur

Change Request: B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District to B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

The Applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and construct a new,

four-story mixed-use building consisting of three residential dwelling units, three

parking spaces, approximately L,262 square feet of retail space and no loading

berth. The height of the proposed building is 45 feet tall.



NO. 18893 (1" WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #o2016-5568

Common Address: 3639 West Cortland Street

Applicant: Karl Ostroski

Owner: Karl Ostroski

Attorney: Rolando R. Acosta

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT-4 Residential Two

Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

Purpose: Two-story residential building with three dwelling units and three parking


NO. 18896 (1St WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20.16) pocuMËNT #o2016-5571

Common Address: 2t17-63 North Milwaukee Avenue; 2177-25 North Rockwell StreeU 2120-32

North Rockwell Street




Change Request:

New Congress, LLC

New Congress, LLC

Rolando R. Acosta

83-1 Community Shopping District and C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District

to B3-3 Community Shopping District and then to RBPD Residential Business

Planned Development

Purpose Rehabil¡tation of the existing 77 fl. Lall building for a large venue, up to either 32

residential units or 50 hotel rooms and ground floor commercial space;

development of the vacant parcel with a new building L20 ft. in height

containing 120 residential dwelling un¡ts. Neither property has or will have

parking or loading.

NO. 18902 (l't WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #o2016-s577

Common Address: 14L3 N. Oakley

Applicant: Eric Dropkin

Owner: Eric Dropkin

Attorney: Warren E, Silver

Change Request: R5-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential Two

Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

Purpose: The proposed use w¡ll be 3 dwelling units within the existing two-story masonry

building. There is a two-car garage at the rear end of the property.


NO. 18904-Tr (1" WARDI ORDINANCE REFEBREp (7-20-161

pocuMENT #q2016-5s79

common Address:




Change Request:

1537 West Walton Street



Daniel G. Lauer

RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM-4.5 Residential

Multi-Unit District

Purpose The Applicant intends to construct a three-story building with roof access,

consisting of three dwelling units with a three-car garage. The footprint of the

building shall be approximatêly 20 ft. by 81 ft. 2 in, and the garage shall be 44 ft.

11 in, hish as defined by City Code

NO. 18906-T1 (l't WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20.16)

DOCUMENT #02016-5581

common Address: 1"337 N, Wicker Park

Applicant Wendell Ryan Properties, LLC Series A

Owner: Wendell Ryan Properties, LLC Series A

Attorney: Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Change Requestr RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM-4.5 Residential

Multl-unit District

Purpose: The Applicant is proposing to permit a three-story rear addition to the existing

two-story, two dwelling unit building located at the subject property. The

proposed rear addition will be masonry construction. After the addition is

constructed, the resulting building will contain 2,818 sq. ft. of total building area

and measure 33 feet in height.

NO. 1891I (1" WARDì ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20.16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-5586

Common Address: 1968-1986 North Milwau kee;2433-2435 West Armitage

Applicant: 1980 Milwaukee, LLC

Owner: Arm¡tage Milwaukee Development, LLC

Attorney: Rich Klawiter & Katie Jahnke Dale - DLA Piper, LLP (US)

Change Request: B3-2 Community Shopping District to B3-5 Community Shopping District then to

a Residential Business Planned Development

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property to allow for the

development of a mixed-use building containing 1"50 residential dwelling units,. 20 parking spaces, ground floor commercial uses and accessory/incidental uses


NO. 18922 (2"d WARD) ORDINANCE RFFËRRED (7-20-161

pocuMENT #o2016-s599

Common Address: 201 E. Walton Pl.

Applicant: HPT Ml Properties Trust

Owner: HPT Ml ProPerties Trust

Attorney: Thomas R. Raines Attorney at Law, LLC

Change Request: DR-7 Downtown Residential District to DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District

Purpose: Applicant wishes to build a 3,695 sq. ft. restaurant in an existing Residence lnn

Hotel. The restaurant will be located on the first floor and will not affect building

height, number of dwelling units or parking spaces.

NO. 18908 (15th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16I

pocuMENT #O2016-5583

Common Address: 4828 South Hermitage Avenue

Applicant: Adolfo Martinez

Owner: Adolfo Martinez

Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM-4.5 Residential

Multi-Unit District

purpose: To establish two additional dwelling units within the existing residential building;

no commercial space; Total of four dwelling units within the existing building;

two parking spaces; existing two-story; existing height of 30 feet.

NO. 18901-T1 (16th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16I

pocuMENT #O2016-5576

Common Address: 2712W.59th St.




Change Request:

Pu rpose:

Chicago Land lnvestment Properties, LLC

Chicago Land lnvestment Properties, LLC

Thomas S. Moore

83-L Community Shopping District to B3-3 Community Shopping District

The Applicant requests a zoning change in order to convert the existing retail

commercial space and 2 dwelling units to 1,425 square feet retail commercial

space and 3 dwelling units. The height of the building will be 39 feet 4 inches. No

parking spaces.


NO. 18917 (16th WARD} ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16)

pocu,MENT #O2916-5594

Common Address: 2435-37 West 65th Street

Applicant: Rosalyn Haley

Owner: Rosalyn Haley

Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM-4.5 Residential

Multi-Unit District

Purpose: To establish an additional dwelling unit within the existing residential building for

a total of 5 dwelling units; no existing parking; existing 2-story, existing height 30

feet - no change proposed.

NO. 18888 (25th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT #02016-5552

Common Address: 411-19 South Peoria Street




Change Request:

Peoria Parking Partners, LLC

Peoria Parking Partners, LLC

Michael Ezgur

DS-3 Downtown Service District to DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District then to a

Residential Planned Development

Pu rpose: The applicant proposes to construct a new 14-story mixed-use building

consisting of approximately 1,448 square feet of retail space, 90 residential

dwelling units with 110 parking spaces and a loading berth. The height of the

proposed building is 149 feet, 6 inches.

NO, 18889 (25th WARD} ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #o2016-5553

Common Address: 1028 W. Cullerton

Applicant: 1818 May, LLC

Owner: L818 May, LLC

Attorney: Rolando R. Acosta

Change Request: RT-4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District to B2-2

Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

Purpose: Construction of a three-story (37 ft. 11 in.) building containing three dwelling

units and three parking spaces. No commercial space.


NO. 18907 (zsth WARDI 9RDINANCE ßEFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #02016-s582

Common Address: 214 West 22nd Place

Applicant: Jing Yuan Ma

Owner: Jing Yuan Ma

Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.

Change Request: RM-6.5 Residential Multi-Unit District to B3-5 Community Shopping District

Purpose: To convert the existing SRO building into a hotel (approximately 20,000 square

feet); no parking; existing 4-sïory/ existing height 38 feet- no change proposed

NO. 18898 (25th & 27th WARD) ORpINANCE REFERRED (7-20-151

DOCUMENT #02016-5s73

Common Address: LL15 West Washington Boulevard; 19-27 North May Street

Applicant: Peerless Real Estate lnvestments Manager, LLC

Owner: Peerless Real Estate lnvestments Manager, LLC

Attorney: Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Change Request: DX-3 Downtown Mixed-Use Distr¡ct to DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District and

then to a Residential Planned Development

Purpose The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the construction of

two new all residential buildings, contain¡ng a total of fifty-six dwelling units - at

the site, All of the existing buildings and structures, on each of the Parcels will be

razed. Parcel One (1115 West Washington Boulevard) will be redeveloped with a

new nine-story (seven-story, w¡th two-story penthouse and basement)

residential building, containing a lobby and interior parking for forty-four

vehicles - at grade level, and twenty-eight dwelling units - above (Floors 2 thru

9). Parcel Two (19-27 North May Street) will similarly be redeveloped with a new

nine-story (seven-story, with two-story penthouse and basement) residential

building, containing a lobby and interior parking for forty-four vehicles - at grade

level, and twenty-eight dwelling units - above (Floors 2 thru 9). Each new

building will be masonry and glass in construction and measure approximately

109 feet in height.


NO. 18909 (26th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT to2016-ss84

Common Address: 2136 North Sawyer Avenue

Applicant: Leaduk, lnc.

Owner: Leaduk, lnc.

Attorneyi Law Offices of Samuel V,P, Banks

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT4 Residential Two

Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Un¡t District

Purpose: The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the construction of a

new three-story (with basement) multi-unit residential building, at the subject

site. The applicant intends to raze the existing building. The new proposed

building will contain a total of 6 dwelling units. There will also be onsite parking,

for six vehicles, located in a new detached garage, at the rear of the building

(lot), The new proposed building will be masonry in construction and measure 37

ft. 10 in, in height.

NO. 18916 (26th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16)

pocuMENT fO2016-5591

Common Address: 1222 North Kedzie Avenue

Applicant: L & MC lnvestments, LLC

Owner: L & MC lnvestments, LLC

Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RT-4 Residential Two

Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

purpose: To build a single-family house; 2 parking spaces; 3-story/ height - 38 feet

NO. 18910 (27th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20-16)

pocuMENT #02016-5585

Common Address: 901-905 West Fulton MarkèU 21'4-232 North Peoria Street

Applicant: Thor 905 W. Fulton, LLC

owner: John R. Morreale lnc,


Change Request:

Rich Klawiter & Katie Jahnke Dale - DLA Piper LLP (US)

The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property, to permit the

restoration and expansion of two existing historic 3-story buildings with a new 2-

story addition and the addition of a new 5-story commercial building. The

buildings will contain ground floor retail uses with office space above, together

with accessory and incidental uses


C1-L Neighborhood Commercial District to DX-3 Downtown Mixed-Use District

then to Business Planned Development


NO. 18899-T1 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED {7-20.16)

pocuMENT #o2016-5574

Common Address: 1"134 W. Hubbard 5t.

Applicant: Hubbard and May, LLC

Owner: Hubbard and May, LLC

Attorney: Louis Weinstock

Change Request: M2-2 Light lndustry District to B3-3 Community Shopping District

Purpose: Renovate an existing 14,760 sq, ft. three-story manufacturing building to be

converted to an office building. The Applicant seeks a zoning change to raise FAR

to allow for the addition of a 194 sq. ft. stairway and allow for a L,296 sq. ft,

open roof deck to serve the office building. No dwelling units or parking spaces.

NO. 18900 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-s575

Common Address: 1210 West Lake Street

Applicant: R2IMR 1210 Partners, LLC

Owner: R2/MR 1210 Partners, LLC

Attorney: Thompson Coburn LLP,cf o Bernard l. Citron

Change Requestl M2-3 Light lndustry District to DS-5 Commercial, Manufacturing and

Employment District

Purpose: The proposed use is an approximately 10,900 square foot office building with an

additional approximate 7,500 square feet of space in a new mezzanine level and

zero parking spaces.

NO. 18894-T1 (27thWARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16}

pocuMENT #O2016-5569

Common Address: 440-50 North Morgan Street; 1000-L0 West Hubbard Street

Applicant: 440 Morgan, LLC, dba, 450 Morgan, LLC

Owner: 440 Morgan, LLC, dba, 450 Morgan, LLC

Attorney: Michael Ezgur

Change Request: M2-2 Light lndustry District to B2-3 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

Purpose: The Applicant proposes to construct a new five-story building consisting of

approximately 8,636 square feet of retail space, 23,836 square feet of office

space with an accessory rooftop deck, 35 parking spaces and no loading berth.

The height of the proposed building is 70 feet.


NO. 18891-T1 (27th.WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-5555

Common Address: 2542-2550 West Warren Boulevard




Senan Nugent

Senan Nugent

Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Change Request: Ml"-1" Limited Manufacturing and Business Park D¡strict to RT-4 Residential Two

Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Un¡t District

Purpose The applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the construction of a

new two-story (with basement) single-family home, and detached two-car

garage, at each of the subject five lots - for a total of five new single-family

homes and five new detached garages. Each home will be masonry in

construction and measure 24feel,4 inches in height

NO. 18913 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16I

DOCUMENT #O2016-5588

Common Address: 801-813 West Lake StreeU 174-184 North Halsted Street

Applicant: Partners & Bond, LLC

Owner: 801 w. Lake, LLC

Attorney: Rich Klawiter & Katie Jahnke Dale - DLA Piper, LLP (US)

Change Request: C3-1 Commercial, Manufacturing and Employment District and DX-5 Downtown

Mixed-Use District to DX-7 Downtown Mixed-Use District then to Business

Planned Development

Purpose The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property to permit the

construction of an approximately 2O-story building with ground floor commercial

and retail uses, +/- 245 extended-stay hotel rooms, a minimum of 50 parking

spaces, and accessory and incidental uses.

NO. 18914-T1 (27th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20-16)

pocuMENT #O2016-5589

Common Address: 942-946 West Fulton Market

Applicant: Thor 942 West Fulton, LLC

Owner: Thor 942 West Fulton, LLC

Attorney: Rich Klawiter & Katie Jahnke Dale - DLA Piper, LLP (US)

Change Request: C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District to DX-3 Downtown Mixed-Use District

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property to allow a one-story

addition to an existing three-story building with ground floor retail and office

above with an outdoor terrace on the fourth floor.


NO. 18915 (27th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20-16)

pocuMENT so2016-5590

Common Address: 1205-07 West Grand Avenue

Applicant: The Dorotea LaSelva Declaration of Trust Dated August 25,2008

Owner: The Dorotea LaSelva Declaration ofTrust Dated August 25, 2008

Attorney: Law Office of Mark J. Kupiec & Assoc.

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to B2-1 Neighborhood

Mixed-Use District

Purpose: To establish a retail store (flower shop) on the ground floor of the existing 3-

story mixed-use building; approximately 2,600 square feet of commercial space;

existing 4 DU on the upper floors to remain; existing 2-car garage; existing 3-

story/ existing height- no change proposed.

NO. 18918.T1 (27th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20.16)

pocuMENT #O2016-5595

Common Address: 833 West Jackson Street

Applicant: VB33 West Jackson, LLC

Owner: V833 West Jackson, LLC

Attorney: Law Offices of Samuel V,P. Banks

Change Request: DX-5 Downtown Mixed-Use District to DX-10 Downtown Mixed-Use District

Purpose: The Applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the erection of a roof

deck, with penthouse add¡tion, above the 8th floor of the existing office and retail

building. The existing 8-story building is non-conforming under the current

Zoning Ordinance and designation. Therefore a zoning change is required to

permit the rooftop build-out and addition. The existing 8-story office and retail

(62,430 square feet) building will remain unchanged, but for the proposed

erection of the proposed roof deck (4,300 square feet) and penthouse addition

(3,597.18 square feet). The new proposed rooftop space will be accessible by

and forthe exclusive use ofthe tenants ofthe existing building. No on-site

parking is required or intended forthe existing building, with new rooftop

addition. The existing building, with rooftop addition, will be masonry in

construction and measure 96 feet in height.





Change Request:

NO. 18905 {31st WAEpl ORDINANCE REFERRED f7-20-161

pocuMENT #02016-5580

Common Address: 2416-2420 N. Hamlin Ave.

Jose Jimenez & Guadalupe Jimenez

Chicago Title Land Trust Co. TR#26152 dated April L, 1996

Richard E. Zulkey

R5-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to CL-1" Neighborhood

Commercial District


Change Request:


Michael Ezgur

B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use D¡strict to B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use District

The Applicant proposes to complete an interior remodeling of the building,

adding four residential dwelling units for a total of 34 residential dwelling units,

approximately 800 square feet of retail space, zero automobile parking spaces

pursuant to TOD ordinance, 17 bicycle parking spaces and no loading berth. The

height of the building will remain at 35 feet.

Purpose No dwelling units. There will be 24 parking spaces for off-site, accessory parking

in excess of required limits to be used in conjunction with the business entlties at

3800-3828 W. Fullerton Ave,

NO. 18890.T1 (33Td WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-5554

Common Address: 3119-25 West Lawrence Avenue; 4747-57 North Troy Street

Applica nt: Larry West, LLC

Owner: Larry West, LLC

Attorney: Michael Ezgur

Change Request: C1.-2 Neighborhood Commercial District to B2-5 Neighborhood Mixed-Use


Pu rpose The Applicant proposes to complete an interior remodeling of the building,

adding two residential dwelling units for a total of 3L residential dwelling units,

approximately 3,000 square feet of retailspace, zero automobile parking spaces

pursuant to the TOD ordinance, 16 bicycle parking spaces and no loading berth.

The height of the building will remain 35 feet.

NO. 18897-T1 (33'd WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20-16I

DOCUMENT #O2016-s572

Common Address: 3001-07 West Lawrence Avenue; 4746-56 North Sacramento Avenue

Applicant: Larry East, LLC

Owner: Larry East, LLC


NO. 18895-T1 (43'd WARD) ORDTNANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-5570

Common Address: 2462 N. Lincoln Avenue; 900 - 10 W. Montana Street

Applicant: 2462 N. Lincoln, LLC

Owner: 2462 N, Lincoln, LLC

Attorney: Rolando R. Acosta

Change Request: B3-3 Community Shopping District to B3-3 Community Shopping District

Purpose: Construction of a four-story (50 ft.) building containing nine dwelling units, 1,210

sq. ft. of ground floor commercial space (retail, office, restaurant), two parking

spaces and no loading berth.

NO. 18912.T1 (43Td WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20.16)

pocuMENT #02016-5587

Common Address: 2212-2216 N Bissell St.

Applicant: Park West Cooperative Nursery School

Owner: Ellen Valentine

Attorneyi Rich Klawiter & Katie Jahnke Dale - DLA Piper, LLP (US)

Change Request: RT-4 Residential Two Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District to RM-5 Residential

Multi-unit District

Purpose: The Applicant requests a rezoning of the subject property to allow for the

construction of a new two-story addition to replace an existing private garage

and to allow for the new construction of a three-story addition. The proposed

use of this property will be a daycare and there will be no residential units, The

proposed development will fulfill accessory parking requirements offsite within

750 feet of the subject property. The current he¡ght of the building is 38 feet and

the proposed height is 38.36 feet.


NO. 18892-T1 (44th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20-16)

pocuMENT #02016-5s56

Common Address: 3469-3475 North Clarl< Street

Applicant: MR Clark 3473 Operating, LLC

Owner: MR Clark 3473 Operating, LLC

Attorney: Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks

Change Request: B3-2 Community Shopping District to B3-5 Community Shopping District

Purpose: The applicant is seeking a zoning change in order to permit the rehabilitation of

the existing four-story building and the erection of a new five-story addition - on

the adjacent vacant lots, in order to locate and establish a new hotel, with retail

tenancy, at the subject property. The rehabilitation plan, for the existing (vacant)

four-story building, calls for the build-out and location of a hotel lobby (1,81"5

square feet) and a single retail space (L,498 square feet) * at grade level, and

twenty-one hotel rooms (21 units) - above (Floors 2 thru 4). The new five-story

addition will contain a single retail space (2,758 square feet) - at grade level and

thirty-two hotel rooms (32 units) * above (floors 2 thru 5), for a total of fiftythree

hotel rooms (53 units) atthe site. Additional retail space will be available in

the basement of the existing building (3,428 square feet) with addition (3,110

square feet). As part ofthe plan, the Applicant also intends to erect a roof deck,

above the 4th floor of the existing building, which will be available for use by

guests ofthe hotel and the retail tenants. No onsite parking is required or

intended for the proposed building, with new addition. The newly rehabbed

building, w¡th five-story addition, will measure 59 feet 2 inches in height. The

existing building, with new addition, will be masonry and glass in construction.

NO, 18903 (44th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16I

DOCUMENT fO2016-5578

Common Address: 1454 W. Henderson 5t.

Applicant: lavier Mendoza & Eleanor Mendoza

Owner: Javier Mendoza & Eleanor Mendoza

Attorney: Warren E. Silver

Change Request: RT-3.5 Residential Two Flat, Townhouses, and Multi-Unit District to RT4

Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District

Purpose: The proposed use will remain a two dwelling unit residential building with two

parking spaces, The proposed height will be 34 feet 8 inches,


NO. 18921-T1 (44th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED 17-20.16)

pocuMENT fo2016-5598

Common Address: 3115 N. Broadway

Applicant: 3115 Properties, LLC

Owner: 3115 Properties, LLC

Attorney: Meg George - Neal & Leroy, LLC

Change Request: B3-2 Community Shopping District to B3-5 Community Shopping District

Purpose: There will be 48 dwelling units, 37 parking spaces and L2,513 sq. ft. of

commercial space. Building height will beTo'-8" to roof joist,

NO. 18919 (45th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7.20.16)

DOCUMENT #O2016-5596

Common Address: 5121 W. Agatite

Applicant: 5121 Agatite, LLC

Owner: 5121 Agatite, LLC

Attorney: Tyler Manic of Schain, Banks, Kenny & Schwartz, Ltd.

Change Request: RS-3 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District to RM-4.5 Residential

Multi-Unit District

purpose: To allow for the ground floor residential unit in an existing two-story building

containing 6 residential dwelling units and one parking space. The applicant

proposes a 7th residential dwelling unit on the ground floor with an additional

parking space.

NO. 18923-T1 (46th WARD) ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #O2016-5600

Common Address: 460I-4617 North Broadway; L056-1064 West Wilson; 4616-4626 North





Change Request:

Broadway & Wilson, LLC

Palm Realty Company

Jerry Schain - Schain, Banks, Kenny & Schwartz, Ltd

B3-2 Community Shopping District to B3-5 Community Shopping District then to

Residential Business Planned Development

The proposed development will comprise of 42 dwelling units and 155 efficiency

units with 44 parking spaces (transit oriented development) and L73 bicycle

spaces. The ground floor will include 11,550 sq. ft, of commercial space, The

height of the proposed development will be 102 feet.



NO. 18886 I47th WARDI ORDI.NANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

pocuMENT #o2016-5550

Common Address: 2I44-2t54 W. Lawrence Ave. Commonly known as 2150 W Lawrence

Applicant: Sonco Real Estate LLC

Owner: Sonco Real Estate LLC

Attorney: Warren E. Silver

Change Request: B1-1 Neighborhood Shopping Distrlct to B3-5 Community Shopping District

Purpose: The property will be developed with a 5 story 58 foot (62 feet to the top of the

parapet wall) mixed-use building. The building consists of 59 dwelling units and

4775 square feet of commercial space. The property will provide 47 off-street

parking spaces.

NO. 18920-T1 (47th WARDI ORDINANCE REFERRED (7-20-16)

DOCUMENT fO2016-5597

Common Address: 3462 North Lincoln Avenue

Applicant: 3462 Lincoln, LLC

Owner: Mid-City National Bank of Chicago Land Trust No. 1469, dated July 2, 1979

Attorney: Katriina S. McGuire/ Thompson Coburn, LLP

Change Request: B3-2 Community Shopping District to B3-3 Community Shopping District

Purpose: The proposed building will have 2L dwelling units, approximately 2,812 square

feet of retail space, and 8 parking spaces. The building will be 50 feet tall (55 ft. B

in. to the top of the parapet).
