Barry Bebart was recently appointed 39th Deputy Ward Republican committeeman for the Northwest Side GOP Club. | Contributed image
Barry Bebart was recently appointed 39th Deputy Ward Republican committeeman for the Northwest Side GOP Club. | Contributed image
Barry Bebart was recently appointed 39th Deputy Ward Republican committeeman for the Northwest Side GOP Club, reported club Chairman Matt Podgorski.
"I appointed Barry as my new Deputy 39th Ward Republican Committeeman because he is incredibly talented and committed to taking Illinois back from the Democrat Machine," Podgorski told the Chicago City Wire.
Podgorski thinks Bebart, an Old Irving Park native, will be a good asset to the team because of his strong business experience and leadership skills.
For the past 25 years, Bebart has owned and operated Barry Bebart Architecture, where he served as a licensed architect, performing work for the city of Chicago and surrounding areas,” a Northwest GOP Club press release said.
"Barry hits the ground running with three Republican precinct committeeman already in place in the 39th Ward. One of his top priorities will be to recruit and train at least another 10 precinct committeeman by the end of 2017,” Podgorski said.
In addition to Bebart in the 39th Ward, there has been also been an individual appointed in the 38th Ward.
“Republican Committeeman Pete Podgorski has appointed Mike Keeney as Deputy Ward Republican Committeeman,” the press release said.
Keeney, a previous teacher and current Chicago Police Department sergeant, “looks forward to serving all of the residents of the 38th Ward,” the press release said.
Keeney resides in the Dunham Park community and has a wife, Jen, and two children, both who attend St. Robert Bellarmine School. Keeney is also an active member of the St. Robert Bellarmine school board.
Together, Bebart and Keeney will have similar responsibilities in their roles. The press release said these will include, “recruiting new precinct committeeman, attending Northwest Side GOP Club Executive Council meetings, and filling in for the ward committeeman at Cook County and State Republican Party meetings as needed.”