
Chicago City Wire

Monday, March 31, 2025

Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board met April 10.

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Rosemont Elementary School District 78 Board met April 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order:

Vice President Bailey called the meeting to order at 6:26 p.m.

There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson to appoint Member Muszynski as acting Secretary in the absence of Member Wilson.

Roll Call:

Vice President Bailey asked for a roll call.

Members Present: Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

Members Absent: Wilson and President Donnelly

Others in Attendance: Superintendent Anderson

Karen Allen, Staff

Vicki Cline, Staff

Vanessa Cooper, Resident

Kim Crawford, Staff

Julie Cullerton, Resident & Staff

Nancy Delveaux, Staff

Kathy Dermody, Resident & Staff

Karen DeSelm, Resident & Staff

Julie Fritz, Staff

Kate Gilhooly, Staff

Kathleen Guzaldo, Staff

Kristen Hines, Staff

Mary Houston, Resident & Staff

Daisy Ildefonso, Resident & Staff

Janet Kester, Staff

Kathy Kirk, Staff

Laurie Kovalcik, Staff

Janine Langer, Resident & Staff

Kevin Lidbury, Staff

Scott Lindstrom, Staff

Anne Lunde, Journal & Topics Reporter

Lisa Maltais, Staff

Carolyn McAleer, Staff

Deirdre McGarry, Staff

Brittany Muszynski, Resident & Staff

Kate O’Donnell, Staff

Gina O’Neill, Resident & Staff

Karen Paloian, Resident & Staff

Chistina Pesoli, Staff

Cathleen Pope, Staff

Sarah Rhodes, Staff

Peter Schaul, Staff

Mary Scianna, Resident

Kristen Shamoon, Resident

Lourene Solarz, Resident & Staff

Cameron Stephens, Resident & Staff

Maria Stephens, Resident

Anne Tondola, Staff

Chris Vogel, Staff

Jamie Williams, Staff

Recognition of Visitors:

At this time Vice President Bailey welcomed the visitors and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions at this time.

Service Awards:

Staff Service Awards were given to the following people: 10 Year Award to Julie Cullerton; 30 Year Award to Julie Fritz; and 35 Year Award to Cathleen Pope. (see attached for speech on each awardee).

Executive Session:

There was no Executive Session at this time.

Additions to the Agenda:

There were no Additions to the Agenda.

Consent Agenda Items:

There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve consent agenda items 5.1 thru 5.2

A roll call vote

Ayes: Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

Nays: None

Absent: Wilson and President Donnelly

Motion Carried

The Consent Agenda Items were as follows:

5.1 Approval of Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting held on March 13, 2017.

5.2 Approval of the Treasurer’s Report for March 31, 2017.

Education Fund 1,913,120.42 Transportation Fund (16,735.19)

Building Fund 1,852,414.14 Municipal Ret. Fund (14,778.38)

Debt Service Fund 991.09 Working Cash Fund 279,386.23

Total All Funds 4,014,398.31

Administrator’s Update:

Superintendent Anderson started by thanking Mrs. Fritz and Mr. Stephens for chaperoning the Springfield trip.

Calendar of Events:

Superintendent Anderson reported the following is the upcoming Calendar of Events:

April 12th SIP Day – Students Dismissed at 11:30 a.m.

Teachers will be partaking in the 5 Essentials Survey and discussing next year’s report cards.

April 13th 8th Grade Parent Meeting – 6:00 p.m.

April 14th No School

April 20th Drama Club Play – 2:00 and 7:00 p.m.

April 21st Benefit Club Sponsored Family Fun Night

April 24th Kindergartners at the Voters League Meeting

April 26th 8th Graders Leave for Washington D.C.

April 29th 8th Graders Return from Washington D.C.

May 4th Art Fair/Ice Cream Social/Band & Choir Performance – Beginning at 5:30 p.m.

May 8th School Board Meeting – 6:30 p.m.

Correspondence/Committee Reports:

-Correspondence to the Board

At this time there was no Correspondence to the Board.

-Special Education Report

At this time there was no Special Education Report.

-Legislation Report

At this time there was no Legislation Report.

-Voters’ League Assignment

Vice President Bailey stated that he would do the Voters’ League Assignment with the usual back up if President Donnelly was unavailable.

-Other Board Reports

There were no Other Board Reports at this time.

-Board Calendar

There were no Board Calendar items at this time.

Financial Report:

There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve the List of Disbursements for the month of March 2017 (reviewed by Member Stephens).

Education Fund 291,302.66 Transportation Fund 5,955.71

Building Fund 36,599.13 Municipal Ret. Fund 8,698.08

Debt Serv. Fund 0

Total 342,555.58

A roll call vote

Ayes: Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

Nays: None

Absent: Wilson and President Donnelly

Motion Carried

New Business/Discussion Items:

There were no New Business/Discussion Items at this time.

Old Business/Action Items:

There were no Old Business Action Items at this time.


First Reading of Policy Items 11.1 through 11.9

There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson, to approve first reading policy items 11.1 through 11.9.

A roll call vote

Ayes: Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

Nays: None

Absent: Wilson and President Donnelly

Motion Carried


There were no Personnel Items at this time.

Questions from the Public:

Vice President Bailey asked if there were any Questions from the Public. There were no questions.


There was a motion made by Member Stephens, seconded by Member Anderson to adjourn this meeting at 6:36 p.m.

A roll call vote

Ayes: Anderson, Stephens, Houston, Muszynski, and Vice President Bailey

Nays: None

Absent: Wilson and President Donnelly

Motion Carried
