Board of Election Commissioners of the City of Chicago met May 9.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
I. Call to Order: The Chairwoman called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.
II. Roll Call: Chairwoman Marisel Hernandez, Commissioner Jonathan
Swain and Commissioner William Kresse were all present.
III. Consideration of Agenda: No objections or comments were made
regarding the agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes:
A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 25, 2017
Commissioner Swain moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board
Meeting of April 25, 2017, Commissioner Kresse seconded the motion. The
motion was passed and the Minutes were approved by unanimous vote of the
V. Executive Director's Report
On May 5*^ Executive Director Gough and Communications Director Alien
were on a conference call with a committee to the U.S. Council on Civil Rights
to discuss voting rights. Due to technicaldifficulties during the conference call,
they will need to report more to the Board in the future.
Shobhana Verma, from our office, participated in the South Asian American
Leading Together("SAALT") Conference in Washington, D.C. Mr. Gough
asked Ms. Verma to give a short presentation on what she did at the
Ms. Verma: Thanked Mr. Gough and the Board forthe opportunity to speak
and for representing the Board regarding our language outreach and language
access work.
Ms. Verma reported that the SAALT Conference was a wonderful opportunity
to share about elections and the Chicago Board's language access program.
Many of the attendees were not aware of our language access program and
all the election materials that we prepare in multiple languages, so this was a
great platformto be able to share. Ms. Verma, along with Mr. Allen and
several other Board staff, had puttogethera folder of our materials including
forms, signs, ballots inmultiple language, touch screen images, and bilingual
poll workers language support badges. Ail of which was appreciated and well
Chairwoman: complimented and thanked Ms. Verma for representing the
Board in such a positive way. Commissioner Kresse seconded the comments
by the Chairwoman.
Mr. Gough noted that Jane Lau of our office did a Chinese American Vote
event at the Skokie library and also received positive feedback.
Additionally, Mr. Gough reported that during the week of April 25 he attended
two conferences, both in San Antonio. One was the Council of States
Government which was working on the Overseas Voting Initiative. The Board
received compliments on our outreach to the Military and Overseas. Later that
week the United States Election Assistance Commission's (EAC) Standards
Board meeting took place to discuss Voting Equipment. Mr. Gough was
appointed to the Standards Board forthe next 2 years by the EAC. Mr. Gough
is working on the Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines (WSG) - a copythat
had been approved was supplied to the Commissioners.
Mr. Gough announced that on Friday, May 19*^^ the Board is having an
appreciation luncheon and briefing at the Jones Day firm in appreciation of all
of the people who worked with Equip For Equality on the survey of our polling
places. Mr. Gough stated that he. General Counsel Scanlon and Mr. Allen will
attend the appreciation luncheon and briefing, and asked that If any of the
Commissioners wished to attend to please let him know.
Mr. Gough presented the Commissioners with copies of the article, Ignorance
Does Not Lead to Election Bliss", from The Atlantic which discussed the
failure of the education system to teach Civics. A discussion with the
Commissioners ensued.
A. Assistant Executive Director Report
The Assistant Executive Director had nothing further to report
B. Communications Director Report
Mr. Allen reported that the final touches for the specifications for the mall
canvass were being made. The mall canvass Is an effort to clean up the voter
rolls. Hopefully the canvass will be mailed by July 19, which Is selected as ItIs
past the busy moving season.
Board staff Is also working on accessibility Issues and communicating with the
various agencies whose properties we use as polling places. The City has
been helpful In coordinating this. We will have to have separate dialogues with
the Chicago Housing Authority, Forest Preserve District, CityColleges and a
few others that have properties used as polling places.
Mr. Allen also recognized Mr. Gough and others for presenting In our language
assistance programs. Mr. Allen stated that the Board has many good
"storytellers," such as Shobhana Verma, Bill Perez, Jane Lau, and Monlka
Mysllewlec, and they are coordinated Audra Lewickl.
The Chairwoman asked If Board staff has been in conversation with the LISPS
regarding the canvass. Mr. Allen reported that the Board will provide the
Postal Service with samples In advance to the post office managers so that
they and their carriers will know what itlooks like. We do a second mailing
when pieces come back undellverable. The second mailing is forward-able.
With both mailings we meet with USPS officials.
VI. Old Business
A. Infrastructure Projects and Changes In Election Administration: The Board is
still working on this.
B. Electronic Poll Books: All is well.
C. Voting Equipment: Board staff Is working on an RFP for new equipment.
D. Legislation: General Counsel Scanlon Is keeping Commissioners up to date
with legislation. There are about 13 bills have been passed In their respective
chambers (8 house bills, 5 senate bills).
There Is a hearing this week In the Senate Executive Committee on House Bill
539 having to do with a numberof election judges; Itdoes not affect the City of
Chicago. Also to be discussed Is House Bill 3519 with regard to digitized
signatures. Asfor Senate Bill 1933 regarding automaticvoter registration, that
Bill has been sent over to the House.
Mr. Scanlon will continue to keep the Commissioners apprised of the status of
VII. New Business
A. Agreement with Equip for Equality;
Executive Director Gough reported that an agreementwith Equip for Equality
is something that we have been working on for the last couple of months. We
have asked for an agreement that will go through the 2019 elections. Mr.
Gough is seeking authority to discuss a contract with Equip for Equality, so it
can be presented to the Board.
The Chairwoman about Equip for Equality's role. Mr. Gough answered that
Equipfor Equality will fulfill several items under the Settlement Agreement
between the U.S. Justice Department and the Board such as to survey
locations and to help usfind locations. Also, on election day, Equip for Equality
will be helping Judges of Election place equipment and signs. Equip for
Equality has several hundred people that can go out on Election Day, and the
Board does not have those numbers. Partnering with Equip for Equality will
help with what we need to accomplish with the Settlement Agreement with the
Justice Department.
Mr. Scanlon stated that the Settlement Agreement between the Board and the
Department of Justice requires the Board to retain a third party expert to assist
the Board in a number of areas. Equip for Equality has worked collaboratively
with the Board and the Department of Justice. They are qualified to serve as a
third party expert in terms of access to polling places for people with
disabilities. Mr. Scanlon is confident that the Department of Justice would have
no problem with Equip for Equality serving as the third party expert.
A motion to authorize Mr. Gough to enter intocontract negotiations with Equip
for Equality was moved by Commissioner Swain and seconded by
Commissioner Kresse. Motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
B. Renewal of Support and Maintenance Agreement with Dominion Voting
Systems Inc.:
Mr. Scanlon reported that this proposal would renew the support and
maintenance agreement that the Board entered into with Dominion Voting
Systems for the 2016 election year, pursuant to Section 2.02 of the current
agreement. This proposal is to renew the Agreement for an additional 6 month
period retroactive to January 1, 2017 expiring June 30, 2017, which would
coverthe Special Election in the 4*^ Ward in the City ofChicago on February
28,2017 and those support services were provided by Dominion to the Board
for purposes of that election, including the AskEd help desk services. The
extension of the 2016 Support and Maintenance Agreement with Dominion
Voting Systems for the period January 1, 2017 expiring June 30, 2017 would
be for a cost of $ 225,000.
CommissionerSwain asked that ifnotfor the 4*"^ ward Special Election, this
wouid not be necessary, and whetherthis agreement wouid run a 3-year-on 1-
year-off cycle. Mr. Scanlon responded that essentially, yes, this would have
been our "ofF' year butfor the Special Election. However, these agreements
are normally on a 1-year term because even in non-election, "off', years, there
would be some activity by Dominion, such as preventive maintenance.
However, this year the activity was more robust because of the Special
Commissioner Kresse moved to approve the Renewai of Support and
Maintenance Agreement with Dominion Voting Systems Inc., Commissioner
Swain seconded the motion. The motion passed by a 3:0 vote of the Board.
VIII. Legal Report: The General Counsel has nothing to report at this time.
IX. Financial Report: none
X. Public Comment:
A. Daniel Sheehan, Clean Count Cook County (CCCC)
Mr. Sheehan asked whether the renewal with Dominion was retroactive for
January 1-June 30,2017 and about the amount. Mr. Scanlon replied that it
was retroactive to those dates and was for $225,000
Mr. Sheehan also asked what kind of group is Equip for Equality. The
Chairwoman stated that it was a non-profit organization and referred Mr.
Sheehan to Equip for Equality's website.
XI. Mr. Sheehan had further questions about Equip for Equality, which the
Chairwoman, Mr. Gough and Mr. Allen addressed. Executive Session: None
XII. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn until the next Regular Board Meeting of May
23,2017 at 9:00 A.M. was made byCommissioner Kresse and seconded by
Commissioner Swain. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board and
this meeting was adjourned at 9:39 A.M.