
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicago Plan Commission met June 20.

Webp meet

Chicago Plan Commission met June 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

A. Roll Call

B. Approval of Minutes from the June 15, 2017 Chicago Plan Commission

C. Matters to be Heard in Accordance with the Inter-Agency Planning Referral Act:

Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition

1. A resolution recommending a proposed ordinance authorizing use of the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program for the sale of city-owned land, generally located at 2619 West Luther Street, to Felicitas Gutierrez (17-042-21; 12th Ward)

2. A resolution recommending a proposed ordinance authorizing use of the Adjacent Neighbors Land Acquisition Program for the sale of city-owned land, generally located at 6418 South Langley Avenue, to Phillip Jones (17-042-21; 20th Ward).

Sealed Bid

1. A resolution recommending a proposed ordinance authorizing a Sealed Bid sale of city-owned land, generally located at 2700-04 West Lexington Street, to Robert Muzikowski (17-044-21; 28th Ward)

D. Matters Submitted In Accordance With The Lake Michigan And Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance And/Or The Chicago Zoning Ordinance:

1. Proposed zoning map amendments within the North Branch Industrial Corridor and text amendments to the Chicago Municipal Code in order to implement the North Branch Framework land use plan, which was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission at its meeting on May 18, 2017, including amendments that would, pursuant to Sections 17-13-0705 and 17-13-0711 of the Municipal Code: repeal Planned Manufacturing District 1; reduce the boundaries and change the regulations affecting Planned Manufacturing Districts 2, 3 and 5; rezone the former Planned Manufacturing District property to the zoning district classification that was in effect

immediately before such property was zoned Planned Manufacturing District or, if such prior zoning district classification no longer exists, then to the equivalent zoning district classification, as indicated in Section 17-1-1406 of the Municipal Code; and, create a new North Branch Corridor Overlay District with three subdistricts (North, Central and South). (MA234; 2nd, 27th, 32nd, 42nd and 43rd Wards)

2. A resolution recommending approval of the Pilsen and Little Village Action Plan which is a summary of specific issues and opportunities facing the communities of Pilsen and Little Village, as gathered and compiled by the Department of Planning and Development in partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. Focusing specifically on land use, economic development, cultural assets, housing, industrial land uses and open space, the Action Plan covers the area generally bounded by the Metra/BNSF rail line to the north, the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal to the south, I-90/94 (Dan Ryan) Expressway to the east and South Kostner Avenue to the west. (11th, 12th, 22nd, 24th and 25th Wards)

3. A proposed planned development, submitted by Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation, for the property generally located at 2037 North Milwaukee Avenue. The site is currently zoned B3-1 (Community Shopping). The applicant proposes to rezone the site to B3-5 prior to establishing this planned development which will include an 80’-tall building with 88 dwelling units, 18 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces and ground floor retail space. (19100; 1st Ward)

4. A proposed planned development, submitted by EREG Development LLC, for the property generally located at 2402 West Pratt Boulevard. The site is currently zoned RS-2 and RS-3 (Residential Single-Unit, Detached House). The applicant proposes to rezone the site to B3-3 (Community Shopping) prior to establishing this planned development which will include a 60’-tall, four-story building with a Chicago Public Library and community space on the first floor, 44 elderly housing units on floors 2-4 and 40 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces. (19274; 50th Ward)

5. A proposed planned development, submitted by EREG Development LLC, for the property generally located at 4022 North Elston Avenue. The site is currently zoned C2-2 (Motor Vehicle-Related Commercial). The applicant proposes to rezone the site to B3-3 (Community Shopping) prior to establishing this planned development which will include a 78’-tall, six-story building with a Chicago Public Library and community space on the first two floors, 44 elderly housing units on floors 3-6 and 29 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces. (19273; 45 th Ward)

6. A proposed amendment to an existing planned development, submitted by 46th Ward Alderman James Cappleman, for the property generally located at 4700 North Marine Drive. The site is currently zoned Planned Development 37 and is within Sub-Area A. The applicant proposes to divide Sub-Area A into two sub areas; Sub-Area A1 will contain the existing Weiss Memorial Hospital and to which no changes are proposed; Sub-Area A2 will contain the existing Medical Office Building with ground-floor retail, its associated bulk and uses will be amended to include: elderly housing and assisted housing. No other changes are proposed to any other aspect of PD 37. Upon completion, PD 37 will be re-established, as amended. (46th Ward)

7. A proposed Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance application, submitted by 521 Diversey LLC, for the property generally located at 521 West Diversey Parkway and 2773 North Hampden Court and within the Private-Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The site is currently zoned B1-5 (Neighborhood Shopping) and will remain as such prior to the applicant constructing a 75’-tall building containing 30 dwelling units, 36 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces and ground floor retail space. (LPO710; 43rd Ward)

8. A proposed Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance application, submitted by 2751 Hampden Court LLC, for the property generally located at 2753 North Hampden Court and within the Private-Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The site is currently zoned RM-6 (Residential Multi-Unit) and will remain as such prior to the applicant constructing a 78’-tall building containing 15 dwelling units and 27 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces. (LPO711; 43rd Ward)

9. A proposed Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection Ordinance application, submitted by Acadia 56 East Walton, LLC, for the property generally located at 56 East Walton Street and within the Private-Use Zone of the Lake Michigan and Chicago Lakefront Protection District. The site is currently zoned DX-7 (Downtown Mixed-Use) and will remain as such prior to the applicant renovating the front façade and decreasing the front setback, of the existing 39’3”-tall, three-story commercial building at this location, from 2’8” to 0’1”. (LPO714; 42nd Ward)

10. A proposed amendment to an existing planned development, submitted by Kingsbury Estates Revocable Trust, for the property generally located at 701 North Kingsbury Street. The site is currently zoned Planned Development 447 and is within Sub-Area A3. The applicant proposes to expand the existing, four-story, single-family home at this location by up to 1,853.5 square feet by utilizing the Downtown Floor Area Bonus. Upon completion, PD 447 will be re-established, as amended (19289; 42nd Ward)

11. A proposed map amendment within the Armitage Industrial Corridor submitted by 36th Ward Alderman Gilbert Villegas, for the property generally located at 5017-50 West Grand, 1921-27 and 1922-32 North LeClaire and 1927-35 North Leamington Avenues. The site is currently zoned M1-2 (Limited Manufacturing/Business Park). The applicant proposes to rezone the site to B2-2 (Neighborhood Mixed-Use); however, no changes are proposed to any subject properties. (A8230; 36th Ward)

12. A proposed amendment to an existing planned development, submitted by 1001 Chicago LLC, for the property generally located at 1001 West Chicago Avenue and 727 North Milwaukee Avenue. The property, commonly known as 1001 West Chicago Avenue, is currently zoned Planned Development 1263 and is improved with a 12-story mixed-use building and a 15-story mixed-use building. The property, commonly known as 727 North Milwaukee Avenue, is currently zoned DX-5 (Downtown Mixed-Use) and is improved with a two-story commercial building. The applicant is seeking to expand the boundaries of PD 1263 to include the 727 North Milwaukee Avenue property, demolish the existing structure located at 727 North Milwaukee Avenue and establish a 47’-tall, two-story, commercial building. Upon completion, PD 1263 will be re-established, as amended and expanded. (19244; 27th Ward)

13. A proposed amendment to an existing planned development, submitted by the Public Building Commission on behalf of City Colleges of Chicago, for the property generally located at 4001-41 West 74th Street, 7400-70 South Pulaski Road, 4000-40, 4029-4215 and 4201-15 West 76th Street and 4032-4214 West 77th Street. The portion of the subject property currently zoned Planned Development 216 is improved with the Daley City College Campus; a vacant retail banking facility is located outside the PD, at 4201-42 West 76th Street, and is currently zoned B3-1 (Community Shopping). The applicant is seeking to rezone the 4201-42 West 76th Street property to RT-4 (Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit) and expand the boundaries of PD 216 to include the 4201-42 West 76th Street property before re-establishing PD 216, as amended and expanded, in order to permit the replacement of the existing pedestrian bridge over West 76th Street and the construction of a two-story, academic building. (19020; 18th Ward)

14. A proposed amendment to an existing planned development, submitted by Glenstar O’Hare LLC, for the property generally located at 8535 West Higgins Road. The site is currently zoned Planned Development 44 and is within Sub-Area B. The applicant proposes to divide Sub-Area B into three sub areas; Sub-Area B1 will include a 90’ tall, seven-story building with 297 dwelling units and 270 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces; Sub-Areas B2 and B3 will retain previously approved development rights for a future office development with a maximum height of 190’ and 1,230 required, accessory, vehicular, parking spaces. No other changes are proposed to any other aspect of PD 44. Upon completion, PD 44 will be re- established, as amended. (19173; 41st Ward)

