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Illinois Labor Relations Board State Panel met July 11.

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Illinois Labor Relations Board State Panel met July 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Opening of Meeting 11:15 a.m.— at 160 N LaSalle Street, S-400, Chicago, IL

II. Present

John Hartnett, Chairman; Michael Coli, Member of the Board; Kathryn Zeledon Nelson, Member of the Board; John Samolis, Member of the Board; Keith Snyder, Member of the Board; Kimberly Stevens, Executive Director; Helen J. Kim, General Counsel; Anna Hamburg-Gal, Associate General Counsel; and staff members.

III. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting Held June 13, 2017

Chairman Hartnett called for approval of the minutes of the June 13, 2017 meeting. Member Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Member Samolis seconded. The Board passed the motion unanimously, by a voice vote.

IV. Executive Session

Chairman Hartnett requested that the Board to go into executive session Pursuant to Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act, to discuss pending litigation in matter Case No. 16 CH 15737. Member Nelson made a motion to leave open session, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote. Member Samolis made a motion to go into executive session, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote. Discussion on the pending circuit court litigation matter ensued. At the end of the discussion, Member Samolis made a motion to leave executive session, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote. Member Snyder then made a motion to return to open session, the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

V. Board Actions

1. Approval of the Resolution of American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31 v. Illinois Labor Relations Board, State Panel, Case No. 16 CH 15737

General Counsel Kim read the draft agreed order that had been proposed to resolve the lawsuit filed by AFSCME Council 31 against the Board in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Case No. 16 CH 15737. Member Coli made a motion to adopt the approved language of the proposed agreed order and payment of attorney’s fees to AFSCME, Council 31, to resolve litigation in this matter. Member Nelson seconded the motion, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

2. Case No. S-RC-15-084

International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150/City of McHenry (Public Works Department)

General Counsel Kim called the case, and noted that no party filed exceptions to Administrative Law Judge Heery’s Recommended Decision and Order. The Board declined to review the decision on its own motion.

3. Case No. S-CA-15-062

Teamsters, Local 722/State of Illinois, Department of Central Management Services (State Police)

Executive Director Stevens, as Acting General Counsel, called the case, and noted that no party filed exceptions to Administrative Law Judge Kehoe’s Recommended Decision and Order. The Board declined to review the decision on its own motion.

4. Case No. S-CB-17-022

Randy L. Railey/Metropolitan Alliance of Police

General Counsel Kim called and presented the issues of the case to the Board. After discussion, Member Nelson moved to accept the Executive Director dismissal with modifications. Member Coli seconded the motion, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

VI. Review of Proposed Written Decisions and Orders

1. Case No. S-CB-16-023

State of Illinois, Department of Central Management Services/Troopers Lodge #41, Fraternal Order of Police

Executive Director Stevens, as Acting General Counsel, called the case. Member Samolis made a motion to approve the proposed written decision. Member Coli seconded the motion, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

2. Case No. S-CA-14-053

Skokie Firefighters Local 3033, IAFF/Village of Skokie

General Counsel Kim called the case stating that the Appellate Court of Illinois, First District, issued its opinion and mandate in Appellate Court Case No. 1-15-2478 reversing the Board’s decision in the underlying Board case and remanding to the Board with directions to vacate the Board’s previous Decision and Order in Case No. S-CA-14-053 and issue an order finding an unfair labor practice. Member Coli made a motion to approve the proposed written decision. Member Samolis seconded the motion, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

VII. Public Comment

No members of the public sought to make comments.

VIII. Adjournment

Chairman Hartnett called for a motion to adjourn. Member Coli moved to adjourn the meeting, and the Board passed it unanimously, by a voice vote.

Adopted and approved by the Chairman and Members of the State Panel of the Illinois Labor Relations Board, in Chicago, Illinois, this 8th day of August, 2017.
