
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, March 15, 2025

City of Chicago Board of Election Commissioners met September 26.

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City of Chicago Board of Election Commissioners met September 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order: The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.

II. Roll Call: All Members were present.

III. Consideration of Agenda: The agenda was accepted as presented.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of August 22, 2017: Commissioner Swain moved to approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of August 22, 2017. Commissioner Kresse seconded the motion. The Minutes were approved by a 3:0 vote of the Board

V. Executive Director's Report

Executive Director Lance Gough announced that he, Communications Director Jim Allen, and General Counsel Adam Lasker attended a briefing by the City regarding Municipal IDs. City officials asked if the Board would be willing to help. Mr. Gough told City officials that the Board would be willing to help.

Mr. Gough advised that the Board will appear at a budget hearing for the Cook County Board at 2:00 p.m. on October 25.

Mr. Gough also stated that the Board will be working with the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center. It Is a good resource for government agencies to share Information regarding data hacks and other matters.

In anticipation of the 2018 election, Board staff will be meeting regarding forms, the Judges Handbook and other items.

During the past weekend the Board was open for the checking of petitions.

Finally, Mr. Gough stated that this day Is National Registration Day. Mr. Gough thanked Mr. Allen for a press release regarding registration and Automatic Voter Registration (AVR).

A. Assistant Executive Director

B. Communications Director

Mr. Allen stated that, as Mr. Gough referenced, a news release was Issued about AVR, and specifically that AVR will not be fully implemented for some time.

Mr. Allen also announced that the Board, along with the County Clerk's Office, will participate in an event on October 26th sponsored by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform. The event is a panel discussion on election security and will be held in the lower Level conference room.

The Board has also received an invitation from League of Women Voters to participate in an event on November l7th; we will be making a decision on that depending on the scheduling.

VI. Old Business

A. Infrastructure Projects and Changes in Election Administration: Mr. Gough reported that the voting equipment RFP has been issued and that we should be entering the second phase soon.

B. Electronic Poll Books: Mr. Allen reported that we are continuing to work with the vendor on refining the file requirements. There are also some other issues that we are working to resolve.

C. Voting Equipment: Previously addressed.

D. Legislation: General Counsel Lasker had nothing to report.

VII. New Business

A. Approval of Professional Services Agreements between the Board of Election Commissioners and certain individuals. These individuals who have provided services to the Board for many years as consultants. The Chairwoman stated that agreements needed to be renewed, noting that there are no changes to these agreements except for the date. Mr. Lasker and Mr. Gough confirmed that the only changes were as to the dates. The terms of the agreements are July 1,2017 to June 30,2018.

1. Contract with Dean Ftikas: provides that he will serve as consultant to the Board, and to advise the staff on warehouse and storage needs and to assist the Board in planning construction and moving into new warehouse facilities and reiated activities. Term: July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018 at a rate of S65.00/hour, provided that payments not exceed $25,000 over the term of this agreement The Board will reimburse the contractor for actual and reasonable travel and incidental expenses, if any, incurred in the performance of his duties. Commissioner Kresse moved to approve the agreement. Commissioner Swain seconded the motion. The motion passed and the agreement was approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

2. Contract with Guillermo Perez: to assist and advise the Board on issues related to the Board's responsibilities under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Language Assistance Act, to provide voting information to members of the Spanish speaking community in the City of Chicago, act as the Board's liaison to the Hispanic Advisory Committee on issues related to serving the needs of the Spanish speaking individuals and to expand their opportunity to vote, and to act as a representative of the Board to the Hispanic media on matters of Importance to Hispanic voters. Term: July 1, 2017 - June 30,2018; payments shall be at a rate of $50/hour provided that such payments not exceed $50,000 over the term of the contract. The Board will reimburse the contractor for actual and reasonable travel and incidental expenses. If any, incurred in the performance of his duties. Commissioner Swain made a motion to approve the contract. Commissioner Kresse seconded the motion. The motion passed and the contract was approved by a 3:0 vote of the Board.

3. Contract with Gary M. Rycyzyn: to serve as Ballot Preparation Specialist to the Board; attend meetings between representatives of Dominion Voting Systems Inc., and the Board to discuss ballot requirements and preparations; assist in the development of ballot layout for both the Insight and the Edge 2 Plus, including tracking and seeking resolution to ballot layout problems, such as the ability to add or remove candidate names at any time during the process through Election Day if so ordered by the courts; supervise ballot quality control and print orders, Including proofing and approving Insight ballots for printing, ballot quantity, military/overseas/absentee ballots to be mailed before each election; be responsible for final ballot layout presentation for the Insight for Grace Period voting and Early Voting; be responsible for the preparation and circulation of ballot printing bid specifications and co-chair all bid conferences; and perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Director. Term of the agreement: July 1,2017 - June 30, 2017 at $65.00/hour, provided that the payments not exceed $70,000 over the term of this agreement. The Board will reimburse the contractor for actual and reasonable travel and incidental expenses, If any, incurred in the performance of his duties. Commissioner Kresse moved to approve the contract. Commissioner Swain seconded the motion. The motion passed and the agreement were approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

4. Contract with Shobhana Johri Verma: to assist and advise the Board on issues related to the Board's responsibilities under Section 203 of the Voting Rights Languages Assistance Act to provide voting information to members of the Asian-Indian community in the City of Chicago; act as the Board's liaison to the Asian-Indian community on issues related to serving the needs of Asian-indian voters and to expanding their opportunity to vote; and act as a representative of the Board to the Asian-indian media on matters of importance to Asian-Indian voters. The contract term: July 1, 2017 through June 30,2018; to be paid the sum of S45.00/hour, provided the payments shall not exceed $90,000 over the term of the agreement. The Board will reimburse actual and reasonable travel and incidental expenses, if any, incurred in the performance of her duties. Commissioner Swain made a motion to approve this agreement. Commissioner Kresse seconded the motion. The motion passed and the contract was approved by unanimous vote of the Board.

5. Contract with Sarita Villarreal: to assist and advise the Board on issues related to the Board's responsibilities of Section 203 of the Voting Rights Languages Assistance Act to provide voting information to members of the Spanish-speaking community in the City of Chicago; assist and advise the Board's liaison to the Hispanic Advisory Committee on issues related to serving the needs of Spanish-speaking individuals and to expanding their opportunity to vote; and act as a representative of the Board to the Hispanic media on matters of importance to Hispanic voters. Term: July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018; to be paid In the amount of $35.00/hour, provided that such payments do not exceed $70,000 over the term of this agreement. The Board will reimburse actual and reasonable travel and incidental expenses, if any, incurred In the performance of her duty. Commissioner Kresse moved to approve this agreement. Commissioner Swain seconded this motion. The motion was passed and the agreement was approved by a unanimous vote of the Board.

B. Award of the contract for Court Reporting and Transcription Services: Purchasing Agent Lorel Blameuser addressed the Board, noting that this is a contract for one year, with contractor Veritext Corporation. Ms. Blameuser stated that a Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued, and explained the process that led to Veritext being awarded the contract. The Purchasing Agent also informed the Board that in the event Veritext cannot provide the services needed by the Board, that the Board may be asked to issue an emergency contract. If this were to occur, the emergency contract would be competitively bid as would be economically feasible.

Discussion regarding this contract ensued among the Commissioners and Board staff.

As to the Purchasing Agenf s recommendation for the award of a contract to Verltext Corporation for Court Reporting and Transcription Services for the 2018 Election cycle, for the contract year beginning September 26,2017 through September 25,2018 for an amount not to exceed $165,000 dollars. Commissioner Kresse moved to accept the recommendation and award the contract to Verltext, Corporation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Swain. The motion passed and the contract was awarded by 3:0 vote of the Board.

VIII. Legal Report

General Counsel Lasker reported that he had received that morning confirmation from the attorneys for ES&S that their vendor Kroll will be issuing an "email blast" and public notices on Thursday of this week. Discussion ensued.

Mr. Lasker also reported that U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed the district court ruling that the Illinois' "full slate rule" for new party candidates Is unconstitutional. [Libertarian Partyof Illinois vs. Illinois]

Mr. Lasker also reported on a development In a lawsuit In the Circuit Court of Cook County Involving the Chicago and Cook County Republican Party organizations and a person who had been elected a Ward Republican Commltteeman. Discussion ensued.

IX. Financial Report

A. Balance Sheet and Voucher Listings for the City of Chicago - 2017 Appropriation -17- 08 dated September 26,2017 in the amount of $376,091.12. Commissioner Kresse moved to approve. Commissioner Swain seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

B. Balance Sheet and Voucher Listings for the County of Cook - 2017 Appropriation -17- 03 dated September 26,2017 in the amount of $38,370.00. Commissioner Swain moved to approve, Commissioner Kresse seconded the motion and the motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board.

X. Public Comment: None

XI. Executive Session: None

XII. Adjournment: Commissioner Kresse moved to adjourn until the next scheduled Regular Board meeting on October l0th at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Swain seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 a.m.
