
Chicago City Wire

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Public Building Commission of Chicago met October 19.

Webp chairs

Public Building Commission of Chicago met October 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

The Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago reconvened into a Special Board Meeting pursuant to the Open Meetings Act (50 ILCS 120) in the Board Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, Richard J. Daley Center on October 19, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.

The following Commissioners were present:

Chairman Rahm Emanuel

Olga Camargo

Jose Maldonado, Jr.

Toni Preckwinkle

Arnold Randall

Jesse H. Ruiz

Samuel Wm. Sax

David Todd Whittley

Also present were:

Carina E. Sanchez

J. Akintonde K. LaJeune J. Pietrzyk

G. Blakemore L. Lypson F. Rico

J. Borkman T. McElroy K. Robinson

V. Colla L. McGuire J. Rodriguez

D. Deering J. Maldonado N. Siddiqui

M. DeRuntz A. Maniscalco E. Fisk-Smith

R. DeVaughn A. Marti K. Smith

P. Doyle J. Martinez R. Taber

A. Fredd R. Mitchell B. Vevea

B. Gallo P. Montenegro T. Foucher-Weekley

L. Giderof L. Neal R. Westbrook

R. Giderof B. Newmark W. Whitaker

G. Grady A. O’Banion H. Whiteurst

L. Granato B. Payne J. Zito

B. Israel N. Perez

The Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission was called to order by Chairman Rahm Emanuel and the presence of a quorum was established.

Following the roll call, a public participation period was conducted pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act. Bob Israel and George Blakemore had previously registered to provide comments under the guidelines established by Resolution No. 7611 approved by the Board of Commissioners on January 11, 2011. Mr. Israel provided comments regarding the need for employment opportunities and contracts for persons who live in the communities where Public Building Commission projects are being constructed. He also expressed concern that the same companies seemed to receive more contracts. Mr. Blakemore provided comments regarding the need for African American leaders to be more vocal in advocating for employment opportunities and public contracts for the African-American community. He also provided comments relative to “set asides” for black people.

The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of the appointment of UJAMAA/Power Joint Venture to provide Design Build Services for the new South Side High School Project located at 6835 South Normal Boulevard (the “Project”). The Commissioners were advised that PBC staff in collaboration with CPS staff have reviewed the responses submitted to the solicitation of Design-Build Services for the Project pursuant to a two-phase (Phase I – Qualifications and Phase II – Technical & Cost) procurement process and recommended the appointment of the UJAMAA/Power Joint Venture team led by UJAMAA Construction (MBE). The design will be led by architectural firms Moody Nolan and Brook Architecture-MBE) for the Design Build Project. The Evaluation Committee determined that the UJAMAA/Power Joint Venture team demonstrated the requisite experience and commitment to achieving the goals of the Project as well as an understanding of the Design-Build process. Further, the joint venture team committed to exceed the MBE/WBE goals of 34% and 6%, respectively, for the design and construction services necessary to complete the Project. PBC in collaboration with CPS will negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to complete the design and construction of the Project within the total approved budget. Following discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was approved:

Resolution No. 8415

Be It Resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission of Chicago hereby approves the appointment of UJAMAA/Power to provide Design Build Services for the new South Side High School Project located at 6835 South Normal Boulevard.

Be It Further Resolved that the Executive Director and the appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Design-Build Agreement to complete the initial design and commence pre- construction services and, in collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools, negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) with UJAMAA/Power Joint Venture to complete the design and construction of the Project within the total approved budget.

Be It Further Resolved that the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission are hereby authorized and directed to undertake such further actions and to execute such documents, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, as may be necessary and appropriate in order to implement this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo,

Jose G. Maldonado, Toni Preckwinkle,

Arnold Randall, Samuel Wm. Sax

and David Todd Whittley – 7

Commissioners voting to abstain:

Jesse H. Ruiz - 1

Commissioners voting in the negative:


The next item on the agenda was consideration of approval of a request from the Board of Education to transfer and convey the former Charles W. Earle school site located at 6121 S. Hermitage to Gorman & Company Inc. The Commissioners were advised that the Board of Education has approved the sale and conveyance of the property to Gorman & Company for $200,000 to convert and redevelop the Property with 50-65 affordable housing units for seniors. The former auditorium, gym, playground and garden will be available for community use. According to Board Report No. 17-0927-OP1, approved September 27, 2917, the property is no longer needed for school use and is being sold “as is, where is”. The quit claim deed conveying the property will include restrictive covenants as set forth in the Board Report. On motion duly and made, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolution No. 8416

Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Public Building Commission that the request from the Chicago Board of Education for the Public Building Commission to transfer title to the following-described property to the designated grantee as approved by the Chicago Board of Education is hereby approved:

Name of Facility: Former Charles W. Earle School

Property Address: 6121 S. Hermitage

Permanent Index Numbers: 20-18-421-001, 20-18-421-011 and 20-18- 421-024

Grantee: Gorman & Company Inc.

Purchase Price: $200,000.00

Board Report 17-0927-OP1

Legal Description: Lots 1 To 24, Inclusive, And Lots 28 To 48, Inclusive, In Block 3 In Englewood On The Hill, A Subdivision Of The Southeast Quarter Of The Southeast Quarter Of Section 18, Township 38 North, Range 14, East Of The Third Principal Meridian.


Lots 1 And 2 In The Resubdivision Of Lots 25, 26 And

27 In Block 3 In Englewood On The Hill Subdivision Aforesaid, All In Cook County, Illinois; Also All Vacated Alleys In Said Block 3.

Be It Further Resolved that the Public Building Commission hereby authorizes and directs the Executive Director and appropriate officials of the Public Building Commission to undertake such actions and to execute, upon approval by Legal Counsel as to form and legality, quit claim deeds and such additional documents as may be necessary and appropriate in order to effectuate this Resolution.

Commissioners voting in the affirmative:

Rahm Emanuel, Olga Camargo,

Jose G. Maldonado, Toni Preckwinkle,

Arnold Randall, Jesse H. Ruiz,

Samuel Wm. Sax and David Todd Whittley – 8

Commissioners voting in the negative:


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
