
Chicago City Wire

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Chicago Public Library Board of Directors met November 21.

Webp meeting 10

Chicago Public Library Board of Directors met November 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1.Approval of minutes for the September 19, 2017 and October 17, 2017 meetings (action required)

2.2018 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule (action required)

3.CPL Capital Projects and Facilities Report (info only)

4.Commissioner’s Report (info only)

•Special Report: 2018 Budget Update

•Operation Warm-Rotary - CPL Coat Give-Away

•International Day of Games

•CPL Event Highlights

•All Chicago Public Library locations will be closed on the following dates:

oThursday, November 23rd

oSunday, December 24th

oMonday, December 25th

oSunday, December 31st

oMonday, January 1, 2018

5.Chicago Public Library Foundation Report (info only)

6.Other Business

7.Public Comment

Next Board meeting:

December 19, 2017, 9:00 a.m.

Harold Washington Library Center

400 S. State Street

Lower Level, Multi-Purpose Room

Open Session Minutes

Physically Present: Linda Johnson Rice, Christopher Valenti, Lynn Lockwood, Dominique Jordan Turner, Patricia Gaytan Perez, Barbara Bowman, Jodi Block

Present by Means of Video or Audio Conference: None

Absent: Denise Gardner

Approval of minutes for the September 19, 2017 and October 17, 2017 meetings (action required)

The Board approved (7-0) the minutes of the September 19, 2017 and October 17, 2017 meetings.

2018 Board of Directors Meeting Schedule (action required)

Commissioner Bannon presented the 2018 Board of Directors meeting schedule as follows:

•January 16th at the Harold Washington Library Center

•March 20th at Harold Washington Library Center

•April 17th at the Austin Branch Library

•May 15th at Harold Washington Library Center

•June 19th at the Blackstone Branch Library

•September 18th at Harold Washington Library Center

•October 16th at the Woodson Regional Library

•November 20th at Harold Washington Library Center

•December 18th Harold Washington Library Center

•The Board approved (7-0) the 2018 Board of Directors meeting schedule.

CPL Capital Projects and Facilities Report (info only)

Andrea Telli, Assistant Commissioner for Neighborhood Services, presented the report on Capital Projects and highlighted the following:

CHA Partnerships

•Independence – New construction of a 16,000 square foot public library building in a planned development with 44 senior housing units; design architect is John Ronan and developer is Evergreen Real Estate Group. Milestones and current activity: Designs are being finalized, including interior finishes and furniture plan; construction to begin Q1 2018 with completion in Q4 2018.

•Northtown - New construction of a 16,000 square foot public library building in a planned development with 44 senior housing units; design architect is Perkins + Will and developer is Evergreen Real Estate Group. Milestones and current activity: designs are being finalized; RFQ for the public art project is now live on Café (www.callforentry.org), due date for submission is December 22nd; construction to begin Q1 2018 with completion in Q4 2018.

•Roosevelt - New construction of a 16,000 square foot branch library in a planned development with 73 multi-family housing units; design architect is Skidmore Owings & Merrill and developer is Related Midwest. Milestones and current activity: designs are in progress; issue for bid released for general contractor; construction to begin late Q4 2017 with expected completion Q4 2018.

•Altgeld – (No Change) Site to combine a CPL library branch with an early childhood center; design architect is Koo & Associates. Milestones and current activity: design is in progress; issue for bid has been released for general contractor; construction to start late 4Q 2017 for completion in 4Q 2018.

•Chicago Bee - 2FM will design and project management with CHA financing. Scope: full renovation and reconfiguration of first floor to provide additional early learning space and a YOUmedia; adult area to be expanded to second floor; upgrades to mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems; LED lighting upgrades throughout; installation of additional power and data throughout; Milestones and current activity: design is complete and contractor pricing is underway; tenant has been notified to vacate the second floor by Dec 31st; construction (with library closure) will begin January 16, 2018; project completion is scheduled for 3Q 2018.

Full Renovation and Expansion

•Whitney Young – bKL is the design architect, Johnson & Lee is the architect on record and the project will be managed by PBC. Scope: renovation and addition to the existing 10,400 sq. ft. library. Milestones and current activity: branch closed to the public on 10/6/17; project to be deployed in 2 phases: Phase 1 (10/20/17-1/31/18) will consist of mobilization, community intake meetings, permitting, submittals, material procurement, abatement, interior demolition; Phase 2 (2/1/18-10/15/18) will include new addition and renovation; PBC is holding weekly construction and mobilization meetings; substantial completion by 4Q 2018.

Developer Project

•West Loop – Sterling Bay is the developer for this project with Skidmore, Owings & Merrill as design architect. Scope: proposed 17,000 sq. ft. library in an existing office building. Milestones and current activity: schematic design was presented 11/16; construction to begin in 2Q 2018 with expected completion 4Q 2018; the name of the branch will be revised and presented to the Board for approval at a later date.

Major Maintenance and Repair Projects

•Blackstone – Scope: Phase 1 includes complete exterior tuck-pointing, roofing and foundation wall repairs, repairs to the glass dome in the lobby, plaster repairs throughout, mosaic tile floor repairs with new flooring, build out of an early learning space, staff kitchen repairs; Phase 2 entails supplemental scope to include renovation of circulation desk and new building automation system. Milestones and current activity: Phase 1 exterior work and interior repairs are complete; Phase 2 for a new BAS to better control the temperatures in the library, and new circulation desk has begun; project completion is anticipated for 1Q 2018.

•Kelly – Scope: envelope repairs and landscaping, new entry door and stairs, window repairs, new fire alarm system, additional power and data, YOUmedia and early learning build outs, new LED lighting and new flooring, upgrades to the circulation desk, restroom and staff areas, and paint throughout. Milestones and Current Activity: masonry tuck-pointing work is complete; main entry stair construction is in progress with anticipated completion by third week in November; interior work is scheduled to begin in December starting with the YOUmedia Lab on the 2nd floor and fire alarm system installation; exterior work is scheduled to be complete by the end of the year and interior work is estimated to be complete in 1Q 2018.

•Austin – Scope: replacement of existing gravel roof with new, energy efficient roofing system, replacement of skylight over circulation desk, exterior masonry walls, lintels and windows will be tuck-pointed and sealed, upgrades to circulation desk, new flooring and paint throughout. Milestones and Current Activity: roof and skylight replacement work is 95% complete; masonry tuck-pointing of the building envelope is underway; interior improvements with added scope will begin in December; branch reopening is scheduled for January 2018.

•North Austin – Scope: upgrades to the exterior masonry tuck-pointing, new flooring and paint throughout, upgraded circulation desk, restroom upgrades. Milestones and current activity: exterior masonry tuck-pointing started on October 16th and will be completed by December 1st; interior upgrades are scheduled to begin on December 4th; substantial completion is anticipated in 1Q 2018.

•Sulzer - Phase 2 scope includes: new carpet and flooring, construction of a new meeting room on the second floor, restoration of existing built-ins throughout, paint throughout, electrical and data upgrades, bathroom upgrades and renovation, early Learning Space build-out, upgrades to the circulation desk area, AV upgrades in the auditorium. Milestones and Current Activity: BAS system installation is complete providing the building with accurate and efficient climate control; contractor was issued a notice to proceed for phase 2 which is expected to begin in December with substantial completion scheduled 1Q18.

•Early Learning Spaces – Early Learning spaces have been completed at the Little Village, West Englewood, West Pullman, Legler, Budlong Woods, Toman, Austin-Irving and South Chicago branches; spaces at the Sherman Park and Thurgood Marshall branches are in progress; For 2018, spaces expected to be completed at Sulzer, Woodson and Kelly branches.

Special Report

•Woodson – Milestones and Current Activity: exterior construction is 90% complete with interior construction at 85% complete; punch lists for the exterior, parking lot, roof and interior have been completed and items are being addressed by the general contractor; 2FM Trades will add additional detailing of the interior of the building once the general contractor has completed their portion of the scope; final completion (GC) is scheduled for November 30th and staff will return to the building in December to prepare for reopening in 1Q 2018. Lynda Schoop, Director of the Woodson Regional library, also highlighted some of Woodson’s key improvements which included an up close look at the windows that have images of Carter G. Woodson and Vivian Harsh embossed into the glass; new lighting and upholstered chairs in the auditorium; new glass staircase; and a new meeting room that was added on the second floor. Staff will return to the branch on December 4th and reopen to the public in February 2018. In preparation for when the branch opens, Ms. Schoop has already begun to establish new community partnerships with organizations such as the Endeleo Institute, North Western and Rush University for an added variety of programming and plans to have a full day of activities on opening day, TBD.

Commissioner’s Report (info only)

Baronica Roberson, Deputy Commissioner of Administration and Finance, gave a report on CPL’s 2018 Budget. CPL receives 3 sources of funding which comes from the City, Chicago Public Library Foundation and the Kelly Fund. The budget request for 2018 consisted of $129,526,000 from the City; $5,706,922 from the Chicago Public Library Foundation; and $55,000 from the Kelly Fund for a total operating budget of $135,287,922. The increase of $8,107,131 from the previous year’s budget is being allocated to cover the cost for the new and expanding library branches to allot for opening day collections, personnel, technology and programming. CPL’s 2018 budget was presented to City Council on October 26th.

Ms. Roberson also presented the 2018 Kelly Fund budget request for approval, this fund is managed by the CPL Board of Directors. For 2018, the Library is requesting $45,000 for professional development and $10,000 for special programs and events.

The Board approved (7-0) the 2018 Kelly Fund budget request.

Commissioner Bannon mentioned a few of the Library's upcoming and past events:

•Through a partnership with Operation Warm and the Rotary of Wilmette, the Children’s Services department piloted two winter coat giveaways in two branch libraries on Saturday, November 4th and Monday, November 6th and contributed nearly 400 coats to children in need.

•The Library's Games Team hosted its fourth annual International Games Day @ Your Library on Saturday November 4th at the Harold Washington Library Center. An estimated 280 people attended the event.

•CPL’s annual series of "Holiday Concerts" will be taking place on select days beginning Mon, Dec 4th through Fri, Dec 15th, all concerts will begin at 12:15 pm.

•On Mon, December 11th at 7 p.m., CPL will offer a free staged reading of this classic one-act play “The Long Christmas Dinner” by Thornton Wilder.

•All Chicago Public Library locations will be closed on: Thursday, November 23rd, Sunday, December 24th, Monday, December 25th, Sunday, December 31st and Monday, Jan 1, 2018.

Chicago Public Library Foundation Report (info only)

Veronica Brown, Director of Individual Giving and Major Gifts, presented the Chicago Public Library Foundation report. The Foundation has had much success in fundraising this year and are projecting that fundraising revenue and budget savings are sufficient to deliver a balanced budget for the year. Restricted gifts to the Foundation since September 25th total more than $450,000 and in unrestricted revenue, the 2017 Sandburg Dinner raised more than $1.9 million.

Other Business


Public Comment

Remarks from the audience were received in regards to more adding assistive technology at neighborhood branches such as Jaws software and NLS recorders.

Next Board Meeting

The next board meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 19, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at the Harold Washington Library Center located at 400 S. State Street.

Commissioner’s Report

Special Report: 2018 Budget Update

Operation Warm-Rotary - CPL Coat Give-Away

On Saturday, November 4th and Monday, November 6th, Children’s Services piloted two winter coat giveaways in two branch libraries. Through a partnership with Operation Warm and the Rotary of Wilmette, CPL gave approximately 400 coats to children in need. The coat giveaway also served as a community family festival day where we highlighted Teacher in the Library, Science Experiment Backpacks for Check Out and the Citywide Library Card Campaign as well as ongoing programs and services. We had contiguously running programs including Giant Word Winder (the floor game that builds literacy and math skills), puppet making, and STEM activities with MSI and live musical programs. Over 100 library card applications were distributed on these two days and nearly 600 books were also given out from Operation Warm and from CPL to children in need.

Former NFL player, Charlie Brown, was also present at both drives to help kids choose coats. Although CPL has never hosted a coat giveaway before, the enormous success of this results in us looking at ways to deepen our partnership with Operation Warm and provide coat giveaway/library community days in more libraries next year.

International Day of Games

On Saturday November 4, the Library's Games Team hosted its fourth annual International Games Day @ Your Library, a mini-convention at the Harold Washington Library Center. Approximately 280 people attended the event. Over 40 local game developers representing 18 organizations volunteered to co-host the event. Gamers of all ages and backgrounds kept the room’s busy playing tabletop and video games. The event was also designed to allow budding game developers an opportunity to network with each other to support economic development within the game industry of Chicago.

Participants were encouraged to discover Harold Washington Library Center up close by navigating an in-library puzzle hunt. Twenty-five teams participated. The day closed with a local improv group performing a game of Dungeons and Dragons live, with audience prompts and suggestions driving the story.

While the event was open to all ages, it is primarily focused on addressing the needs of the emerging adult (ages 20-35) population of Chicago. Future game events are planned for this adult population in the new year.

CPL Event Highlights

•Holiday Concert Series - Sounds of the season will ring out with local schools, colleges/universities, and community groups in our annual series of "Holiday Concerts" taking place on select days beginning Mon, Dec 4th through Fri, Dec 15th. All concerts will begin at 12:15 pm and take place in the HWLC Cindy Pritzker Auditorium, except for the Monday, December 11th program which will be held in the HWLC Winter Garden on the 9th Floor.

•The Long Christmas Dinner by Thornton Wilder - On Mon, December 11th at 7 p.m, join us for a new holiday tradition! From Chicago’s exciting new production company, Make-Believe Association, a starry cast (including Peter Sagal of Wait Don’t Tell Me) will offer a free staged reading of this classic one-act play about family, how time passes, and how love endures. Directed by Henry Wishcamper (A Christmas Carol at the Goodman). Produced by Jeremy McCarter (co-author with Lin-Manuel Miranda of Hamilton: The Revolution). Co-sponsored by the Chicago Public Library in the Cindy Pritzker Auditorium.

All Chicago Public Library locations will be closed on the following dates:

•Thursday, November 23rd

•Sunday, December 24th

•Monday, December 25th

•Sunday, December 31st

•Monday, Jan 1, 2018

Chicago Public Library Foundation Report

I’m happy to deliver this update on behalf of the Board and Staff of the Chicago Public Library Foundation.

2017 has been a very successful year for fundraising and we are projecting that fundraising revenue and budget savings are sufficient to deliver a balanced budget for the year.

Recent restricted gifts to the Foundation since September 25 total more than $450,000. Among the highlights of this restricted support:

•Anonymous Challenge Grant 8/23/2017 $25,000 2018 Early Learning Play Specialist

•Chicago Community Trust 8/31/2017 $100,000 2018 One Book/One Chicago

•Comcast 10/27/2017 $250,000 Experience Labs (2018-2020)

•Field Family Foundation 9/25/2017 $15,000 2018 Teacher in the Library

•Helen Harrison Foundation 10/25/2017 $50,000 2018 Summer Learning Challenge

•Heller Foundation 10/26/2017 $25,000 2018 Summer Learning Challenge

The Library and Advanced Resources have already started the process of hiring the Early Learning Play Specialist, who will start early in the New Year.

In Unrestricted Revenue, the 2017 Sandburg Dinner was another record year, raising more than $1.9 million. The Dinner resulted in 182 new donors; 33 donors who gave more than last year, and 31 lapsed donors. Special thanks go to Co-Chairs Graham Grady and Jackie Griesdorn and the Foundation and Library Boards for their dedication and commitment.

The fall appeal is doing well and the year-end mailing will go out in early December. We expect both of these initiatives and revenues from giving on Tuesday to close out the year on a solid note.
