
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Americans for Truth president: Museum's drag queen story time corrupts children


Peter LaBarbera is at a loss for understanding the motivation or logic behind a new child reading program at Chicago Children’s Museum.

The Story Time With Drag Queens readings were slated for the first week of January and were promoted as “a spectacular way for kids to engage with literacy, celebrate diversity, and experience a one-of-a kind story time performance.”

LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, simply views the gatherings as too extreme in what he sees them suggesting.

Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth

“This is as bad as it gets,” LaBarbera told Chicago City Wire. “Most people say if there are those who want to do this as adults it’s one thing, but it’s a whole other issue to be pushing this as normal to kids. This is all about corrupting children and breaking down their national resistance. It’s selfish behavior by adults to allow and encourage this type of behavior.”

LaBarbera said he’s seen it all before, back in 2016 in Montreal when “gay media” celebrated an 8-year-old boy performing alongside adults as a drag queen known as “Lactatia.” 

“I wrote about it back then, and I have the same issues right now,” he said. “Teaching kids this is a great thing only causes them to later think this is completely normal. It’s the height of irresponsibility. You have to ask yourself when did this become a good thing.”

LaBarbera said the only thing to do now is to find out who sanctioned the program and remove that person from the sensitive role of determining what’s best for so many young and impressionable minds.

“Children have enough issues in the world, especially here in Chicago, with all the poor schools and lack of funding, without exposing them to these kinds of things.”

In this day and age of political correctness, LaBarbera said he thinks people have become so intent on expressing their pro-LGBT stance they’re willing to allow the organization to do anything members want.  

“This is some sort of weird indoctrination,” he said. "And the Chicago LGBT community isn’t willing to take any responsibility for it because it’s all part of their movement.”