
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Chicago Housing Authority Real Estate Operations Development Committee met June 19.

Chicago Housing Authority Real Estate Operations Development Committee met June 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

I. Roll Call

II. Approval of minutes for the Real Estate Operations Development Committee meeting of May 15, 2018

III. Resolutions

Item No. 6 Authorization to participate in the City of Chicago Agreement with Constellation New Energy Services – Electricity Division, LLC for the Supply of Electricity – Derek Messier, Chief Property Officer

Item No. 7 Recommendation to execute a Contract Modification, in the amount of $169,775 with Koo, LLC for Professional Design Services for the conversion and renovation of 1852 S. Albany – Diana Liu, Chief Construction Officer

Item No. 8 Recommendation to award a contract for the conversion and renovation of 1852 S. Albany. Recommended Awardee: A.L.L. Masonry Construction Company Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $14,643,292 – Diana Liu, Chief Construction Officer

Item No. 9 Recommendation to approve development teams for Mixed-Income Housing and Mixed-Use Development Delivery through the Pre-qualified development team approach. Recommended Teams: Three Corners Development; McLaurin Development Partners LLC; MVAH Partners LLC and The Michaels Development Company (DL3 Realty) – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

Item No. 10 Recommendation to fund an amount not-to-exceed $7,000,000 to the Chicago Park District to construct a new recreational center at East 15th and Loomis Avenue – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

Item No. 11 Recommendation to form Patrick Sullivan Housing LLC with related documents needed for the formation of said entity and to close the transaction for the refinancing of Patrick Sullivan Apartments and the reimbursements to the CHA and related entities of costs related thereto and secure permanent financing in an amount not-to-exceed $32 Million – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

Item No. 12 Recommendation to submit a Disposition Application to HUD for the disposition of CHA land and execute a Ground Lease with SOS Children’s Villages for 1301 S. Racine Avenue – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

IV. Adjournment
