
Chicago City Wire

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Public Building Commission of Chicago Administrative Operations Committee met July 10.

Webp meeting 02

Public Building Commission of Chicago Administrative Operations Committee met July 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

The reading of the minutes of the May 31, 2018 Administrative Operations Committee meeting, which was previously distributed, was dispensed with. Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were unanimously adopted.

Pursuant to Section 2.06(g) of the Open Meetings Act, a public comment period was held. No comments or statements were presented by any persons.

The Chief of Staff reported on the following recommendations;

Task order awards for Material Testing services at various projects to Interra Inc., a MBE firm in the total sum $70,862.00 for three Group B Park Rehabilitation Projects at Austin, Columbus and La Follette Parks and in the sum of $82,514.00 for the new Fieldhouse at Williams Park.

Task order awards for Material Testing services to ECS Midwest in the sum of $16,605.00 for the McKinley Park Fieldhouse, $24,335.00 for the Columbia Explorers Modular, $94,813.00 for the Prussing Elementary School Annex and $20,600.00 for the new South Loop Elementary School and to Terracon Consultants in the sum of $296,587.00 for the new Read Dunning School.

Task order awards for Geotechnical services to GSG Consultants, a MBE firm, in the sum of $16,908.00 for the Read Dunning School and $24,229.80 for the Read Dunning Salt Dome Project.

Task order awards for Architect of Record elevator consulting services in the sum of $8,640.00 each to; Studio ARQ, LLC, a MBE firm, for the Ebinger Elementary School Annex Legat Architects Inc. for the Prussing Elementary School Annex Onyx Architectural Services Inc., a MBE firm, for the Esmond Elementary School Annex; and EC Purdy & Associates, a MBE firm for the Mt. Greenwood Elementary School Annex Project.

A recommendation to appoint Ross Barney Architects, a Women Business Enterprise firm, as Architect of Record for the Merlo Branch Library Renovation Project and to appoint Millhouse Engineering and Construction Inc., a MBE firm, as the Engineer of Record for the Fosco Park Fieldhouse Rehabilitation Project.

The Reports from the Chief of Staff were accepted with the exception of the task order awards to Interra Inc. Commissioner Camargo recused herself from that report, due to a business relationship.

The Chief Development Officer reported on Field Orders issued as follows;

Columbia Explorers Academy Modular / Contractor: C1592 OCA Construction Inc. / Original Contract Amount: $2,777,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $2,777,000.

002 5/24/2018 $(3,734.00) Changes due to Department of Building permit comments, including civil, architectural, mechanical and electrical disciplines.

006 6/14/2018 $(5,171.00) Removal of specified Work at North Parking Lot, including lighting pole and fencing revisions. Reinstallation of existing ornamental iron gate panels and posts.

007R 6/21/2018 $2,768.48 Remove (1) tree located on school property to accommodate a new ComEd overhead line to be installed.

Subtotal $(6,136.52)

Dore Elementary School / Contractor: C1577R Sollitt/Oakley Joint Venture / Original Contract Amount:

$30,442,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $30,442,000.

007 6/14/2018 $(1,950.40) Bulletin 7 revisions associated with conflicts between the structure and various systems. Disciplines included but not limited to: architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and masonry.

Subtotal $(1,950.40)

Ebinger ES Annex and Renovation (Vertical) / Contractor: C1590 Friedler Drive Joint Venture / Original Contract Amount: $12,058,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $12,058,000.

005V 6/14/2018 $12,910.00 Install conduits and feeders to existing pad mounted ComEd Transformer.

006V 6/28/2018 $5,251.40 Revisions to electrical power plan on first and second floor and electrical schedules.

Subtotal $18,161.40

Esmond Elementary School Annex / Contractor: C1588 F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc. / Original

Contract Amount: $12,265,000.00 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $12,265,000.00.

007 5/24/2018 $125,737.15 Changes due to Department of Building permit comments, including civil, architectural, mechanical and electrical disciplines.

009 5/24/2018 $71,002.80 Relocate existing secondary ComEd feeder and associated duct bank and conduits.

010 6/28/2018 $ -0 Revise the Substantial Completion date from November 16, 2018 to December 21, 2018.

Subtotal $196,739.95

Lake View High School Renovation / C1583R Blinderman/ALL Joint Venture / Original Contract Amount: $19,428,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $19,428,000

010 5/31/2018 $79,534.00 Enhancements to the specific site improvement work at the existing play area, including striping for a baseball/whiffle ball diamond; layout and arrange turf to accommodate a logo.

012 5/31/2018 $144,178.20 Demolition and reconstruction of pre-existing water damage in rooms #120 and #220.

Subtotal $223,712.20

Lincoln Park High School Renovation C1582 Blinderman Construction / Original Contract Amount: $16,746,219 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $16,746,219

036 6/28/2018 $144,667.60 Additional anchorage and support at the fascia and the frieze at the main building.

Subtotal $144,667.60

Mt. Greenwood ES Annex and Renovation (Vertical) / C1589 F.H. Paschen, SN Nielsen / Original Contract

Amount: $9,807,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $9,807,000

004VR 6/28/2018 $ -0 Revise the Substantial Completion date from November 9, 2018 to December 21, 2018.

005V 6/28/2018 $200,000.00 Installation of the stormwater detention system at the existing play area in lieu of the specified location

Subtotal $200,000.00

Prussing ES Annex / Contractor: C1587 The George Sollitt Construction Company / Original Contract

Amount: $17,438,463 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0.00 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $17,438,463

009 6/7/2018 $1,000.00 Delete hand sinks in the kitchen and replace with a mop basin. Increase vent size and adjust waste pipe accordingly.

013 6/7/2018 $86,000.00 Lintel and, steel flange and related angle repairs required due to pre-existing conditions.

003R 6/28/2018 $ -0 Revise the Substantial Completion date from November 26, 2018 to December 14, 2018.

Subtotal $87,000.00

Read Dunning School (Vertical) / C1591 KR Miller Contractors / Original Contract Amount: $51,137,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $51,137,000

001V 6/21/2018 $24,910.00 Changes due to Department of Building, IDOT, CDOT, DWM, MOPD and OUC permit comments, including civil, architectural, structural and electrical disciplines.

002V 6/21/2018 $50,880.00 Elevator and steel revisions; MOPD permit review comments.

004V 6/21/2018 $37,100.00 Bulkhead/existing tunnel revisions.

011V 6/21/2018 $(3,014.10) Revise brick colors and revise curved brick radius.

009V 6/28/2018 $(2,000.00) Reduce pipe sizes for underground storm sewer piping and clarify roof drain locations.

Subtotal $112,890.00

Sheridan ES Annex / C1581 Path Construction Company / Original Contract Amount: $6,371,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $6,371,000

014 6/7/2018 $10,202.50 Provide gypsum fiber board and wider metal coping at all roof parapet walls at new Annex.

015 6/14/2018 $75,000.00 Revisions to metal panel system at elevator shaft.

Subtotal $85,202.50

Skinner West Annex / C1579 F.H. Paschen / SN Nielsen / Original Contract Amount: $11,804,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $11,804,000

013 6/14/2018 $931.40 Ductwork re-route and coordination in machine room 135.

012 6/25/2018 $ -0 Revise the Substantial Completion Date from November 5, 2018 to January 11, 2019.

Subtotal $931.40

South Loop Elementary School / C1578 Madison Construction Company / Original Contract Amount: $34,337,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $34,337,000

012 6/21/2018 $1,134.98 Adjust installed wall metal studs at seven teaching wall locations and electrical revisions at north walls of Vestibule 100 and Lobby 101.

Subtotal $1,134.98

Zapata ES Annex & Renovation / C1580 F.H. Paschen / SN Nielsen / Original Contract Amount: $15,972,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $15,972,000

007R 6/28/2018 $ -0 Revise the Substantial Completion Date from November 30, 2018 to December 21, 2018.

Subtotal $ -0

McKinley Park Facility Rehabilitation (CPD Group B) / C1580 F.H. Paschen / SN Nielsen / Original Contract Amount: $676,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $676,000

403 6/13/2018 $16,299.46 Additional concrete patching and repair at exterior of existingfield house and additional repair and repointing of Structural Glazed Facing Tile at east and west gyms.

Subtotal $16,299.46

Archer Park Facility Rehabilitation (CPD Group B) / C1580 F.H. Paschen / SN Nielsen / Original Contract Amount: $676,000 / Approved Contract Change Orders: $0 / Adjusted Contract to Date: $676,000

202 6/13/2018 $3,156.94 Exhaust fan and ventilator revisions.

Subtotal $3,156.94

The Chief Development Officer also provided a recommendation to approve three close-out credit change orders as follows; a credit for the unused sitework allowance in the sum of ($476,504.00) for the site prep scope at the Read Dunning School Project. Liquidated damages credits in the sum of ($297.05) for the Chicago Vocational Career Academy Phase II Project and in the sum of ($24,979.93) for the Thomas Hughes Children’s Library Project at the Harold Washington Library Center. The AO Committee members accepted the reports from the Chief Development Officer.

The meeting was adjourned.
