
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Chicago Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met September 18.

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Chicago Housing Authority Board of Commissioners met Sept. 18.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Roll Call

II. Centering Thoughts – Commissioner Mildred Harris

III. Presentation of Resolutions and Committee Reports

Finance & Audit Committee Report – Craig Chico, Chairman

Item No. 1 Recommendation to approve the Proposed FY2019 MTW Annual Plan and submit to HUD – Jennifer Hoyle, Director, Strategic Management and Partnerships

Item No. 2 Recommendation to purchase Property and Management Liability Insurance Coverages for an aggregate not-to-exceed amount of $1,539,065 – Mike Moran, Chief Financial Officer

Item No. 3 Recommendation to extend and expand external Revolving Loan Fund Pilot Program to provide credit support to Section 3 Businesses – Michael Gurgone, Chief Investment Officer Tenant Services Committee Report –Meghan Hart, Chairman

Item No. 4 Recommendation to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Department of Family & Support Services for a two year term, to provide support services to CHA households, not-to-exceed $3,164,000 – Mary Howard, Chief Resident Services Officer

Item No. 5 Recommendation to approve an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Park District to provide year-round park district programs to CHA youth in an amount not to exceed $550,000 – Mary Howard, Chief Resident Services Officer Real Estate Operations Development Committee Report – Matthew Brewer, Chairman

Item No. 6 Recommendation to increase the reserve capacity funding, in the amount of $10,000,000 for the Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Architectural and Engineering Program of the Capital Construction Department – Diana Liu, Chief Construction Officer

Item No. 7 Recommendation to commit CHA funds not-to-exceed $26,000,000 for the redevelopment and remediation activities for Southbridge Phases 1A and 1B; submit a Project Based Voucher RAD Financing Plan to HUD and approve a Tenant Selection Plan, Lease and Lease Riders for Southbridge – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

Item No. 8 Recommendation to approve McLaurin Development Partners as Development Team for 4343-59 S. Cicero – Ann McKenzie, Chief Development Officer

Item No. 9 Authorization to increase the option term compensation in the amount of $3,090,000 for the service agreement between the CHA and The Gordian Group to continue to provide professional services to manage Section 3 Job Order Contracting Mentoring Program – Derek Messier, Chief Property Officer

Item No. 10 Authorization to proceed with the application process for Parkside 4 Phase 2 utilizing RAD Transfer of Assistance from Lathrop – Derek Messier, Chief Property Officer

Item No. 11 Authorization to execute agreements to enter into Housing Assistance Payments Contracts for Maple Pointe Apartments and New City Apartments – Derek Messier, Chief Property Officer

Item No. 12 Recommendation to request approval from HUD to enter into a long-term lease agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago for property located at 2915 N. Leavitt, Chicago, Illinois – Cass R. Miller, Director of Family Investment Center

IV. Public Participation

V. Closed Meeting

• Commissioners will vote on whether to go into closed meeting pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2, to possibly discuss matters under the following exceptions: personnel related matters under (c)(1) and (c)(2); purchase, sale and lease of real estate property under (c)(5) and (c)(6); pending/imminent/probable litigation under (c) (11); review of closed meeting minutes under (c) (21) and audit reviews under (c) (29).

VI. Open Session Resumes – Roll Call

VII. Approval of Minutes for the Closed and Regular Meetings of June 19 and July 17, 2018.

VIII. Presentation of Matters from Closed Session

Item No. 13 Lease Agreement for premises located at 3619 South State Street – Derek Messier, Chief Property Officer

Item No. 14 Personnel Action Reports –Tenelle Barnes, Acting Chief Human Resources Officer

XI. Adjournment
