Illinois Department of Public Health Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Advisory Committee will meet Oct. 3.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
1. Welcome & Introductions. Shelly Bateman
2. Administrative. Shelly Bateman
a. Minutes Approval.
3. Updates. Jodi Hoskins
a. Brief Review Previous Meeting.
b. IDPH Update.
c. ILPQC Update.
4. Old Business.
a. Discuss APORS data fields and vote. Jane Fornoff/Shelly Bateman
i. Review Objectives supporting data collection purpose.
b. View final Decision Tree. Jodi Hoskins
5. New Business.
a. Review resources addressing decriminalization issue. Shelly Bateman
b. Review and discuss suggested ideas for Charge #5 outline. Shelly Bateman
6. Next Steps.
a. Consider/develop treatment guideline recommendations for NAS (Charge #3). . Shelly Bateman
b. Continue to consider recommendations for Charge #5. Shelly Bateman
c. Determine November meeting date via Doodle Poll. Shelly Bateman
7. Adjournment