
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Chatham Village Board met October 8

Village of Chatham Village Board met Oct. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order - President Kimsey called the Regular Village Meeting to order at 6:00 PM.

Moment of Silence - President Kimsey called for a moment of silence for Wes Barr, former police officer in Chatham who passed away recently. He was also the Sheriff for Sangamon County at one time.

Pledge of Allegiance -

Roll Call - Attendance was taken. Present: Trustee Mann, Trustee Gerger, Trustee Chiaro, Trustee Detmers, Village President Kimsey, Trustee Mau, and Trustee Scherschel. Absent: None. Also present:

Village Administrator McCarthy, Attorney Jurgens, Deputy Clerk Moran.

Public Announcements - Dewey Detmers stated he and Paul Scherschel were the recent pickleball champions. They received recognition at the meeting.

Les Morgan announced there will be an event on Thursday, October 10th from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM at Butler Funeral Home and the event is being held to receive donations to go towards the Honor Flight for veterans.

Trustee Mau was appointed the Commander of the Sons of the Legion and one of the projects coming up is the sale of wreaths for $15.00 to be put on veterans graves for Veterans Day in November.

Trustee Detmers thanked all the citizens and staff who came to the Village Clean-Up Day on Saturday. There was a good turnout.

Public Comments Agenda Topics - None

Consent Agenda - President Kimsey moved to put on the table the consent agenda for approval. Trustee Mann motioned and this was seconded by Trustee Scherschel. Vote was taken. Trustee Mann - yes,

Trustee Gerger - yes, Trustee Chiaro - yes, Trustee Detmers - yes, Trustee Mau - abstain, and Trustee Scherschel - yes. Vote: Yea - 5, Nay - 0, Abstain - 1.

Regular Village Board Meeting Minutes from Tuesday, September 24, 2019. - The minutes for September 24, 2019 were approved.

Warrants Resolution 52-19- The warrants were approved by Resolution 52-19.

Old Business - None

New Business

Public Comments Village Business - None

Schedule of Meetings

Planning Commission 6:00 PM Municipal Hall October 17, 2019 (Cancelled)

Chatham Fire & Police Commission Meeting - November 20, 2019 5:30 PM

Closed Session - None

Personnel under 2(c)(1)

Collective Negotiating Matter (2)(c)(2)

Litigation under 2(c)(11)

Closing -

Adjournment: Trustee Mau motioned to adjourn the meeting and this was seconded by Kristin Chiaro. All others voiced approval. Meeting adjourned at 6:07 PM.
