City of Wheaton Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order
The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, September 16, 2019, in the Library Board Room. Board President Christine Fenne called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Members present at roll call were: Christine Fenne, Alan Herbach, Bob Lyon, Bob McDonough, Joe McHaley, Laurie Metanchuk, Kathryn Staron and Vallari Talapatra. Absent: Simone Morton. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were in attendance. Mrs. Fenne led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. Citizens to be Heard
Mr. Ted Utchen asked to address the Board. He is concerned about the amount of electricity that the library is using for lighting after it is closed. He also expressed his concern about people he has noticed sitting with their belongings in the same spot in the library for lengthy periods of time. He feels that library is for patrons who have a specific library purpose. Additionally, Mr. Utchen offered to purchase a type of newspaper cabinet he has seen at other libraries that make it easier to locate a specific newspaper. Members of the Board said they appreciated his comments. Various members noted that the Library is a designated warming and cooling center. Mrs. Adamowski said that libraries are public spaces and if no one is breaking any policies, they are welcome.
III. Department Head Presentation – Dana Tieman, Adult Services Department Head
Ms. Tieman started by explaining her background at the Wheaton Library. She has worked here in several capacities and is especially enjoying her work as the department head in Adult Services. She then spoke about her staff and the different things her department is responsible for. Ms. Tieman stated that there were three core components of Adult Services:
Reference Desk - staff communicating with the public in person, via chat, phone, and email
Collections - adult fiction and nonfiction books, movies, music CD’s
Programs & Classes – these include educational, business, genealogy, crafts
Recently, her department has been working on weeding (clearing outdated/unused) CD’s and interfiling paperbacks with hardcover books. She is involved in getting information on the 2020 census so the library can be a resource for the public. The Board thanked Ms. Tieman for her presentation.
IV. Minutes for the August 19, 2019 Board Meeting
V. Financial Reports for August 2019 and Bill Listing for September 2019 Payment
Mrs. Metanchuk wanted to note that the August minutes stated she voted on Item IX. B. but that she was absent. Mrs. Fenne stated that the minutes will be corrected. Mr. Herbach moved and Mr. Lyon seconded to approve this month’s Consent Agenda items with the correction.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mr. McHaley
Mr. McDonough
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Herbach
Mr. Lyon
Mrs. Metanchuk
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Nays: None
Absent: Ms. Morton
Motion Carried
VI. Friends of the Library Report – Mrs. Adamowski
Mrs. Adamowski noted that the Friends Used Book Sale was very successful with total sales of $22,800. She said for the Media Sale there are a lot of donated LP’s, along with many CD’s. She encouraged the trustees to visit the Friends’ Media Sale that starts on Wednesday, September 18th and goes through Sunday, the 22nd.
VII. Library Director’s Report for August 2019
Mrs. Adamowski indicated that the budget cost for the library’s cleaning went up, as the bid that the City of Wheaton accepted was much higher than the previous company. She is anticipating being more involved the next time there is a bid that concerns the library. She stated that she was honored to be asked to speak at a library conference in North Dakota next week and is very interested to see what their library conference is like compared to Illinois. The donor wall is in production and a draft of the accompanying brochure should be ready by next month’s Board meeting. Mrs. Adamowski handed out the brochure for the Mad fore Plaid Mini Golf Tournament and said that the next step is working on sponsorships. She is looking forward to this event and urged the trustees to sign up early.
VIII. Unfinished Business
A. Motion to Approve the CY2020 Operating Budget to be Presented to the City Council
Mrs. Adamowski went over the highlights of the CY2020 budget including the option of adding four additional part-time staff so that the library could be open on Sundays and later on Fridays all year around. The cost for this would be an added $95,000. Mrs. Fenne spoke about the resident comments at the August meeting that revealed the differing ages and needs of people using the library on Sundays. Some Board members stated that people had spoken to them about the need for year-round Sunday hours. Mr. Herbach felt that the year-round hours added value to the City and its residents. Mrs. Adamowski also noted that the Board could vote to be open on additional Sundays if the school year is extended like it was last year. After further discussion, Mr. McDonough moved and Mr. McHaley seconded to approve the CY2020 Budget with four added personnel to accommodate community needs for year-round Sunday openings and expanded hours on Fridays.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Mrs. Metanchuk
Mr. McHaley
Mr. McDonough
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. Lyon
Mr. Herbach
Ms. Staron
Mrs. Fenne
Nays: None
IX. New Business
Absent: Ms. Morton
Motion Carried
A. Motion to Approve Amended Patron Conduct Policy
Mr. McDonough moved and Mr. Herbach seconded to approve the amended Patron Conduct Policy.
Roll Call Vote
Ayes: Ms. Staron
Mr. Lyon
Mrs. Metanchuk
Ms. Talapatra
Mr. McHaley
Mr. Herbach
Mr. McDonough
Mrs. Fenne
Nays: None
Absent: Ms. Morton
Motion Carried
B. Discussion of Sunday Hours Survey Results
Mrs. Adamowski noted that there were nearly 400 survey responses. Mrs. Adamowski said if the library was to open all Sundays the hours would remain at 1 – 5 p.m. An unexpected outcome of the survey was the many comments on being open later on Fridays. It was again brought up that these added hours would provide value for the community. The members concurred that this survey supported being open all year-round on Sundays and later on Fridays.
X. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)
Mrs. Fenne made mention of several upcoming library programs such as the SCORE Roundtable, Business Meet-Up, the visiting OverDrive Digital ebook bookmobile and Biz Books. Mrs. Metanchuk said she purchased a lot of great books at the Friends’ Used Book sale last month.
XII. Adjournment
There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. McDonough moved and Ms. Staron seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 8:30 p.m.