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Village of Cherry Valley Village Board of Trustees met Nov. 4

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Village of Cherry Valley Village Board of Trustees met Nov. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Village Board of Trustees of Cherry Valley, Illinois, Winnebago And Boone Counties, Convened on the 4th Day of November 2019.

President Jim E. Claeyssen Called the Village Board Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

A roll call was taken by Deputy Village Clerk Heather Riley:

Nancy Belt Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Jeff O’Hara Present

David Schroeder Present

Also present: Treasurer Karen Melloch, Maureen Gumowski, Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski, and Deputy Village Clerk Heather Riley.

Adoption of the Agenda:

President Claeyssen stated that there is a Change to the Order of Business to the Agenda:

1. Item number two under Presidents Report will be removed from the agenda and the remaining items will be renumbered accordingly. Trustee Schroeder moved to adopt the amended agenda. Trustee O’Hara seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

Approval of the Village Board Minutes:

Trustee Schroeder moved to approve the October 15, 2019 Village Board Minutes. Trustee Belt seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

Public Comment: No one signed up for Public Comment.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Karen Melloch

Treasurer Melloch stated that revenues in the General Fund of $368,000 were lower than expenditures of $404,000 by $36,000. Expenditures were mainly Salary & Benefits ($180,000), Legal Fees ($10,000), our yearly Liability & Property Insurance ($163,000), and Repair of Traffic Signal ($5,000). Revenues of $85,000 were lower than expenditures of $277,000 in the Water Fund by $192,000. Expenditures were mainly Salary & Benefits ($29,000), new meters for the Water Meter Replacement Program ($57,000) Engineering ($15,000), Chemicals ($12,000) and the Vandiver and Bell School Road Water Line Extensions ($150,000). In the Capital Improvements Fund, revenues of $181,000 were higher than expenditures of $14,000 by $167,000. Expenditures were mainly the Street Maintenance Program Final Payment ($9,000) and S. Ulster Design Engineering ($3,000). Trustee O’Hara moved to have the September 2019 Treasurer’s Report placed on file with the minutes. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “AYE”, none opposed. 2.

President's Report:

1. Trustee Schroeder moved that the Village Board approve Resolution 2019-18; A resolution of the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois Authorizing the Appointment of an Authorized Agent for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF). Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

3. Trustee Hollembeak moved to approve the Liquor Licenses for Cattle & Cream, 105 N. Cherry Street, Cherry Valley, for a “Class B, E, K” licenses for the remainder of FY 2019- 2020. Trustee Belt seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

4. Trustee Hollembeak moved to accept and place on file the Police Pension Municipal Compliance Report for the Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2019. Trustee O’Hara seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

Attorney’s Report Jim Stevens: Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski updated the Trustee’s regarding the 9-1-1 Dispatch Agreement with Winnebago County.

Engineer’s Report: Dennis Mcmullen, C.E.S.

No report.

Ex-officio’s Reports:

Jeff Fustin – Planning And Zoning Commission: No report.

David Schroeder – Recreation Board:

• Due to the poor weather, the parade was cancelled, but the party still happened at the Granary at Village Hall. Around 30 kids participated.

• Santa Claus will be coming to the village’s Log Cabin from 4-5PM on December 1, 2019.

Ordinance Report by Trustee Nancy Belt:

1. Attorney Sosnowski explained that the Ordinance before them is to make the Village compliant to State Statue. Trustee Belt moved to waive the rules for the first reading and consider this the second and final reading of “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 42 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Article III. Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety, Division 3 Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Sale of Drug Paraphernalia Unlawful of the Village of Cherry Valley Code of Ordinances” Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Nay

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 4-1.

2. Trustee Belt moved to pass and approve Ordinance 2019-18, “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 42 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, Article III. Offenses Against Public Peace and Safety, Division 3 Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Sale of Drug Paraphernalia Unlawful of the Village of Cherry Valley Code of Ordinances” Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Nay

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 4-1.

3. Trustee Belt moved to waive the rules for the first reading and consider this the second and final reading of “An Ordinance Granting A Map Amendment from Section 82-205 R-1 One Family Residential to Section 82-301 Pk-Park” (619 East State Street/Cherry Valley School Property). Trustee O’Hara seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

4. Trustee Belt moved to pass and approve Ordinance 2019-19, “An Ordinance Granting A Map Amendment from Section 82-205 R-1 One Family Residential to Section 82-301 Pk- Park”. (619 East State Street/Cherry Valley School Property) Trustee O’Hara seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

5. Trustee Belt moved that the Village waive the rules for the first reading and consider this the Second and Final Reading Of “An Ordinance Granting A Variance Under Section 82-55 To Section 82-448(F) and Section 82-7(G) Of the Code Of Ordinance For The Village Of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Allow For A conditional Parking Space on the South Side Yard Setback”. (2921 Swanson Parkway, Rockford, Illinois). Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Nay

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 4-1.

6. Trustee Belt moved to pass and approve Ordinance 2019-20, “An Ordinance Granting A Variance Under Section 82-55 To Section 82-448(F) and Section 82-7(G) Of the Code Of Ordinance For The Village Of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Allow For A conditional Parking Space on the South Side Yard Setback”. (2921 Swanson Parkway, Rockford, Illinois). Trustee O’Hara seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

Finance Report ny Trustee Jeff O’hara: No report.

Public Safety Report by Trustee Jeff Fustin:

1. Trustee Fustin moved that the Village Board approve the purchase of three (3) Dell Latitude 3500 laptop computers, two (2) Dell D6000 docking stations, four (4) Samsung 860 Pro 256GB solid state drives, one (1) Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 license and four (4) Windows 10 Pro upgrade licenses, from BDW-G at a total cost not to exceed $4,040.00. These are budgeted items under Capital Improvements 5375 – Equipment. Trustee Schroeder seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

2. Trustee Fustin moved to approve not more than 22 hours of labor from TrimbleIT for the setup of the new computers and updating of some of the existing computers at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00. This is a budgeted item under 5170P-Other Professional Services. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

Public Works Report by Trustee David Schroeder:

1. Trustee Schroeder moved that the Village Board approve Stanley Access Technologies and Cardinal Glass Company to replace and upgrade the front doors at Village Hall and the doors to the Administration and Police Departments at a total cost of $19,015.00 from line item 5120 Buildings and Grounds. Trustee Fustin seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Jeff O’hara Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

Planning and Development Report by Trustee David Schroeder:

Personnel Report by Trustee Sally Hollembeak:

Board Comments:

Adjournment: Trustee Hollembeak made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Trustee Belt. All “AYE”, none opposed. Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
