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City of Wheaton Public Library Board met February 17


City of Wheaton Public Library Board met Feb. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order

The Board of Trustees of the Wheaton Public Library held its regular monthly meeting on Monday, February 17, 2020, in the Library Board Room. Board President Christine Fenne called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Members present at roll call were: Christine Fenne, Alan Herbach, Bob Lyon, Bob McDonough, Joe McHaley, Laurie Metanchuk, Kathryn Staron and Vallari Talapatra. Absent: Simone Morton. Betsy Adamowski, Library Director and Lisa Christell-Sandri, Library Finance Manager and recording secretary for this meeting, were in attendance. Mrs. Fenne led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

II. Citizens to be Heard

There were no citizens to be heard.


III. Minutes for the January 20, 2020 Board Meeting

IV. Financial Reports for January 2020 and Bill Listings for December 2019 and February 2020 Payment

Mr. McDonough moved and Mrs. Metanchuk seconded to approve the Consent Agenda items.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mr. McHaley

Mrs. Metanchuk

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. Herbach

Mr. Lyon

Mr. McDonough

Ms. Staron

Mrs. Fenne

Nays: None

Absent: Ms. Morton

Motion Carried

V. Friends of the Library Report – Mrs. Adamowski

There was no report.

VI. Library Director’s Report for January 2020

Mrs. Adamowski told the Board that the Mad Fore Plaid golf event was highly successful with just over 200 people attending. After going over the pros and cons with management staff, Mrs. Adamowski was pleasantly surprised that they want to do the event again next year. She also stated that, following the adult event next year, there will be a family golf event. The staff in-service went very well. The speaker, Katherine Jeffrey, presented on bridging the generational gap. There were also presentations on the upcoming census, the switch to Polaris Integrated Library System and a fun scavenger hunt. Mrs. Adamowski said that the Annual Report should be ready by mid-March. WPL received a federal grant to assist with creating awareness about the Census and its importance. She stressed the importance of spreading the word about the Census, which starts on April 1st, to get as many people as possible to participate. Mrs. Adamowski will meet with the architects about the next interior phase. She plans on sharing the first draft at a Library Board Retreat sometime in late spring. She handed out Standards for Illinois Public Libraries which is a guide for libraries, big and small. She co-chaired the Standards Review Committee that had the task of updating the book. She also handed out The Library Book to each member and encouraged them to read it (many had already). It is about the Los Angeles Library fire in 1986, but also contains a lot of history on libraries in America. Mrs. Fenne asked about a Giving Tree donor wall ribbon-cutting. Mrs. Adamowski is still considering what will be done.

VII. Unfinished Business:


VIII. New Business:

A. Motion to Approve Arts and Culture Center Exhibit Policy

Mrs. Adamowski noted that there was the addition of a paragraph supporting the importance of making space available to meet the standards of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. Mr. McDonough moved and Mr. Herbach seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Ms. Talapatra

Mrs. Metanchuk

Mr. Lyon

Mr. Herbach

Mr. McDonough

Ms. Staron

Mr. McHaley

Mrs. Fenne

Nays: None

Absent: Ms. Morton

Motion Carried

B. Motion to Approve Updated Circulation Policy

Mrs. Adamowski explained the policy changes were to clarify some of the language and to adapt to the changeover to Polaris. Mr. McHaley moved and Mr. Lyon seconded to approve the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Mr. Herbach

Mrs. Metanchuk

Mr. McDonough

Ms. Talapatra

Mr. McHaley

Mr. Lyon

Ms. Staron

Mrs. Fenne

Nays: None

Absent: Ms. Morton

Motion Carried

IX. Board Member Comments (Round the Table)

Mr. McDonough commented on the Chicago Tribune article about libraries being most common cultural activity in the US. Mrs. Fenne talked about visiting the Library of Congress and getting a free library card there. She encouraged anyone who had the opportunity to go and visit.

XIII. Adjournment

There being no further business of the Wheaton Public Library Board of Trustees, Mr. McDonough moved and Mr. Herbach seconded that the meeting be adjourned. A voice vote was taken and the motion for adjournment carried at 7:48 p.m.
