
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board Met June 24

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Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board met June 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Scott Kramer called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. A Roll Call was taken by Deputy Clerk, Heather Riley:




Others Present: Village President Jim E. Claeyssen, Sergeant Jesse Pearse and Deputy Clerk Heather Riley

ADOPT THE AGENDA: Scott Kramer moved to adopt the agenda. Dan Jarocki seconded.

Motion carried by voice vote.

APPROVE THE MINUTES: Scott Kramer moved to approve the minutes from the May 6, 2020 meeting. Jill Wedig seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

EX-OFFICIO’S REPORT: David Schroeder. None.



1. Street Dance – Due to COVID-19 the Recreation board has decided to push the Street Dance back to August 22, 2020. Prime Time Live is available and is okay with pushing the date back. Scott Kramer moved to request up to $2000.00 for the Street Dance. Dina Brandt seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

2. 4th Of July – The committee decided to do a reverse parade, similar to what they put together last minute for Easter. This parade will be by invite only to keep the event contained and so that traffic isn’t being affected. The committee will try and keep the parade to around 25 vehicles, including 5 jeeps from the Jeep Club, 5 classic vehicles, and 5 cars from the corvette club, along with a fire truck, a public works vehicle, 1 vehicle provided from the Masons, 2 police vehicles, and the citizen of the year. All vehicles are required to decorate and there will be no tossing candy, chips, or treats to the spectators. The parade will line up will be at Village Hall beginning at 12:30 PM and should take around an hour and a half.

3. Citizen of the Year – Great turn out from past Citizens of the Year. Overall a very nice event despite the COVID-19 restrictions.


1. National Night Out – Sergeant Jesse Pearse stated that there will be a National Night Out this year, despite COVID-19. Social distancing will have to be practiced during the event but Sergeant Pearse suggested that we spread the event out throughout the Park. This year the Municipal Parking lot, the Baseball diamond, the Pickle Ball courts, and the field will all be utilized to keep social distancing in place. The Village President will reach out to the Cherry Valley library to see if they would like to have a table at the event like they did last year, as well as ask if the Village could use their sound system and the pickle ball rackets. Sergeant Pearse was given permission to buy a new pop up on behalf of the Village to use for this event and others. Scott Kramer will provide his sound system for music as well as give pickle ball lessons. Jill Wedig will order the shirts for the kick ball game and will bring the white board for the prizes to written down on. Judy Prisby will ask if Sparky will be the MC for the event and will also bring her American Flag. Scott Kramer moved to request up to $750.00 for the National Night Out event. Dan Jarocki seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

2. Reminder of July 29, 2020 Meeting – The next Recreation meeting will be Wednesday July 29, 2020.

3. Calendar Updates - The Recreation Committee reviewed the upcoming events and are still planning on hosting them as scheduled. Heather Riley will reach out to Mike Mungor and confirm a date for Fall Fishing since the Spring Fishing was canceled due to COVID-19.

Fall Fishing – September 19, 2020 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM 

Halloween – October 31, 2020 3:00 Start Time

Santa Claus- November 29, 2020 4:00 PM

Holiday Lights – December 14, 2020

Luminary Night – December 20, 2020

ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kramer entertained a motion to adjourn at 8:01 PM. Dan Jarocki seconded. Motion carried by voice vote.

The next Recreation Board Meeting will be July 29, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
