
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lake County Housing and Community Development Commission - Executive Committee Met Sept. 15

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Lake County Housing and Community Development Commission - Executive Committee Met Sept. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Roll Call

2. Approval of Minutes

2.1 21-1405

Approval of the August 25, 2021 minutes.

3. Chair's Remarks

4. Public Comments (items not on the agenda)

5. Old Business

6. New Business

6.1 21-1380

Approval of the Third Amendment to Program Year 2021 (PY21) HUD Annual Action Plan (AAP).

· HUD requires the submission of an Annual Action Plan (AAP) and associated amendments to govern expenditure of federal housing and community development funding for each program year.

· The third amendment to the Program Year 2021 (PY21) AAP proposes the following changes:

o Allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program income ($8,564.12) to the Youth Conservation Corps. (YCC) to support affordable housing rehabilitation and resale.

o Reallocation of prior year CDBG funding ($50,000) to support the environmental cleanup at 2771 Galilee Ave., Zion, IL.

o Supplemental funding ($288,000 CDBG and $524,478 HOME) to support the acquisition and rehabilitation of scattered site properties from the Lake County Housing Authority (LCHA).

7. Staff Reports

8. Adjournment
