
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County Board of Health Met Sept. 22

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Lake County Board of Health Met Sept. 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes

3.1 21-1368 August 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes

4. Public Comment to the Board

5. Awards, Recognitions, Appointments and Reappointments

6. Presentations

6.1 21-1372 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Operational Site Visit (OSV) Findings and Responses - Koppit

6.2 21-1403 FQHC ARPA Grant Presentation - Burke, Zun

7. President’s Report

8. Action Items

8.1 21-1397 Health Resources and Services Administration American Rescue Plan Act - Grant Approval - $8,760,875 - Burke, Zun

8.2 21-1375 Illinois Department of Human Services, Behavioral Health Grants, $263,862 - Grant Increase Approval - Johnson

8.3 21-1374 Kenneth Young Center, $71,674 - Grant Increase Approval - Johnson Attachments: KYC $71K

8.4 21-1369 The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Grant - Grant Approval - $10,209 - Kritz

8.5 21-1373 Department of Children & Family Services - Child and Adolescent Behavioral Services System of Care Intensive Placement Services, $3,231 - Grant Increase Approval - Johnson

8.6 21-1387 Amended Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center (LCHD/CHC) Purchasing Policies and Procedures - Nordstrom

8.7 21-1392 Request for Proposal #21120 Housekeeping Services for Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center (LCHD/CHC) - Nordstrom

8.8 21-1400 Provider Appointments and Reappointments - Maine

8.9 21-1370 2022 Board of Health Meeting Dates - Pfister

9. Discussion Items

10. Attachments for Board Review

10.1 21-1402 Media Placement Highlights - Nordstrom

11. Lake County Community Health Center Governing Council Update 

12. Lake County Tuberculosis Board Update

13. Added to Agenda Items

14. Old Business

15. New Business

16. Executive Session

17. Adjournment
