Village of Cherry Valley Village Board of Trustees will meet Jan. 18.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
SPECIAL MEETING - Immediately following Regular Board Meeting
Call The Meeting To Order: Clerk Kathy Trimble
Pledge Of Allegiance:
Roll Call Taken By: Village Clerk Kathy Trimble
Village Trustees:
Nancy Belt Mike Neville
Jeff Fustin Brandi Pearse
Sally Hollembeak David Schroeder
Adoption Of The Agenda:
Public Comment:
New Business:
1. Motion to nominate and appoint a member of the Village Board of Trustees to serve as Acting Village President.
2. Oath of Office Ceremony for Acting Village President.
Village President Report:
1. Motion to appoint Jim E. Claeyssen to the office of Village Administrator for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois effective January 19, 2022.
2. Motion to approve an Employment Agreement dated January 19, 2022 with Jim E. Claeyssen.
Board Comments: