
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Cherry Valley Board of Trustees met Jan. 4

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Village of Cherry Valley Board of Trustees met Jan. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:.

President Jim E. Claeyssen Called The Village Board Meeting To Order At 7:02 pm And Led The Pledge Of Allegiance.

A roll call was taken by Village Clerk Kathy Trimble:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Nevillle Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Brandi Pearse Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

David Schroeder Present

Also present: Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski, Patrol Officer Victor Crouch, Patrol Officer Austin Richards and Village Clerk Kathy Trimble.


Trustee Hollembeak moved to approve the agenda with one change; Trustee Pearse will be presenting the Ordinance Report this evening for Trustee Belt. Trustee Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.


Trustee Neville moved to approve the December 21, 2021 Village Board Minutes. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote. President Claeyssen stated that the corrected December 7, 2021 Village Board Minutes have been placed in everyone’s mailbox.

PUBLIC COMMENT: No one signed up for Public Comment.

Treasurer’s Report:

1. President Claeyssen presented the Treasurer Gumowski’s Treasurer Report to the Trustees. President Claeyssen stated that revenues in the General Fund of $394,000 were greater than expenditures of $343,000 by $51,000. Expenditures were mainly Salary & Benefits ($263,000). Revenues of $69,000 were lower than expenditures of $88,000 in the Water Fund by $19,000. Expenditures were mainly Salary & Benefits ($27,000), and Well#2 Inspection ($47,000). In the Capital Improvements Fund, revenues of $186,000 were greater than expenditures of $6,000 by $180,000. The major expenditure was the Harrison Avenue Engineering ($5,000). Trustee Hollembeak moved to have the December 2021 Treasurer’s Report placed on file with the minutes. Trustee Fustin seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

President’s Report:

1. A lengthy discussion was had regarding the selection of lighting packages for the new walkway on the 200 block of East State Street. After looking at the several designs the consensus of the Village Board was to go with option #5, an overhead pergola with lights and planters to be placed in designated areas to prevent car traffic from entering the pedestrian walkway.

2. There have been several compliments regarding the recent snow removal. The company we hired to assist Public Works, Clark Salting & Snow Removal – (C.S.S.R) Kirkland, Illinois, did quite well. They were responsible for the old Downtown Area, East Valley, West State Street, Valley Woods and Valley Ridge Neighborhoods.

3. President Claeyssen stated that $7,414.25 was received from the disbanded Cherry Valley Days Committee and was deposited into the village’s Park Improvements Fund. The Charter for Cherry Valley Days stated that if they disbanded and after they have settled all their tax documents the remaining money would be presented to the Village of Cherry Valley and be deposited into their Park Improvement Fund.

Attorney’s Report: Roxanne Sosnowski:

Attorney Sosnowski introduced Ms. Meg Smith to the Village Board. Ms. Smith is a junior at Rockford Christion School and is part of a program to learn what it is like to be an attorney. She was present for some of the village’s traffic cases in court and is here tonight to observe the Village Board meeting.

Engineer’s Report: Sheri Kosmos, C.E.S.: No Report.

Jeff Fustin – Planning And Zoning Commission:

Trustee Fustin stated that there will be a Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on January 19, 2022 at 6:30PM to discuss the Library District’s request for a Pavilion they would like to construct on the East Side of their Building, which will be in Memory of former Village President Stephen J. Appell.


Trustee Schroeder stated that there will be a Recreation Board Meeting on January 5, 2022 at 7:00 pm to discuss Skate Night. All are welcome to attend.

Ordinance Report By Trustee Brandi Perase For Trustee Nancy Belt:

1. Trustee Pearse moved that the Village Board consider this the first reading of “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 Administration, Article Iii Officers and Employees, Division 3 Administrator of The Code of Ordinances for The Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois Creating the Village Administrator Position”. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

2. Trustee Pearse moved that the Village Board consider this the first reading on “An Ordinance Granting A Text Amendment to The Code of Ordinances for The Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois Section 82-243(B) Cc-Commercial Community District Special Uses (Cell Tower)”. Trustee Fustin seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

3. Trustee Pearse moved that the Village Board consider this the first reading of “An Ordinance Granting A Special Use Permit Under Section 82-234(B) Cc-Commercial Community District – Special Uses and A Variance for Side Yard Setbacks Under The Code of Ordinances for The Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois To Allow A Cell Tower to Be Constructed for The Property Described as Part of Pin: 16-02-126-001”. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

4. Trustee Pearse moved that the Village Board consider this the first reading of “An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease with Us Cellular Operating Company of Chicago, LLC For the Installation of a Cell Tower on Village Property at Part of Pin: 16- 02-126-001”. Trustee Neville seconded. All “Aye;” none opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.

Trustee Pearse stated that ORDINANCE passes.

Finance Report By Trustee Brandi Pearse: No Report.

Public Safety Report By Trustee Jeff Fustin: No Report.

Public Works Report By Trustee Mike Neville:

1. Trustee Neville deferred to President Claeyssen for an update on the village’s water system. President Claeyssen passed out an email from Brian Snelten, Layne Christensen Company, regarding the cost of a new well and well house, and Well 7 at the Old School Site. President Claeyssen stated that at January 10, 2022 Committee of the Whole Meeting reports will be presented regarding elevated storage verses ground storage and options on correcting the issues at Well 5 regarding Radium.

2. Trustee Neville moved that the Village Board waive the rules in regards to bidding for the service work needed for the reinstallation of the pumping assembly of the village’s Well #2 located at 7367 Newburg Road, Rockford, Illinois as allowed by Illinois State Statute 65 ILCS. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call was taken:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Neville Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Brandi Pearse Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

David Schroeder Present

Motion carried 5-0.

3. Trustee Neville moved that the Village Board approve the Layne Christensen Company Proposal for the repairs needed and the reinstallation of the pumping assembly of the village’s Well #2 located at 7367 Newburg Road, Rockford, Illinois at a cost of $165,217.00, which includes the cost of a new 150 HP Motor (Alternate Option) from line item 5405 Water. Trustee Hollembeak seconded. A roll call was taken:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Neville Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Brandi Pearse Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

David Schroeder Present

Motion carried 5-0.

4. Trustee Neville moved that the Village Board approve $125,000.00 from line item 5390 Capital Improvements for the village’s portion of the Intergovernmental Agreement with Winnebago County for the repaving project at Baxter Road and South Mulford Road. (These funds will be reimbursed through the IDECO Grant for various county projects, submitted by Illinois State Representative Joe Sosnowski). Trustee Hollembeak seconded. President Claeyssen stated that the monies that will be used were budgeted for the Blackhawk Road Overlay Project that will not be completed this budget year. A roll call was taken:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Neville Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Brandi Pearse Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

David Schroeder Present

Motion carried 5-0.

Trustee Neville stated that PUBLIC WORKS passes.

Planning And Development Report By Trustee David Schroeder: No Report.

Personnel Report By Trustee Sally Hollembeak: No Report.


(5 ILCS 120/2) (C)(1) (Personnel Matters) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.

Trustee Hollembeak moved that the Village Board go into Executive Session at 7:27 pm. Trustee Neville seconded. A roll call vote was taken:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Neville Aye

Jeff Fustin Aye

Brandi Pearse Aye

Sally Hollembeak Aye

David Schroeder Aye

Motion carried 5-0.

Village Clerk Kathy Trimble, Patrol Officer’s Crouch and Richards were excused at 7:27 pmfrom the meeting. Attorney Roxanne Sosnowski will be taking the Executive Session Minutes.

The Village Board was in Executive Session from 7:27 PM to 7:40 pm.


President Claeyssen reconvened that the Village Board to Open Session at 7:40 pm. A roll call was taken:

Nancy Belt Absent

Mike Neville Present

Jeff Fustin Present

Brandi Pearse Present

Sally Hollembeak Present

David Schroeder Present



Trustee Hollembeak moved that the meeting be adjourned at 7:42 pm. Trustee Neville seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
