
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Cherry Valley Board of Trustees met March 15

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Village of Cherry Valley Board of Trustees met March 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

Call The Meeting To Order: President David Schroeder

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Roll Call Taken By: Village Clerk Kathy Trimble

Village Trustees:

Nancy Belt             Mike Neville

Jeff Fustin              Brandi Pearse

Sally Hollembeak

Adoption Of The Agenda:

Approval Of The Village Board Minutes:

• March 1, 2022 Village Board Meeting Minutes.

Public Comment:

Treasurer’s Report:

President’s Report: David Schroeder.

Attorney's Report: Roxanne Sosnowski

Engineer's Report: Sheri Kosmos, C.E.S.

Ex-Officio’s Reports:

Jeff Fustin – Planning And Zoning Commission.

Brandi Pearse - Recreation Board.

Ordinance Report By Trustee Nancy Belt: No Report.

Finance Report By Trustee Brandi Pearse: No Report.

Public Safety Report By Trustee Jeff Fustin:

1. Motion that the Village Board approve the purchase of (1) Motorola APX NEXT portable radio from Motorola Solutions c/o Rock River Services Company at a cost of $8,582.19 from line item 5375 Capital Improvements from the FY 2021/2022 Budget.

Public Works Report By Trustee Mike Neville:

1. Motion that the Village Board approve an Intergovernmental Agreement for Bridge Inspections with Winnebago County with an estimated cost of $2,100.00 from line item 5095 PW (Streets) from the FY2022/2023 Budget.

2. Motion that the Village Board approve hiring Cardinal Glass Company, Rockford Illinois to replace (44) windows at Village Hall (both for Administration and Police Department Offices) at a cost of $8,130.00 from line item 5285 Capital Improvements from the FY 2021/2022 Budget.

3. Motion that the Village Board approve hiring Frontier Communications to relocate existing aerial cables to underground as described in the Letter of Intent dated March 7, 2022 for the Downtown Street and Alleyway Improvement Project at a cost of $17,504.97 from line item 5285 Capital Improvements from the FY 2021/2022 Budget.

4. Motion that the Village Board waive the rules in regards to bidding for the service work needed to perform Alley Services Rework for secondary electrical services related to the Downtown Street and Alleyway Project as allowed by Illinois State Statute 65 ILCS 5/8-9-1.

5. Motion that the Village Board approve hiring Special Power, Inc. Rockford, Illinois to perform Alley Services Rework for secondary electrical services work related to the Downtown Street and Alleyway Project at a cost of $130,000.00 from line item 5285 Capital Improvements from the FY 2021/2022 Budget.

6. Motion that the Village Board waive the rules in regards to bidding for the service work needed to remove primary electrical overhead service lines, remove associated power poles and install all primary power lines underground in the area of the 200 Block of East State Street related to the Downtown Street and Alleyway Project as allowed by Illinois State Statute 65 ILCS 5/8-9-1.

7. Motion that the Village Board approve hiring ComEd, Rockford Illinois to remove primary electrical overhead service lines, remove associated power poles and install all primary power lines underground in the area of the 200 Block of East State Street in regards to the village’s Downtown Street and Alleyway Improvement Project at a cost of $256,770.86 from line item 5285 Capital Improvements from the FY 2021/2022 Budget.

Planning And Development Report By President David Schroeder: No Report.

Personnel Report By Trustee Sally Hollembeak:

1. Motion that the Village Board Approve Resolution 2022-02; A Resolution of the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois – Pay Increases for Public Works Employees for Obtaining Certain Job-Related Certifications.

Executive Session:

(5 ILCS 120/2) (C)(2) (Collective negotiating) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Reconvene To Open Session:

Board Comments:

