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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Wheaton Bicycle Advisory Commission met Feb. 16

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City of Wheaton Bicycle Advisory Commission met Feb. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

7:02 Called to order by Alyse

II. Agenda Item-Approval of January minutes

Motioned: Bob

Seconded: Michelle, approved unanimously by voice vote

III. Public Comments

Dave Myrick - was on History Ride in fall, was interested to see what we are all about. We are grateful Dave came and invited him to apply to be on the Commission if he is interested.

IV. Agenda item-Introduction of guests Susan Everts & Norma Budzinski

Neither guest attended.

V. Agenda item-Election of Co-Chairs

Michelle Dunlap to serve as Co-Chair for 2022

Motioned: Bill

Seconded: Laurel, approved unanimously by voice vote

Alyse Kondrat to serve as Co-Chair for 2022

Motion: Rita

Seconded: Bill, approved unanimously by voice vote

VI. Agenda item-Discuss modifications to General Provisions & WBAC city code section

The commission discussed these changes, and voted unanimously on their approval.

Motion: Bob V

Seconded: Bill N, approved unanimously by voice vote

Article V

Sec 2-258

WBA Commission is proposing the change to the last sentence:

The chairperson shall serve in the same capacity for no more than two three consecutive one-year terms.

Rationale: The Commission acknowledges that it is hard for volunteers to commit to the level of responsibility and time commitment that the Chair position requires for many of the city’s commissions. The first year of Chair service, the Chair is learning all that the position encompasses, especially if the commission sponsors various events throughout the year. In the second year, the Chair starts getting into a rhythm and the position takes a little less time. Since the term of service for the members is three years, it’s reasonable for a Chair to serve for three years. Since the Chair still needs to get elected each year, if someone else wants to serve, that opportunity still exists. Allowing a Chair to serve for three years protects against the scenario where no one else wants to serve, but three consecutive terms isn’t long enough to create a stagnant leadership.

Rationale: WBAC is proposing that our Commission be expanded to include representation of pedestrians in an effort to reduce car, bicycle, and pedestrian conflicts. We’d like to focus on the safety of both bicyclists and pedestrians, including accessibility issues some pedestrians face. Please see our proposed changes below in red, voted in unanimous approval. Precedent for this exists in Warrenville, with their commission serving this dual purpose.

Division 16. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission.

Sec. 2-471 Composition

The bicycle and Pedestrian advisory commission shall consist…..

Sec. 2-472 Purpose

The purpose of the bicycle and pedestrian advisory commission is to:

(1) Provide advice and recommend strategies to the city council to encourage and foster bicycling and pedestrian opportunities, and to consider accessibility issues in the city.

(3) Promote bicycle and pedestrian education programs in the school systems and disseminate bicycle safety information to the public at large. {this really becomes #2)

(4) {no change - this really becomes #3}

(5) Establish and maintain an information network with those agencies, individuals and organizations within the city that advocate bicycling and walking and promote the sharing of resources among them. {this really becomes #4}

(6) Reduce car, bicycle, and pedestrian conflict. {this really becomes #5}

VII. Agenda Item-Report from City Council meeting

● We didn’t go to read the Roosevelt and Carlton proposal because we got an email from John Duguay saying that they are requesting timings on the switch from IDOT.

● Next month invite John to get information on this proposal and other proposals, along with an update on the bike shelter and bike map there.

VIII. Agenda Item-History Bike Ride

We were going to discuss with Susan; Michelle will follow up with her tomorrow.

Below are our choices for the History Ride, in order:

1) Wheaton Fires - Bob Goldsborough presentation at library about Wheaton fires. Will be presenting in May - could invite him to lead a history. Bill will reach out to him.

2) Prohibition - Alyse to contact Dry City, COD, North Central College, Library (Pedal to Pubs)

3) Natural History - Mammoths / Geology of Wheaton - Be Historic YouTube Channel; contact the creators of this if we want to go this route.

IX. Agenda Item-Bike Safety Rodeo

● Think First would like to come and fit kids with helmets for those kids who don’t have one or one that doesn’t fit. They think they are committed at Warrenville’s event at the same date. If they are, they can train us to fit. There’s concern that fitting takes a long time and that if they can’t help, that we don’t give away free helmets. Alyse to call Jill to see if Warrenville has the same date for Bike Rodeo. Other alternative is to use the rain date and not have a rain date. Bill and Rita can’t attend if we do this.

● Ideally we’d like to have 3-4 officers 9:30 am - 12 pm. They have not responded to our email request from Laurel. Bill to reach out to Sargent Smith via phone.

● Laurel to write up an advertisement to include in City Newsletter. Will finalize when we know if Police will participate.

● Michelle to create a google form for people to register in advance.

● Parents must attend.

X. Agenda Item-St. James Signage

Rita - heard back from Mike - the forest preserve doesn’t allow any organization to disseminate maps. Suggest we talk with Sidney Kenyon and determine where could we disseminate our maps for people to access who want to ride in the forest preserves.

XI. Agenda Item-Commission Brunch

Jim + 1; Bob; Michelle, Alyse = 5 attendees

XII. Recycling event April 2nd -

Our assistance has been requested 8:30 -11:30 am

Alyse, Bill, Rita, George, Bob, Michelle are planning on attending - earlier hours tend to be busier.

Michelle to reach out to Kaye and let her know this.

XIII. Upcoming Meeting: March 16, 2022

XIV. Adjournment

8:20 pm
