
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Wheaton City Council met March 21

Webp meeting 11

City of Wheaton City Council met March 21.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

I. Call To Order

II. Roll Call

III. Report Of City Manager

IV. Report Of City Attorney

V. Citizens To Be Heard

The opportunity to speak to the City Council is provided for those who have a specific question or comment on an agenda item or generally about the City of Wheaton.

Please note that civility and a sense of decorum will be strictly followed. All speakers must address their comments to the Mayor. Speakers shall be courteous and should not make statements that are personally disrespectful to members of the City Council.

To make a public comment, you must request to be called on. If you are joining using a computer, click on the "Raise Hand" button, and you will receive a notification when you have been recognized to speak and are unmuted. If you are joining using a phone, "Raise your hand" by pressing *9. You will receive a notification when you have been unmuted and are able to speak. Please ensure you are in a quiet place with no background noise.

When called uon lease announce our name and address before *9. You will receive a notification when you have been unmuted and are able to speak. Please ensure you are in a quiet place with no background noise.

When called upon, please announce your name and address before commenting. All public comments are limited to five (5) minutes, and each citizen will be permitted to speak only once.

Members of the public were also given the opportunity to provide comments prior to this meeting to be read by the City Clerk. We will begin with a reading of the previously submitted public comments for this meeting.

VI. Consent Agenda

A. Approval Of Minutes

03 07 22 Draft Minutes

B. Consent Unfinished Business

C. Consent New Business

VII. Regular Agenda

A. Regular Unfinished Business

Regular Agenda Unfinished Business #1

RAUB01 - Planning And Zoning Rept ZA 21-01 Article 24.7.2B Recreational Vehicle Parking.

Regular Agenda Unfinished Business #2

RAUB02 - Ordinance Amending Code Of Ordinances Chpt 34 Stormwater Management Reg.

B. Regular New Business

Regular Agenda New Business #1

RANB01 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of AGMT Wheaton Park Dist Memorial Park Band.

Regular Agenda New Business #2

RANB01 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of AGMT Wheaton Park Dist Memorial Park Band.

Regular Agenda New Business #2

RANB02 - Ordinance Amending F-1581 PUD Alcoa Flexible Packaging Plant As Church Of Resurrection.

Regular Agenda New Business #3

RANB03 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of AGMT 284 Western Specialty Wheaton Place Willow Ave Garages.

Regular Agenda New Business #4

RANB04 - Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of Amendment Market License WFM26 Bensidoun.

Regular Agenda New Business #5

RANB05 - Ordinance Authorizing The Closing Of Hale Outdoor Dining Tents.

Regular Agenda New Business #6

RANB06 - A Resolution Authorizing Purchase Transit Van Currie Motors.

VIII. Council Comment

IX. Approval Of Bills

A. Warrant No. 820

X. Adjournment:
