
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met April 5

Webp meeting 10

Lake County Law & Judicial Committee met April 5.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.6)


8.1 22-0298

Minutes from October 26, 2021.

8.2 22-0473

Minutes from March 1, 2022.


8.3 22-0474

Report from Joy Gossman, Public Defender, for the month of February, 2022.

8.4 22-0458

Report from John D. Idleburg, Sheriff, for the month of February 2022. 

8.5 22-0515

Report from Jennifer Banek, Coroner, for the month of January 2022.

8.6 22-0516

Coroner’s 2021 Annual Report.



8.7 22-0512

Presentation of the Lake County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Blue Kids child abuse and neglect awareness program.


8.8 22-0524

Clerk of the Circuit Court annual update.

8.9 22-0519

Joint resolution approving a contract modification to the agreement with Mission Critical Partners, Port Matilda, Pennsylvania to provide ongoing project management services for the implementation of the Circuit Clerk’s Record Digitization Initiative in the amount not to exceed $107,640.74, and emergency appropriate $40,000 in the Document Storage Fund.

∙ The Lake County Board awarded a contract for Record Digitization Services for the Office of the Circuit Clerk at their July 14, 2020 meeting.

∙ The Circuit Court Clerk identified a need for project management services to oversee the implementation of the Circuit Clerk’s Record Digitization Initiative and the Lake County Board approved the contract for project management in the amount of $135,120 in November 2020.

∙ Due to staffing shortages, delays and needed clarifications on scope of work and expectations, there is a need to extend project management services through April 2024 in the amount of $107,640.74.

∙ In accordance with § 33.082 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, this Change Order is germane to the original contract as signed and is in the best interest of Lake County it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into Contract Modification Number Two.

∙ This resolution approves Contract Modification 2 in the amount of $107,640.74 and increasing the overall contract to $242,760.74


8.10 22-0511

Joint resolution accepting a Funding Agreement for the Supreme Court of Illinois Court Technology Modernization Program and approving an emergency appropriation in the amount of $1,027,412.64.

∙ The Illinois Court Technology Modernization Program will provide new equipment and infrastructure enhancements to the 19th Judicial Circuit Court and Law Library that will offer additional services benefiting the court, court users and justice partners.

∙ Additional court technology equipment will include mobile kiosks and bench monitors to enhance the use of the new Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) and provide for in-court preparation of electronic documents and paperless processing.

∙ Provide for a Digital Evidence Management tool that allows for a secure electronic exchange and access of digital evidence between the judge and litigants, including video and body camera recordings, whether in the courtroom or a remote location.

∙ These funds will also facilitate upgrades to existing infrastructure (power and data cabling and connections inside courtrooms) at the Center Courthouse providing for enhanced audio-visual performance for all participants, whether in the courtroom or proceeding in hybrid mode (litigants in-person and virtual), as well as assist the Center Courthouse to become capable of electronic court reporting in the future.

∙ Funds will also support the purchase and installation of 15 permanent modular workstations, Zoom Stations, in the Lake County Law Library, including necessary equipment and infrastructure improvements. One station will meet ADA requirements. Zoom stations create a quiet and private space for self-represented litigants to access their Zoom remote court hearing.

∙ The Illinois Court Technology Modernization Program funding period is March 7, 2022 through June 30, 2022.


8.11 22-0457

Update on Consortium CAD, Mobile, RMS, JMS, E-Citation, and E-Crash Software Implementation.

∙ Municipalities and agencies will have the opportunity to become a partner in the coming months.

∙ Draft E-Citation and E-Crash Software Intergovernmental Agreement is attached.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: April 26, 2022
