City of Wheaton Community Relations Commission met March 2.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order 7:02pm Tony motioned, Meg 2nd, unanimously approved
II. Welcome
III. Roll Call
a. Present: Tony Asta, Krista Selvey, Jennifer Sever, Erica Nelson, Rachel Bautista, Colleen Attwell, Laura Peccarelli, Stephanie Henry, Meg Beasley, Marco Scola. Absent: Saleha Jawaid.
IV. Approval of Minutes Laura motion, Jen 2nd, unanimously approved
V. Old Business
a. Black History Month – Gospel night went well – about 70 attended and 75 viewed virtually.
VI. New Business
i. Women’s History Month – Art exhibit kicked off yesterday, 22 businesses and 20+ artists participating. Programming throughout the month.
ii. Good Citizens Award – On pause, updates during next meeting.
iii. Review of Council’s document – Tony took notes to make edits.
VII. Public Comment N/A
VIII. Adjournment 8:35 Erica motioned, Stephanie 2nd, unanimously approved