
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Waukegan Port District Board met April 25

Waukegan Port District Board met April 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Virtual Meeting via Zoom - Open to Public

The following Board members were present:

Gene Bach, Member and Historian

Tom Evers, Chairman Pro Tem and Secretary

Joe Legat, Member

Billy McCaffrey, Member

Ben Veal, Member

Greg Petry, Member

Grant Farrell, Board Chairman

The following Officer was present

Bob Hamilton, Treasurer

District Counsel

Peter Friedman

Marcus Martinez

Members of the Port District Staff present:

Skip Goss, F3 Airport, General Manager/Director, Airport

Max Pekcan, F3 Marina, General Manager, Harbor

Call to Order Chairman Farrell called the meeting to order at 8:00 AM.

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

General Counsel's Comments on OMA and the Governor's Executive Orders

Chairman Remarks

Thank you to Mr. Pekcan for his efforts last week.

Public Comment – No public comments.


2022-R-18 Resolution Approving a Repair Service Agreement with Gillan Marine. Motion by Mr. Bach, second by Mr. Evers: Discussion - Mr. Veal remarked on discrepancy between completion date and commencement date. Mr. Pekcan indicated that if the Board approves today, work would begin tomorrow. On the following roll call vote, the Chairman declared the motion carried:

Aye: Mr. Bach, Mr. Evers, Mr. Petry, Mr. McCaffrey, Mr. Legat, Mr. Veal.

No: none

Absent: none.

Abstain: none

2022-R-19 Resolution Approving a Contract with Imperial Security Camera. Motion by Mr. Bach, second by Mr. Veal: On the following roll call vote, the Chairman declared the motion carried:

Aye: Mr. Bach, Mr. Evers, Mr. Petry, Mr. McCaffrey, Mr. Legat, Mr. Veal.

No: none

Absent: none.

Abstain: none

Board Comments


Public Meeting adjourned at 8:06 AM
