City of Wheaton Bicycle Advisory Commission met June 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of May Minutes
III. Public Comment
IV. Chair Report
A. Bike Valet
B. Brian resignation
C. Forest Preserve Survey-email sent by Michelle
D. Board and Commission document update
E. Annual Report
V. Ongoing Business
A. Seminary Proposal & present to council July 5 or 18
B. History Ride
C. New Trail Survey:
D. French Market pop-up
E. Group Rides
i. June 18-Naperville Egg Harbor B&R
ii. June 20-Juneteenth to Peck Homestead-George
iii. July 9-Elmhurst U-George
VI. New Business
VII. Upcoming Meeting: July 20, 2022