
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met May 10

City of Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board met May 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call To Order and Roll Call Vote

Chair Aranas called the Wheaton Planning and Zoning Board meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in person and via zoom. Upon roll call, the following were:

Roll Call Vote

Present: Nicole Aranas

Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Absent: Chris Derrick

Cecilia Horejs

City Staff Present: Tracy Jones, Staff Planner

Jim Kozik, Director of Planning and Economic Development

Joe Tebrugge, Director of Engineering

II. Approval of Minutes - April 26, 2022

The minutes were approved as presented.

III. Public Comment

There was none.

IV. Old Business

ZA 22-13/ Rezoning and PUD/ Block bounded by Liberty Drive on the north, Hale Street on the east, Willow Avenue on the south, and Wheaton Avenue on the west (excluding 201 - 203 W. Willow Avenue, 213 S. Wheaton Avenue, 221 S. Wheaton Avenue, and 223 S. Wheaton Avenue)/ Willow Avenue Apartments, LLC

Chair Aranas reconvened the public hearing on May 10, 2022 that was initially called to order on April 26, 2022 to consider an application requesting a special use permit for a planned unit development to allow the construction and use of an apartment complex on the block bounded by Liberty Drive on the north, Hale Street on the east, Willow Avenue on the south, and Wheaton Avenue on the west.

Chair Aranas stated that letters from Matt Gill, Mike Andrews, Barbara Lawson Graves, Donald and Brenda Spitzer, John Regan, Lou Blazeski and Betsy Prange, Eric Kelso, Geoff Anderman and Chris Carollo, and John and Deanna Jackson were received and incorporated into the record. A map prepared by St. Mike’s was also received and incorporated into the record.

Mr. Leutkehans (via zoom) stated that the apartment complex is proposed with 306 units, 7-stories, 429 parking spaces, and 4,502 square feet of first-floor commercial (restaurant) space. The property is 2.34 acres (101,905 square feet) in size. Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval is required for any project over one (1) acre in size in the C-4 District.

Mr. Dabovich stated that he was concerned that the location of the loading dock would cause back-ups on to Hale Street. He questioned the status of the four corner properties that were previously excluded from the development.

Tom Suminski, Director of Multi-Family Development with Banner Development was sworn in. Mr. Suminski stated that the loading dock would need to be reserved and could only be used at certain times to prevent back-ups on to Hale Street. He further stated that since their last appearance before the Board they have obtained a verbal agreement to acquire the property at the SEC of Willow Avenue and Hale Street and they are in negotiations with the other three properties at the SWC of Willow and Wheaton Avenues.

Director Kozik stated that if the four corner properties are ultimately added to the project, an amended public hearing would need to be held to formally incorporate these parcels into the project.

Mr. Dabovich questioned how the corner properties would be protected if they remain excluded from the development.

Mr. Bruder stated that they would utilize a shallow foundation for the apartment building to prevent damage to the adjacent structures.

Mr. Gudmundson questioned whether the traffic study included more people working from home due to COVID. Ms. Conolly stated that the trend of more people working from home due to COVID was included in the traffic study.

Mr. Gudmundson questioned whether a minimal setback could be provided on Willow Avenue. He stated that the balconies on Willow Avenue appear to overhang the property line.

Mr. Muller stated that they cannot provide a setback on Willow Avenue without losing a row of parking spaces in the garage. He added that the balconies on Willow Avenue do overhang the property line.

Director Kozik stated that the Zoning Ordinance permits the balconies to overhang the property line.

Mr. Plunkett questioned whether there was garage parking for guests and Egg Harbor. He further questioned whether St. Mike’s was included in the traffic study.

Mr. Suminski stated that the proposed parking ratio of 1.4 parking spaces/ unit included guest parking. He added that Egg Harbor did not request garage parking, so their employees and customers would utilize street parking.

Ms. Conolly stated that St. Mike’s was included in the traffic study.

Mr. Wanzung questioned whether there would be a tenant fee for garage parking. He further questioned whether the height of the building could be reduced to 5 of 6 stories.

Mr. Suminski stated that there would be an additional tenant fee for garage parking. He added that a 5 or 6 story building would not be financially feasible.

Mike Andrews, 317 S. Hale Street, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Andrews stated that he was a longtime resident of Wheaton, and he was concerned about the impact of the proposed apartment building on the environment. He added that he was also concerned with the safety of pedestrians, given the additional numbers of vehicles the apartment building would bring to the neighborhood.

Susan Botts, 614 S. Hale Street, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Botts stated that she had traffic and parking concerns with the proposed apartment building, and that the project was not in the best interest of the City.

John King, 2S567 White Birch Lane, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Mr. King stated he was representing St. Mikes and that they had concerns about the additional traffic the apartment building would generate and the safety of the school children. He questioned whether morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up for the school use was included in the traffic counts.

Ms. Conolly stated that the morning drop-off for the school use was included in the traffic study, but the afternoon pick up was not, since it occurred before the peak afternoon traffic hours.

Elizabeth Prange, 217 W. Illinois Street, Wheaton was sworn in. Ms. Prange stated that traffic and parking in downtown is already a problem during the summer months with the tents on Hale Street. She added that a new apartment building would make this situation worse.

Gabi Reczek, 428 S. West Street, Wheaton, was sworn in. Ms. Reczek stated that we don’t need another luxury apartment building in town. She added that other than Metra, there is no public transportation in Wheaton and the residents of the new apartment building would have to drive everywhere that wasn’t within walking distance.

John Jackson, 539 E. Hawthorne Boulevard, Wheaton was sworn in. Mr. Jackson stated that he owns one of the corner properties that is currently excluded from the development. He added that he is concerned with how the height of the proposed apartment building would impact his property if it remains excluded from the development.

Due to technical difficulties on the City’s part, the Board was forced to take a 20 minute recess.

Victoria McAllister, 429 S. West Street, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Ms. McAllister stated that renters are not concerned about community, and she would prefer to see a condominium building instead. She added that she was opposed to the height of the proposed apartment building.

Matt Vlasman, 423 W. Wesley Street, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Mr. Vlasman stated that he was opposed to the size and height of the proposed apartment building. He added that the proposed height of the apartment building would restrict light to the adjacent buildings.

Bill Fenili, 309 S. Hale Street, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Mr. Fenili stated that the proposed apartment building was too big and ugly. He added that the building should have to comply with the C-4 Bulk Regulations.

Kate Vlasman, 423 W. Wesley Street, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Ms. Vlasman stated that she was opposed to the size and height of the proposed apartment building. She added that the traffic study seems to be lacking in the impact of the apartment buildings on the adjacent school uses.

Scott Lazar, 109 W. Illinois Street, Wheaton was sworn in (via zoom). Mr. Lazar stated that he was concerned with the safety of pedestrians, given the additional numbers of vehicles the apartment building would bring to the neighborhood.

Chair Aranas stated that Eric Kelso had submitted a letter that was previously incorporated into the record that he would now like to have retracted.

Mr. Wanzung moved and then Mr. Gudmundson seconded the motion to close the public hearing. On a voice vote, all voted aye.

Mr. Plunkett moved and then Mr. Wanzung seconded the motion to recommend approval of ZA #22-13 requesting a special use permit for a planned unit development to allow the construction and use of an apartment complex with 306 units, 7-stories, 429 parking spaces, and 4,502 square feet of first-floor commercial (restaurant) space on the block bounded by Liberty Drive on the north, Hale Street on the east, Willow Avenue on the south, and Wheaton Avenue on the west (excluding 201 - 203 W. Willow Avenue, 213 S. Wheaton Avenue, 221 S. Wheaton Avenue, and 223 S. Wheaton Avenue), subject to the following conditions:

1. The existing sanitary and storm sewer mains in the public alley shall be eliminated; and

2. The preliminary engineering plan shall be subject to further staff review prior to the issuance of a site development permit.

Roll Call Vote

Ayes: Chris Dabovich

Bob Gudmundson

Nays: Nicole Aranas

Mark Plunkett

Dan Wanzung

Absent: Chris Derrick

Cecilia Horejs

Motion Failed

The three dissenting board members had concerns with the impact of the apartment complex on the four adjacent corner properties that are currently excluded from the development, the proposed height of the building, and the proposed lack of green space.

V. New Business

ZA 22-14/ Special Use Permit/ 1325 Manchester Road/ Wheaton Village

Due to technical difficulties on the City’s part, while the applicant for ZA 22-13 was present, he was unable to give his planned presentation. Thus, this public hearing was automatically continued until the Board’s next regular meeting on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

Susan Brinkman, 413 Birch Drive, Wheaton was in attendance to provide public comment. However, Ms. Brinkman decided to defer her comments until after the applicant can give their presentation on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

VI. Miscellaneous

There was none.

VII. Adjournment

Mr. Dabovich moved and then Mr. Wanzung seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:02 p.m. On a voice vote, all voted aye.
