City of Wheaton Environmental Improvement Commission met May 24.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Call to Order: Chairman Ted Witte called the meeting to order at 7:30.
Present were Cathy Coleman, Nancy Flynn, Mike Nicolosi, Tony Pope, Allison Torrence, Seema Wadia, and Bob Young. Absent were Shamili Ajgaonkar, Brian McKee, Kay McKeen, and David Popham .
II. Approval of Minutes:
Bob moved that the minutes from the April meeting be approved. Nancy seconded. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote.
III. Budget Report:
Bob reported that the bills from the Native Plant Sale totaled $16,770.43 and the bill for the shredding trucks at the Recycling Extravaganza came in. Expenditures to date total $18,270.43, leaving $3,729.57 open to spend.
IV. Public Comment:
V. Reports:
1. Arbor Day (April 29): Kay, Allison, Nancy, and Bob attended the event at Emerson School. They reported that the children and staff presented a great program, and the whole school attended.
2. Electronic Recycling (May 14): Bob reported that he, Nancy, Jim Truesdale, a grandfather and his middle school grandson earning scouting points, and a lady from SCARCE, along with 5 E-Works employees manned an event with medium to light attendance. They collected about 15 gallons of cooking oil and lots of scrap metal. Bob changed the filter in the bulb eater.
3. Adopt a Highway: EIC clean up scheduled for Saturday, May 28, meet at Chick-fil-A, 8am.
4. Native Plant Sale (April 23: Tony reported that proceeds totaled $19,146.04, resulting in a profit of over $2000. There were 152 returning customers and 157 new customers, for a total of 309. Of these, 179 were from Wheaton, and people came from 39 communities. One customer called the park district, because their Tupelo tree has already died. Tony made a motion that we send the customer a gift certificate for $25 to be used at next year’s sale, as a good will gesture. Bob seconded. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
VI. Upcoming Projects:
1. Electronics Recycling (June 11): Tony will work this event.
2. National Night Out (August 2): no report
VII. Unfinished Business:
1. Wheaton Sustainability Award: no report
2. Boards and Commissions Ordinance Status Update: Ted talked to Mike Dzugan, and a final review draft is expected soon.
3. Business Composting: no report
4. Erosion Control Blankets: no report
5. Erosion Control by Invasive Plants: no report
6. Don’t Mow Till May Awareness Promotion for 2023: Mike tried it this year, and he put out a sign so neighbors would know why his grass was so long. Ted tried it, but he mowed the front before the end of May and left the back long. We will need an EIC person to spearhead this next spring. 7. Bio-swale Public Awareness Program: no report
VIII. New Business:
Funding for EIC events: none needed
IX. Adjournment:
Bob moved that the meeting be adjourned. Cathy seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10. The next regular EIC meeting is scheduled for June 28, 2022, at 7:30 P.M.