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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board met June 29

Village of Cherry Valley Recreation Board met June 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Chairman Jill Wedig called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. A Roll Call was taken by Deputy Village Clerk, Heather Riley:


Jill Wedig Present


Dina Brandt Present      Tori Schroeder Present

Dan Jarocki Present      Pat Stegemann Present

Judy Prisby Absent        Sue Smetana Present

Others Present: Village President David Schroeder, Village Administrator Jim E. Claeyssen, Trustee Brandi Pearse, Sergeant Jesse Pearse and Deputy Clerk Heather Riley.


Jill Wedig stated that she is amending the agenda to move item #6 under UNFINISHED BUSINESS to item #1 and renumber the agenda accordingly Tori Schroeder seconded. All “AYE;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.


Jill Wedig moved to approve the minutes from the June 1, 2022 meeting. Tori Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.




1. Pickleball –Jill Wedig moved to request up to $300.00 for the first annual pickleball tournament at Baumann Park. Tori Schroeder seconded. Date is set for August 27, 2022 with a rain date of August 28, 2022 start time at 9:00 AM, participants will need to arrive early for registration. Scott Kramer has worked up a flier with the information and Jill Wedig will make signs with her Cricut and post signs and get them to Scott so he can hang them up by July 24, 2022. Scott Kramer stated that he will collect the $20 entry donation (to go toward wind screens) from the participants the day of the tournament. Jill Wedig stated that she would pick up six gift certificates for the winners and Scott will purchase the tape, and six medals (two first place, two second place and two third place)

2. National Night Out – Jesse Pearse reported that he needs five signs – Chalk Art, Prize Tents, Refreshments, Kickball Signups, and Mason ID’s. Jill stated that she can take leftover signs from the new garbage provider signs and paint them with chalkboard tape and Sue Smetana can write on them so that they can be reusable. Last year the police department handed out free ice cream cone vouchers, this year the Historical Society approached the police department and asked if they could be a part of National Night Out and that they intend on doing an ice cream social, with funds being donated to the historical society, so the police department will not be handing out the ice cream vouchers but will still hand out the free slice of pizza vouchers from Salamone’s. Jesse will reach out to Sparky Prisby to see if he will MC the kickball game.

3. Art on Fire – 10 people have reserved hydrants for this year’s Art on Fire so far. Jesse Pearse stated that even though the deadline was July 1, 2022 he’s still expecting participants to sign up through the month of July.

4. Citizen of the Year – Jill Wedig said she would like to review the guidelines regarding being nominated for Citizen of the Year. Jill feels that employees and elected officials should be able to be nominated for citizen of the year since they do not vote on the citizen of the year. David Schroeder stated that he thinks the idea of having a posthumous Citizen of the Year. Consensus was to reflect on this topic and it will be brought back to the September recreation board meeting.

5. 4th of July Parade - Tori Schroeder reached out to Cattle & Cream and they have agreed to allow the committee to pass out coupons and turn them into the Village on September 1, 2022. 200 coupons will be printed out and distributed. Trustee’s will do the anything with wheels judging before the parade and hand out the DQ gift cards to the winners. Set up will begin at noon and the lineup will be as follows:

• Police

• Color Guard

• VFW – Golf Carts

• Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts

• Citizen of the Year

• Mrs. Liberty & Uncle Sam

• Fire Trucks

• Decorated Motorized Vehicles

• Anything with Wheels – Bikes, scooters, etc.

• Village President

• Trustees

• Cherry Valley Men’s Club

• Miss Winnebago/Fair Princesses & Queens

• Misc. – Cattle & Cream

• Politicians

• Tractors

• Classic Cars (Line up on Elgin Street)

• Floats (Line up on Elgin Street)

• Public Works

6. Street Dance – Jill Wedig reported that the lady who designs t-shirts will be combining the two designs to make one shirt. Street will be shut down around 4:30 PM. Games for the kids will be the wheel of fortune game and the water game, the committee decided against ordering prizes from Oriental Trading and will get candy prizes from Sam’s Club.


1. Reminder of the July 27, 2022 – Reminder that July’s recreation board meeting will be held at the end of the month on the 27th to prepare for National Night Out.

ADJOURNMENT: Jill Wedig moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 PM. Tori Schroeder seconded. All “Aye;” None opposed. Motion carried by voice vote.
