
Chicago City Wire

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Cherry Valley Planning and Zoning Commission met Sept. 21

Village of Cherry Valley Planning and Zoning Commission met Sept. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Chairman John Totten called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. A Roll Call was taken by Deputy Village Clerk, Heather Riley:

CHAIRMAN: John Totten Present

MEMBERS: Chris Plummer Present

Sally Fleegle Present

Jim Smetana Present

Larry Gray Present

Pat Stegemann Present

Gary Tiffany Present

Others Present: Attorney Jim Stevens, Trustee Jeff Fustin, Trustee Brandi Pearse, Trustee Carl Wedig, Village President David Schroeder, Village Administrator Jim E. Claeyssen, and Deputy Village Clerk Heather Riley.

ADOPT THE AGENDA: Gary Tiffany moved to adopt the agenda with the following amendment:

• Remove item #4 from NEW BUSINESS. Sally Fleegle seconded.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0


• August 17, 2022 Planning and Zoning meeting Minutes

• August 24, 2022 Special Planning and Zoning meeting Minutes

Larry Gray moved to approve the August 17, 2022 meeting minutes. Gary Tiffany seconded.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Absent

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7 “AYE;” and 0 “NAY”

Larry Gray moved to approve the August 24, 2022 Special meeting minutes. Chris Plummer seconded.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Absent

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7 “AYE;” and 0 “NAY”


Trustee Fustin stated that all three items from the August 17, 2022 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting have passed as well as the Grote Dealership at the August 31, 2022 Special Village Board Meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Josh Kern stated that he is asking for a variance to allow his fence to go forward toward his attached garage which has a door that he regularly utilizes.


1. Pat Stegemann moved to approve a Variance under Section 82-55 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 82-7(f)(2) to allow a fence to be constructed to the rear of the garage for the property commonly known as 1084 Griggs Road, Rockford, IL (PIN: 12-25-303-012). Jim Smetana seconded.

Village Attorney Stevens took a consensus from the commissioners that will allow them to vote once if none of the commissioners have any objections to the findings of facts. Attorney Stevens instructed the commissioners to review the six (6) findings and if no one has any objections then the commissioners will be allowed to vote on all six (6) findings at once. The commissioners approved all six (6) Findings.

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

2. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Jim Smetana moved to approve a Variance under Section 82-55 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 82-7(f)(2) to allow a fence to be constructed to the rear of the garage for the property commonly known as 7601 Haymaker Lane, Cherry Valley, IL (PIN: 16-02-405-003). Larry Gray seconded.

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

3. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Gary Tiffany moved to approve a Variance under Section 82-55 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 82-235(c)(1) CG –Commercial General District to allow for the installation of an electrical charging (EV) station in the front yard setback for the property commonly known as 2206 Barnes Blvd, Rockford, IL at the location indicated on the map filed at the Village Hall (PIN: 12-35-303-001).

Sally Fleegle seconded.

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

4. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Sally Fleegle moved to approve a Special Use Permit under Section 82-54 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 82-234 CC-Commercial Community District to allow for the use of self-storage facility with conditions, including but not limited to the installation of a sight tight cedar privacy fence 8’ in height, for a portion of the property indicated on a map on file at the Village Hall, for the property commonly known as part of PIN: 12-35-176-003 (CherryVale North Blvd).

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

5. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Jim Smetana moved to approve a Variance under Section 82-55 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 70-33 to waive the requirement of a paved surface for the storage parking area and to allow stone aggregate as indicated on a map at the Village Hall, for the property commonly known as part of PIN: 12-35-176-003 (CherryVale North Blvd). Larry Gray seconded.

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

6. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Pat Stegemann moved to modify a Special Use Permit to remove the requirement for a sight tight cedar privacy fence 8’ high to be installed on the East side of the property commonly known as PIN: 12-35-176-023 (Pack, Stack & Store, Inc.) Gary Tiffany seconded. A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

7. After the commissioners approved all six findings, Jim Smetana moved to approve a Variance under Section 82-55 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Cherry Valley, Illinois to Section 82-234(c)(4) CC – Commercial Community District to allow for a rear yard setback of 24’ from 25’ for the property commonly known as PIN: 12-35-176-003 (CherryVale North Blvd). Chris Plummer seconded.

A roll call vote was taken on the motion:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0

ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Totten entertained a motion to adjourn. Garry Tiffany moved to adjourn at 7:17 PM. Larry Gray seconded.

A Roll Call Vote was taken:

John Totten Aye

Larry Gray Aye

Jim Smetana Aye

Gary Tiffany Aye

Sally Fleegle Aye

Pat Stegemann Aye

Chris Plummer Aye

The motion PASSED by a vote of 7-0
