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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Waukegan Port District Board met Oct. 19

Waukegan Port District Board met Oct. 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The following Board members were present:

Gene Bach, Member and Historian

Tom Evers, Chairman Pro Tem and Secretary Greg Petry, Member Paula Trigg, Member Jack Dye, Member Becky Jones, Member Ben Veal, Board Chairman

The following Officer was present:

Bob Hamilton, Treasurer

District Counsel Marcus Martinez

Members of the Port District Staff were present: Skip Goss, F3 Airport, General Manager/Director, Airport Max Pekcan, F3 Marina, General Manager, Harbor Edith Guerrero, F3 Airport, Administrative Director Khalilah Brown, F3 Airport

Call to Order:

Chairman Veal called the meeting to order at 4:02 PM.

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Remote Participation/Voting: N/A.

Chairman Remarks

The Chairman provided his vision for the District and mentioned recent changes to the District Board and staff. He introduced member Jones and F3 personnel Ms. Khalilah Brown. The Chairman described changes to the Board committees. Policy Review and Development Committee: members Evers and Petry. Board and Marina Relations: members Bach and Dye. Board Financial Review: members Hamilton and Trigg. The Chairman reported on his tour of the marina and airport. The Chairman reported on interested tenants for properties at the harbor.

General Counsel Report:

Mr. Martinez reported on the status of Mr. Friedman.

Public Comment:


Committee Report

Treasurer's and Finance Report

Mr. Hamilton indicated that he and Mr. Bach went through the finances and check registers. Mr. Hamilton recommends approval of the September Financials and the Electronic Transfer and Check.

Consent Agenda:

September 2022, Electronic Transfer and Check Approval

September 2022, Financials

Motion by Member Evers, second by Member Trigg:

Board unanimously approved acceptance of all the electronic transfer and check registers, and the financial reports, as presented, by voice vote.

On a motion to establish the consent agenda by Member Evers, second by Member Trigg, the motion carried:

Aye: Member Bach, Member Petry, Member Evers, Member Trigg, Member Dye, Member Jones.

No: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

On a motion to approve the consent agenda by Member Evers, second by Member Trigg, the motion carried:

Aye: Member Bach, Member Petry, Member Evers, Member Trigg, Member Dye, Member Jones.

No: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

Harbor General Manager Remarks:

Community Action Partnership of Lake County for 199 building Kitchen Rental Proposal

Mr. Pekcan reported on tenancy at the Waukegan Yacht Club. Ms. Mary Lockhart White, of Community Action Partnership-Lake County ("CAP"), gave a presentation for a proposal for a partnership between the District's marina and CAP, including use of the Waukegan Yacht Club as a restaurant/event center. Ms. Lockhart White responded to questions from member Petry. Chairman asked the Board and Marina Relations Committee to coordinate with CAP.

Fuel Tank Project Update

Mr. Pekcan reported on the abandoning-in-place underground tank project in progress. Avalon will clear out the tanks to enable cleaning, and will credit the District for all fuel they pump. Mr. Pekcan reported on a proposed project to restructuring the gas and diesel pumps.

• Digital Access Project Updates

Mr. Pekcan reported on a proposal to upgrade access doors at the marina. In response to a question from member Evers, Mr. Pekcan explained this item was before the Board for discussion only. Mr. Pekcan responded to a question from member Trigg regarding the budget.

CCTV Presentation

Mr. Pekcan reported on a potential project to upgrade the marina with a system from dormakaba USA to provide license plate readers and facial recognition technology. Mr. Pekcan responded to questions from members Evers, Trigg, and Bach regarding privacy. Mr. Pekcan responded to a question from members Bach and Trigg and the Chairman regarding current security.

2022-R-29 Resolution Approving Service Agreement with GreenBee Energy Efficiency -Motion to approve made by Dye and seconded by Evers. Mr. Pekcan provided a presentation the resolution. Mr. Pekcan responded to questions from member Dye regarding taxes and payment. Mr. Martinez stated that the policy of the District would be to use its agreement form for contractors. Mr. Pekcan inquired of the Board whether it would be ok to pay half of the amount upfront. Mr. Dye made statements regarding past experiences of paying upfront. Member Petry asked that the District's counsel negotiate this contract with GreenBee. In response to questions from members Bach and Petry, Mr. Martinez confirmed that the contract would not be executed unless it received final approval from the Chairman and the District Counsel and that this item would not be brought back before the Board in order to make minor changes to the agreement as proposed.

On the following roll call vote, the motion carried:

Aye: Member Bach, Mr. Petry, Mr. Evers, Ms. Trigg, Mr. Veal, Mr. Dye, Ms. Jones

No: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: None.

2022-R-30 Resolution Approving Increase of Boat Slip Rental Fees - Motion to approve made by Evers and second by Petry. Mr. Pekcan explained the reason for the increase in boat slip fees. The Chairman clarified that these fees were just for this year. In response to question from member Evers, Mr. Pekcan provided further information on discounts for boat slips. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Pekcan responded to questions from member Evers and the Chairman about financials related to this increase. Mr. Petry provided statements about risk. Mr. Pekcan reported on current demand for boat slips. The Chairman the budgets for Y2023 for the airport and marina were in progress and that there is urgency. Member Bach provided statements on the financial aspect of the boat slips. In response to statements from member Trigg, Mr. Pekcan made further clarifications on revenue and discounts. In response to a statement from member Dye, Mr. Pekcan made statements regarding the ePay system.

On the following roll call vote, the motion carried:

Aye: Mr. Bach, Mr. Petry, Mr. Evers, Ms. Trigg, Mr. Veal, Mr. Dye,

No: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: Ms. Jones

2022-R-31 Resolution Approving Adoption and Implementation of New Boat Slip Rental Agreement Form - Motion to approve made by Evers and seconded by Trigg. Mr. Pekcan responded to member Bach's concern about the length of the new agreement. Member Petry asked that this agreement be posted on the website.

On the following roll call vote, the motion carried:

Aye: Mr. Bach, Mr. Petry, Mr. Evers, Ms. Trigg, Mr. Veal, Mr. Dye,

No: None.

Absent: None.

Abstain: Ms. Jones

Airport General Manager Remarks:

Mr. Goss welcomed member Jones and Ms. Brown. He explained that he intended to send a letter to the state regarding slow processing time and the near loss of grants in the past. Mr. Goss reported on a planned proposal to the Federal Aviation Administration for 5-year plan for the airport, including property acquisition, adoption of a master plan, and construction of a runway. He described the North Region EMS System Collaboration.

Board Comments:

Chair acknowledged Mr. Farrell's past service for the District. Member Trigg acknowledged Mr. McCaffrey's past service for the District and expressed interest in meeting with the Waukegan Yacht Club. Member Bach expressed concern that the Chairman's opening remarks did not include the deep- water harbor. The Chairman stated that the deep-water harbor would be considered. Member Dye acknowledged Mr. McCaffrey's past service for the District, welcomed member Jones, and expressed interest in seeing the future financials. Mr. Petry expressed an interest in meeting with F3.


Motion by member Dye to adjourn, second by member Bach, the motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.

The meeting adjourned at 5:32 PM.
