Mike Quigley tweeted the following:
"The VA Employee Fairness Act will strengthen the rights of healthcare providers at VA facilities and improve veterans access to care.These employees are a valuable and crucial component in assisting our veteransI am proud to support @RepMarkTakano's bill."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Quigley:
"ATTENTION You can once again order free at-home COVID tests.To learn more, and to order your tests today, click below! covid.gov/tests"Read on Twitter
"Affordable, reliable health care coverage is available NOW at Healthcare.gov. The deadline for coverage that begins January 1, 2023 is TOMORROW." on Dec. 14Read on Twitter
"Ten years ago, the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting rocked the entire country. After all this time, and dozens more school shootings, the GOP still blocks the transformative gun reform we need." on Dec. 14Read on Twitter