
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met Nov. 7

Village of Brighton Village Board met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/ Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Kasten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

B. Roll Call: Present -Brad Arnold, John Bramley, Marcella Wilfong, Jim Winslade, and Aaron Mead. Others in Attendance: Village Clerk Cynthia Tucker, Treasurer Ashley Lievers, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, and Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl. Absent; Dala Lawarence. 

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 10-03-22 & 10/06/22: Aaron Mead, 2ndJim Winslade. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0. 

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: by Aaron Mead, 2ndJohn Bramley. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5 -0. 

E. Review and Approval of Bills: Aaron Mead, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5 -0. 

F. Review of Water & Sewer Deposit/ Totals/Gallons Billed/Lost: Mayor Kasten said this item has been paused until next month, as the reports are being reprogramed. He is looking forward to having this added to the monthly agenda. 

G. Clerk Report for Information Purposes Only: $11,529.80 Shop with a cop. 

H. Mayor Report: Mayor discussed Christmas Holiday Party 

I. Public Comment: Elaine Weaver Question on census, Bob Weaver commented on road from railroad tracks to brown is bumpy. 

J. Correspondence: Ms Bike Event 2023 and Jim Cougill, motion made by Jim Winslade and 2nd by Aaron Mead to place correspondence on file. Motion Carried by voice vote: 5-0 

Committee Reports 

A. Clerk Committee: 10/12/22 Meeting Minutes Motion Made by Aaron Mead, 2nd by Brad Arnold to approve the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0. 

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to approve purchase of $1,000 for the purchase of t-shirts for fundraiser, 2nd by Marcella Wilfong. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 5-0. 

2. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Deputy Clerk wage to increase to $14.00 retroactive to July 1, 2022, 2nd by Marcella Wilfong. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. 

3. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve Spending up to $200 on folding chairs, 2nd by Brad Arnold, Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays. 

B. Public Works: 10/24/22: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the minutes and place them on file. 2nd by Jim Winslade. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made motion to advertise for public works employee. 2nd by Brad Arnold. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

C. Economic Committee: 10/04/22 & 11/01/22: No Meeting Held 

D. Park Committee: 10/13/22: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the minutes and place them on file. 2nd by Jim Winslade. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

1. Action Item: John Bramley Made a motion to approve the Carriage Ride Contract 2nd by Aaron Mead. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays 

2. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the spending of $1200.00 of Donated Funds to pay for Carriages. 2nd by John Bramley. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays 

3. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Spending of $600.00 On Food for Auction and Country Christmas. 2nd by John Bramley. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays 

4. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Spending of $600.00 on Miscellaneous Items for Auction and Country Christmas. 2nd by John Bramley. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nay 

5. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Spending of up to $700.00 on Balloon Guy, Santa, Repairing the Sled for Country Christmas, and the new lights for the lighting of the Christmas tree, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays 

6. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Spending of $400 for pizza for winning Christmas Card Decorating Contest for grades k-6th, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nay 

7. Action Item: Aaron Mead Made a motion to approve the Park Committee to attend the Food Drive on Dylan Ct. and hand out donated bears to the children.. 2nd by John Bramley, Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

E. Planning Committee: 10/19/22 No Meeting Held 

F. Public Safety: 10/17/22: Meeting Minutes Motion Made Aaron Mead, 2nd by John Bramley to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0. 

G. Zoning Committee: 10/18/22: Meeting Minutes Motion Made Aaron Mead, 2nd by Brad Arnold Bramley to accept the minutes and place them on file. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5- 0. 

Unfinished Business: None 

New Business: 

A. Action Item: Motion made by Jim Winslade Approving the purchase of 4 Batteries for Police Radios at $125.00 each. 2nd by Aaron Mead. Roll Call: 5 Yeas; 0 Nays 

B. Action Item: Motion made by John Bramley to approve the 2023 Annual Meeting Notice, 2nd by Jim Winslade. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0. 

C. Action Item: Motion made by Jim Winslade to table Charter/Spectrum Franchise to next Agenda, so Jennifer can change a few terms, 2nd by Aaron Mead. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

D. Action Item: Motion made by Aaron Mead to Approve RMA Invoice Option 1 to include discount, 2nd by Brad Arnold. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 5-0 

Miscellaneous Business: 

A: Discussion: Charts Report for Electronic Speed Signs 

Adjournment: Time: 7:26 p.m. Motion Made By: Aaron Mead 2nd By: Jim Winslade. 
