
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Winchester City Council met Dec. 7

City of Winchester City Council met Dec. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting December 7, 2022 at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Ron Bell, Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory, Lawrence Coultas and City Clerk Teri Little

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Simmons, Supt of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief; Bill Walquist; Heather Calcara.

Mayor McIntire led those attending meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance and also wanted to take note that it was the anniversary of Pearl Harbor.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes November 2, 2022.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular November 2, 2022 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates, the library dedication went well. Wanted to advise that Dwight Reynolds is retiring at the end of the year.

Will be filing for the rest of the Secretary of State grant money now that the library is completed.

Trotter Construction has submitted their final payment application #8 for $70,434.68. He wanted to point out that there was no change order for this project.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve payment application #8 for $70,434.68 to Trotter Construction for completion of the library wing. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

The unsewered grant has been submitted. Should know results in January 2023.

The water main grant will be submitted by January 2023 after the state engineer signs off on it.

Verified that the pool grant money from USDA had been received so that matter is closed.

Rex McIntire, Mayor, advised that the library had their Christmas party in December 6, 2022. Went over the December library notes and asked if any issues and none were reported.

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, presented his monthly report. Animal complaint - 1, Arrests - 2, Assist EMS - 6, Assist outside Agency (police) - 18, Assist fire department/fire call - 1, Assist motorist – 4, Clear roadway - 1, Court - 1, DCFS - 1, Domestic Dispute - 5, Gas leak – 1, Golf cart inspection - 1, Investigation - 2, Juvenile - 6, Noise complaint – 1, Pursuit 1, School - drug search - 1, Speak to an officer - 23, Suicidal subject/mental health - 2,Suspicious person 1, Suspicious Vehicle - 4, Traffic accidents - 1, Traffic control - 3, Traffic stops-verbal warnings – 10, Traffic stops-written warning - 6, Trespassing – 1, Well-being checks - 1

Doolin advised that in conjunction with the Drug Task Force they were able to arrest 2 of the major players in the Meth drug trade here in town. One was still in jail but the second one had posted bail. Hopefully this will help to slow down the drug trade here in town.

It was questioned the number of assists other agency numbers were up this time and he advised that this was due to traffic accidents and also assisting in directing traffic.

Advised that from sitting down at the school there is a speeding problem. He would like to get a digital speed sign like they use on construction sites. He has done some investigating and found 2 for $4000.00. Sherriff Tom Eddinger would like to buy one and Doolin would like the city to purchase one as well. These are made to be mobile so can set in different locations and hope to make people more aware of their speed in town. When county is not using theirs, they will let the city borrow it. He would like to use the drug money account funds to purchase this. There is $1923.15 in this account.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve purchase of 2 speed radar signs for $4000.00 with the county reimbursing for one at $2000.00. Using $1900.00 from the drug fund. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

There is a new federal process that requires a report for every time contact is made by an officer. Who, what, when, where and why has to be documented. This will increase paperwork. The software for these reports is free. County dispatch will not be completing any of the forms for city calls.

Marilyn Fedder, Library Board President has requested a raise for Phil Pratt since there is a considerable new amount to clean. It was stated that he does a great job and it is a family effort. Prior to the library dedication the whole family cleaned up the outside and raked and bagged all leaves. This is above and beyond.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve increase for Phill Pratt to $500.00 per month for custodial work. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Bill Walquist, 911, was present to go over renaming Elm Street that runs by the school. There were many suggestions and was decided to make a decision at the January meeting.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out the profit/loss statement for the month and the expenses and the fiscal year to date totals. Had an issue with a check issued to Doyle Plumbing and Heating in January. The check was never received by them and someone cashed the check at a Wells Fargo bank. We are unable to get any info from Wells Fargo on who cashed or deposited the check. Since this was back in January probably won't find the person that cashed the check. It was agreed that we would re-issue the check to Doyle Plumbing and Heating.

Attorney Coonrod advised that we may need to check into fraud protection on the account either thru the bank or our city insurance.

Money paid to Roulands should come from the infrastructure funds since this was for the water main break on Pearl and Green.

The city received 2 donations from the Whittaker estate. This money should be deposited into the general cemetery account and not perpetual as it was designated from upkeep of the cemetery.

Also, need to look to see where the Gas loan money was put and document as we need to keep track and know exactly how much is there.

Teri Little, City Clerk, advised that the girls in the office had requested dual monitors to assist in their daily tasks. This will enable them to have multiple applications up at once. The quote from Mike Hurrelbrink from Voortman's Computer service is $300.00 this includes labor and monitors.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve purchase of dual monitors for the office not to exceed $400.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

It was also decided not to purchase the wooden flag and find a place to put a pole up instead. The council did not want to change the look of the building.

Jeff Pittman, Alderman, spoke with George Lindsey and Steve Doolin and discussed several areas that are very dark in town that really need street lights. Mayor McIntire requested that he do a ride along with them and make a list of streets and areas that need additional lighting.

Also, was wanting to look into a yield or stop sign at the new DG Market. There seems to have been several near misses at the entrance with it being so close to the highway. It was stated that since it was private property cannot put a sign. Do have the approval from IDOT to move forward on the entrance from the highway which hopefully will help with the issue.

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works, presented to pay Aqua Cady North Tank Detendion to replace cathodic protection at the water plant. This was previously approved but miscommunication on total cost. Price for this one is $4700.00.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to approve payment to Aqua Cady for amount $4700.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Aegion contract for 01/01/2023 to 12/31/2023 is due. This is for Water tower's/clarifier, Cathodic protections and annual service agreement. This is $635.00 a year.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Aegion yearly contract for $635.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.

Derek Evans and Joseph Hamilton will be attending the December 13th USDI customer conference updates and training. They will not be staying overnight so will pay cost of class and per diem.

Simmons would like to look into a new utility building with wash bay area for equipment, trucks and squad cards. There is no way to keep equipment clean and in winter keep salt off vehicles. This will help in the longevity of the equipment. Already have the property with gas and water already available. Also, if city had their own building it would free up the old one for the police department to be able to have squad cards inside. He was given the go ahead to look into options.

Simmons states that the old hotel is continuing to deteriorate. It is starting to become a hazard as bricks are falling in and water is leaking into the basement. The water and gas will be cut at the mains so the city will not lose any more water.

Also requested were updates on other properties.

20 High St - Savage fines have been paid

131 Railroad St - Lewis Fined $4000.00

34 N Green St - Howland. Family member is finishing up another member estate and then will file for state guardianship

14 E Lewis - Hammond - Fined

421 W Cherry - Vortman - Has cleaned up old vehicles and has been sited home and business are one address.

Monthly report - Locate tickets-13; Work orders - 13; Funerals and grave openings - 3; Monthly brush pick up - 2 days; Gas leaks - 0; Zoning permits - 0; Water leaks - 2; Monthly meter readings-2 days; Violation notices - 0; Monthly odorant readings - ok; Changed gas meters - 2; Changed water meters - 4; New gas service - 1.

Mayor McIntire, opened sealed bids for surplus equipment. Had several bids for most all items.

1. 2012 Chevy Impala police squad car - $1005.00 Don Waid

2. 2012 Chevy 2500 white truck bed 8' bumper and also Reece Hitch - $100.00 Frank Pittman

3. 2015 Chevy 2500 red truck bed 8' bumper and Reece hitch - $400.00 Frank Pittman

4. 5 HP Single stage 60-gallon commercial cast iron air compressor - $201.00 Jim Dobson

5. Cub Cadet self-propelled lawn mower - $26.00 Jim Dobson

6. John Deere self-propelled lawn mower - $5.00 Charlie Ford

7. Gravely self-propelled mower - $5.00 Charlie Ford

8. Utility Trailer 5x8 2” ball - $151.00 Jim Dobson

9. 8 large lights, came from city basketball court - low bid decided to send for scrap.

10. John Deere 6ft shredder - $201.00 Jim Dobson

11. Woods 6ft grooming mower - $201.00 Jim Dobson

Attorney Coonrod presented Ordinance 949 for approval of surplus equipment.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve Ordinance 949. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried

Mayor McIntire advised that he has been looking into the Lincoln statues and prices. He did find one for $6500.00 but it was from China and he expressed that he would really like to find one made in the USA. One he did locate and really liked was a sitting statue and was a whopping $75,000.00. Which means will still be looking for other options. He was approached by Emory Wood that expressed he really liked the idea and that him and his wife, Joy, would donate $3000.00 toward the statue. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have made many donations thru out the years to many organizations. Mayor McIntire wanted to commend them for all they do.

McIntire advised that the office would be closed Monday December 26 in observance of Christmas. He also suggested that the office close at 1 pm on Friday December 23 to allow staff to prepare for the holiday.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve closing City Hall at 1 pm on December 23. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Need to decide if going to participate in the Looking for Lincoln program. This program is free of charge and can only help the community. Ann Suttles Mosely has offered to help in anyway she can to get us started and even complete the application.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory second to approve application of memorandum of support to join Looking for Lincoln.. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

City has received a request to advertise in the 100th Winchester Invitational Tournament program. Kent Coultas will have his book for sale at the tournament. There will be 26 games with 16 teams and $100.00 will be given away at each game.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory second to approve purchase of $50.00 add in the WIT program. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Previously the Winchester Depot requested TIF funds for renovations to the building. This was approved and they are requesting money. This will be 25% or $5000.00.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, distributed the current tax levy for approval. This is ordinance 950. This was passed out at the November 2 meeting for review.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve Ordinance 950. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried

Municipal court updates. One case held over Whicker goat issue. Court ruled miniature goat was a service animal. Fine of $50.00.

Leigh Winner issued 2 leash and 1 defecation citation.

Has one citation to approve this month and that is a repeat offender on 131 Railroad St Guy Lewis.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Lawrence Coultas second to approve issuance of citation on Railroad St. Roll call resulted in 4 yeas and a no by Ron Bell. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

Advised have received approval for the USDA grant for the city utility truck for $30,000.00. The truck is already on order thru Marshalls.

No Public Comments

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas second to approve move into closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve move out of closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy LongX Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve seasonal benefits as listed and agreed upon. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory second to designate Jeanette Wallace as fulltime librarian at $16.00 per hour. Fulltime not to exceed 40 hours per week. And include IMRF, Medical, life insurance, weekly pay, and vacation pay. Effective 01/01/2023. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long absent. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Lawrence Coultas second to adjourn at 12:10 am. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Sandy Long Absent. Motion carried.
