
Chicago City Wire

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Brighton Village Board met Feb. 6

Village of Brighton Village Board met Feb. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A. Call To Order/ Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Kasten called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

B. Roll Call: Present -Brad Arnold, John Bramley, Marcella Wilfong, Dala Lawrence, Jim Winslade, and Aaron Mead. Others in Attendance: Mayor Kasten, Temporary Clerk Lindsay Wyman, Treasurer Ashley Lievers, Village Attorney Jennifer Watson, Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl, and Tamara Jenkins.

C. Approval of Reviewed Minutes 1-09-23: Aaron Mead, 2nd Dala Lawrence. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 6-0. 

D. Approval of Reviewed Treasurers Report: Aaron Mead, 2nd by Dala Lawrence. Motion Carried by Voice Vote 6-0.

E. Review and Approval of Bills: Dala Lawrence, 2nd by Aaron Mead. Roll Call: 6 Yeas; 0 Nays. Motion Carried 6 -0.

F. Mayor Report: Mayor thanked the volunteers for helping with Daddy Daughter Dance and for the use of the Cartwright Building.

G. Public Comment: Bob Weaver asked for name of company who repairs the marquee sign. He also mentioned the deteriorating road conditions in Briarwood Subdivision. He distributed photos to Mayor Kasten and Public Works Supervisor Kaleb Kahl. Mayor Kasten responded that Public Works will look into the matter.

Correspondence: Thank you note from Sue Orban was read for the use of the hall for the blood drive.

Committee Reports

A. Clerk Committee: 1/11/23: Motion made to accept Meeting Minutes as presented and place on file by Aaron Mead, 2nd by John Bramley. Motion carried by voice vote 6-0.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to purchase Treasures desk cost not to exceed $1000. 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried by roll call 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

B. Public Works: 1/23/23: Motion made to accept Meeting Minutes as presented and place on file by Aaron Mead, 2nd by Dala Lawrence. Motion carried by voice vote 6-0.

1. Action Item: Jim Winslade made a motion to hire Clayton Pilger as a full time employee of Public Works Department.

2. Action Item: Jim Winslade made a motion to send Jason Greeling to IRWA Conference at a cost of $165 for continuing education. 2nd Aaron Mead. Motion carried by roll call 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.

3. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to send Tyler Vaughn and Clayton Pilger to a 10-week waste water course ERTC at SIUE with Jim Winslade as instructor. Cost is $450/pp. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried by roll call 5-Yeahs 1-Abstain, Jim Winslade.

C. Park Committee: 1/12/23 Motion made to accept Meeting Minutes as presented and place on file by Aaron Mead, 2nd Dala Lawrence.

D. Planning Committee: 1/18/23: No Meeting Held

E. Public Safety: 1/16/23: Motion made to accept Meeting Minutes as presented and place on file by John Bramley, 2nd by Dala Lawrence. Motion carried by voice vote 6-0. 

Treasurer, Ashley Lievers mentioned discussion with Accountant, Michelle Talley that annual licenses would have repercussions and conflict with Fiscal Year.

1. Action Item: John Bramley made a motion to approve UTV sticker cost of $25.00 per vehicle with due dates changed to Fiscal Year (July 1-June 30). This year the $25.00 sticker will be from May 1, 2023 to June 30 2024 to ensure no expired licenses due to date change. 2nd Marcella Wilfong. Motion carried by roll call 6-Yeahs 0-Nays.:

F. Zoning Committee: 1/17/23: Motion made to accept Meeting Minutes as presented and place on file by Aaron Mead. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried by voice vote 6-0.

G. Public Hearing: 1/17/23: Motion made to accept Hearing Minutes as presented and place on file by Aaron Mead. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried by voice vote 6-0.

Old Business: 

A. Mayor Kasten and Dala Lawrence met with Jersey Co. Economics Representative to discuss options for development incentives at 315 West Center St. Incentive would be a property tax rebate on Brighton related taxes only. Discussions regarding proposed incentives: 

Mayor Kasten noted current taxes on the property are $10,000 per year.

• Property tax rebate would be for Brighton taxes only (ie: Library, Betsey Ann, City of Brighton). All other taxes collected exempt from rebated (ie: LCCC, Piasa Township)

• The total taxes would be paid, then the Village would issue the appropriate refund.

• The rebate will be capped at $25,000 or 5 years, whichever comes first.

• The Developer must be open for business and may not permanently close or rebate is forfeited.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to proceed with a legal contract to be drawn up stating the tax rebate would be for $25,000 or a maximum of 5 years and be for Village of Brighton tax related items only. Final contract to be approved later. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried by roll call 6-0.

B. Water Rate Increase will be significant. Amendment to ordinance required to reflect the rate increase on March billing. 

• Public Works Supervisor, Kaleb Kahl noted there will be a shortfall since the Village is already being billed at the new rates, but the public rates have not yet been increased.

• The rate increase will be distributed over each tier to spread it based on water usage.

• Marcella asked if the previous increase was for the infrastructure project and this one is to cover IAW rate increase.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the water rate adjustment due to IAW rate increase and amend the Ordinance. 2nd Jim Winslade. Motion carried by roll call: 5-Yeahs 1-Nay, Marcella Wilfong. 

New Business: 

A. Action Item: John Bramley made a motion to change licensing renewal dates for liquor, gaming, business and UTV to coincide with the Villages fiscal year. 2nd Dala Lawrence. Motion carried by roll call: 6-yeas; 0 Nays.

B. Cashing in of Water and Sewer CD's to cover the shortfall caused by the IAW rate increase.

Water CD $182,301.00 maturity date is February 22. Cash in and transfer to water O & M account. Sewer CD $401,700.00 maturity date is next year. Cashing it would have a $200+ penalty. Cash in and transfer to Sewer O & M account.

Cashing in CD's would boost account balances until rate increases take effect.

John Bramley and Mayor Kasten suggested to evaluate the accounts in June, or 90 days, to potentially reinvest some money back into CD's for both accounts. Continue to re-evaluate every 90 days until money is returned to CD's.

If Water CD is rolled over then you have a penalty on it.

Currant Water balance is $71,000 and Sewer balance is $16,000.

The combined Sewer and Water CD $492,000.00 will stay invested.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to cash in the Water CD and deposit into the Water O & M account and Cash in the Sewer CD and deposit into Sewer O & M account. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried by roll call 6-0

C. A new Sewer Short Lived Asset Account was suggested to be funded monthly from the Sewer account. Marcella asked for the amount that would be going into this account monthly. Aaron Mead made a motion to make a resolution to open the account. Motion was tabled until the amount being transferred is known. Attorney Watson will have a resolution drafted for the March meeting.

D. Mayor Kasten appointed Tamara Jenkins as the Village of Brighton Clerk and as signor on all Village Accounts. Tamara meets all requirements for Village Clerk and her appointment will be until the next election on April 3, 2025. Base salary set by ordinance at $36,000.00

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the appointment of Tamara Jenkins as Village Clerk and signor on all Village Accounts until the end of term in April 2025. 2nd Bradley Arnold. Motion carried by roll call 6-0.

E. Mayor Kasten cited the oath of office. Tamara Jenkins accepted the appointment.

F. Mayor Kasten appointed Tamara Jenkins as Village Collector at a rate of $4,000.00 per year. The old rate was $8,000.00 per year. Mayor Kasten proposes the remaining $4,000.00 go to the Treasurer.

1. Action Item: Aaron Mead made a motion to accept the appointment of Tamara Jenkins as Village Collector at a rate of $4,000.00 per year. 2nd John Bramley. Motion carried by roll call 6-0.

Executive Session: None 

Miscellaneous Business:

Adjournment: Time: 8:00 p.m. Motion Made By: Aaron Mead 2nd By: Dala Lawrence.
