
Chicago City Wire

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Rosemont Zoning Board of Appeals met April 6

Village of Rosemont Zoning Board of Appeals met April 6

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Approval of minutes of the March 7, 2023meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

B. Restaurant Special Use and sign variance 

C. BRE Mannheim, LLC/Portillo's Hot dogs - 10290 W. Higgins, Rosemont 

A hearing on the application of contract purchaser, BRE Mannheim, LLC, and Portillo's Hot Dogs, for: (1) a special use in the D Commercial District to permit the establishment and operation of an approximately 3,500 sq. ft. drive-thru/pick-up restaurant with 3 drive-thru lanes and outdoor patio seating; (2) variances from the Village of Rosemont's sign ordinance to allow the construction and operation of the exterior signage and pole signage as depicted in the sign package prepared by Jenson & Jenson Architects Inc. dated March 29, 2023 and submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals; and (3) such other variations as may be identified as necessary from the application, plans and information submitted.

1. Swearing in of witnesses.

2. Presentation by applicant.

3. Statements/questions by members of public in attendance. 

4. Questions and comments by members of zoning board.

5. Closing of Public Hearing.

6. Additional Discussion by Zoning Board.

7. Motion and vote on whether to recommend Village Board approval of the requested restaurant special use ad sign variances.

8. Approval and adoption of the memorandum prepared by the Village staff as the Findings and Recommendations of the Zoning Board of Appeals as it pertains to the requested special use.
