
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

City of Winchester City Council met March 1

City of Winchester City Council met March 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting March 1, 2023 at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Ron Bell, Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory and City Clerk Teri Little. Lawrence Coultas and Sandy Long absent.

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Simmons, Supt of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief.

Mayor McIntire led those attending the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Bill Jacquot seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes of February 1, 2023.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular February 1, 2023 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Greg Hillis, Benton & Associates, presented water treatment permit renewal. This is done 5 years and will be submitted in July 2023.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve application for water treatment permit. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Update on library, all that is left is the drive that Ballard Brothers is starting as soon as weather allows. Once it is complete can request the last 10% from the Secretary of State grant money.

Water main project is going well. Sewer lining people came in to identify laterals. This has been completed and waiting for final report. In a couple weeks will submit to EPA after meeting with Rex, John and the water committee.

Benton and Associates has been working on the project and has not yet billed any services to the city. At this time, they are presenting an invoice of $23,520.00 for services already provided.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney presented Ordinance 955. This is to retain bond council for bond issuance. He gave a lengthy, descriptive explanation of what the engagement letter is for. Basically, the bondsman will take care of timetables, bonds, closing certificates and etc. This will be an attorney client relationship and hourly pay at closing $325.00 per hour. This ordinance will have to be in publication for 30 days and then will be in effect.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Ordinance 955. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve engagement letter with Hart, Southworth & Witsman. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, presented monthly report. Animal complaint - 2; Arrests - 1; Assist motorist - 1; Domestic disturbance - 1; Extra patrol requests - 2; Harassment - 1; Interviews - 3; Investigation – 1; Juvenile - 3; Noise complaint -2; Speak to an officer - 10; Suspicious person - 1; Suspicious vehicle - 2; Theft - 1; Traffic accidents - 2; Traffic control – 1; Traffic stops-verbal warnings - 2; Vandalism - 4; Well-being checks -5.

Materials for interrogation room will be about $500.00 and quote for camera equipment installed is $1750.00. This will help ensure the city has adequate place for interviews.

MOTION: Jeff Pittman moved and Ron Bell seconded to approve $2250.00 for renovations and camera equipment for interrogation room. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

There have been numerous cases of vandalism reported in the McGlasson Drive housing area. Chief Doolin has approached the housing about adding cameras. They cannot buy them but will not deny the use of them if the city wants to purchase them, they also will mount the cameras for the city as well.

An application has been received from Brady Shelts for a police officer position. He has passed background check and has worked for the county courthouse and morgan county jail as well. Chief Doolin recommends hiring him.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve hiring Brady Shelts as a fulltime police officer at $18.00 per hour once he starts academy, after graduation from academy $19.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Registration deadline for the academy is 03-17-2023. Classes start May 2nd and will be 16-17 weeks. Cost is $6850.00 this includes housing and food. April 4th he will complete the power test. August 21st is graduation. Recommends uniform allowance should be routine expenditure of $2500.00

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve sending Brady Shelts to the policy academy for training. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out all financial sheets for the month.

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works,

Monthly report – Work orders - 11; Locate tickets - 7; Funeral/Graves - 2; Monthly brush pick up - 3 days; Gas leak calls - 2; Water leaks - 1; Monthly meter reading - 2 days; Monthly odorant reading; New gas meters - 3; Monthly sniff test; Gas testing completed - John Simmons & Josh Miller, good for 3 years; Exposed several buried manholes for water main project. Purchased and installed extension to top of street; Installed no passing sign at the school; Replaced hit stop sign by Marshall's; Started pot holing for water services, lead and copper report. As of February 15th, and will continue for the next couple of months or more.

With Leland retiring and the added work for the water main project. John is requesting to hire a part time employee to assist in the extra help. He recommended Ryan Moore.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve hiring Ryan Moore as part- time employee at $16.00 per hour with no benefits. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

The requested power washer from Landa Crossroads Cleaning Systems, Tim Duncan, is $6800.00. Comes with 100 ft hose, auto start, PSI-2200 and 220 volt. This will help keep the equipment in good shape and clean.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve the purchase of power washer from Landa Crossroads Cleaning Systems for $6800.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Needing a new Plant Pro Drum Pump, hand transfer pump, the last one went to the swimming pool. This one will be chemical resistant. Cost is $1949.95.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve Plant Pro Drum Pump for water plant $1949.95. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

There is a need for 2 new 4-inch water meters. T1000 turbo w/installation. This is for the wells to the plant. Cost is $6500.00.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve purchase of 2, 4-inch water meters for $6500.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Repairs to the heating and air conditioning system at the water plant is in need of repair. Peters Plumbing and Heating gave estimate of $2735.00 for parts and labor.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve estimate from Peters Heating and Air for repairs at water plant. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

The 2 flat grates have been ordered for the pool. There are 4, 18 x 18 plates for $1116.68.

Renting a pothole VAC truck from Sunbelt Rental for $4500.00 a month. This is being used to detect the lead connections that are needing to be replaced for the water main project. Should be about 2 months.

Manhole extensions have been purchased and placed as needed. Advised cost was $2970.00.

Mayor McIntire, advised that Josh Cannon helped sell raffle tickets for the smoker. The city netted $1000.00 towards the Lincoln statue fund. The smoker was won by Bob and Donna Hurt of Glasgow. Joy and Emory Wood also donated $3000.00 towards the statue as well.

Will be amending Ordinance 928 (CH 38, Article II, Section 2) to amend the wording on shut off information.

Presented the Benton and Associates invoice for approval for water main project work.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Ron Bell second to approved payment of invoice from Benton & Associates for work on Water Main Project $23,520.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Day Pitney bill received for $119.38. This is for the ongoing PEPLCO case.

Reg Ankrom called and proposed a new electrical agreement for the town with Constellation New Energy. This will save residents seven-tenths of a penny per kilowatt. This is an 18-month lock.

There was a meeting on 02-15-2023 with Heather Feezer and Sara Watson from Looking for Lincoln to go over specifics on how to join.

There has been no response from the Osage Tribal council which is good for the unsewered project when we are able to resubmit the application.

The personnel committee advised that they are sticking with the normal FMLA guidelines for maternity/paternity leave. Which will be without pay. For bereavement leave going forward 2 paid days will be allowed.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, presented Ordinance 956 to rename West Elm Street. He proposed to rename it Fedder Street. With the recent passing of Elmer Fedder, a prominent member of the community it seemed a fitting name.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve Ordinance 956 renaming West Elm (Cherry & Cross). Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

No Public Comments

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to adjourn at 9:40 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
