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City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met March 15

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met March 15

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call 

Chairman Court Harris called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call confirmed the following present: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Absent: None.

Also in Attendance: Jeff Miller - Executive Director

George Sakas – Director of Economic Development

Jason Griffith – Director of Finance

Andrew Wolanik – Director of Operations & Maintenance

Krista Coltrin – Administrative Manager/Recording Secretary

Kim Mueller – Property Accountant

Tom Lester – Attorney

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

Chairman Harris led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Approval of Minutes 

A. A motion was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Kearns to approve the minutes from the February 15, 2023, Regular Board Meeting. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Director Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

B. A motion was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Berman to approve the minutes from the February 15, 2023, Budget Workshop Meeting. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Director Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IV. Changes to the Agenda 

Executive Director Miller requested a change to the agenda by moving Executive Session to after Hearings & Reports but before New Business.

V. Public Comments 

Jim Loerzel addressed the Board of Directors regarding increasing hangar rates. After mentioning a surplus of unallocated funds from 2021 and 2022, he requested that the Board consider applying the surplus to help offset increasing lease rates for the upcoming year for all tenants on the airport.

VII. Hearings and Reports 

A) Director of Finance Report 

Director of Finance Jason Griffith delivered the Treasurer’s Report and said February is the tenth month in the fiscal year, meaning the target percentage collected or expended is 83.33% of the budget. Year-to-date operating revenues were at 73.73% and operating expenditures were at 65.03% of the budget.

B) Executive Director’s Report 

 Jeff Miller reported on the following: 

✈ Total operations for January were 6,512, which is 14% above January 2023 and 16% above February 2022. The previous 12-month operations rose slightly to 97,975, which is 30.7% above average for the month of February since 2010.

✈ February fuel flowage was 550,424 gallons, which is 2% above January 2023 and 4% above February 2022. The previous fuel flowage dropped to 8,295,921 gallons. However, fuel flowage is 23% above the average month of February since 2010, with February historically the lowest fuel month annually.

✈ Total Customs clearances were 30 in February 2023, which is 7 fewer than January 2023, and 3 fewer than February 2022. The 12-month total for Customs clearances decreased slightly to 517. Clearances are 9 below the average month of February since 2010.

✈ The number of noise comments totaled 7 with an unusual group of calls from one residence in Barrington Hills accounting for 43% of the total. There were 1.08 comments per 1,000 operations with a 12-month total of 474.

✈ To date, 613 applications have been received for the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP).

o Staff are working on grant scope information with the FAA for Phase I.

o The airport has been mostly reimbursed for the pilot phase of construction by the FAA.

o The Noise Exposure Map public meeting is planned for June 13th.

✈ Updates to construction projects include:

o The airfield lighting project is scheduled to start April 17, 2023. The rotating beacon will be upgraded and remain on the air traffic control tower.

o MWRD permit was filed for the east quad ramp expansion project.

o Kyle Peabody from CMT Engineering was present and added that bids for the roadway in front of Hawthorne have been received and are in review.

✈ Other items include:

o Staff are coordinating with NASCAR to accommodate transient aircraft associated with the first street race in Chicago on July 2, 2023.

o Primera Engineering was selected for the Master Drainage Update. The project is expected to begin in April with an anticipated twelve-month timeline.

o District 214 students are job shadowing at CEA and other airport businesses.

o Lewis University plans to double the number of students admitted to Aviation Academy as interest in the program continues to grow.

o The Village of Wheeling is coordinating with staff for a water main and sidewalk project along Milwaukee Avenue scheduled to begin in 2024.

o ALP Exhibit “A” selection on agenda – planning an April start.

o A coordination meeting with the municipalities was recently held regarding planning for the Run & Rock the Runway events.

o The finance system implementation is set to begin in April.

o Initial estimates for audio/visual upgrades in the administration building were high. Therefore, staff are soliciting revised proposals.

✈ Public Relations Report

o Staff is collaborating with Serafin on a leave-behind flyer in advance of the legislative meetings with Senators Durbin and Duckworth during the week of March 20th.

o Serafin staff has created a social media calendar with an associated graphic to drive registration for the Run the Runway 5K/Walk.

✈ The We’re Hiring campaign netted a significant number of eligible candidates for both the Administrative Assistant position and the Maintenance Internship Program. The Maintenance Internship Program received 20 applications for four positions, while six candidates were interviewed for the Administrative Assistant position. Offers are being extended to the chosen applicants this week.

✈ Upcoming Meetings & Events

o The CEA office will be closed Friday, April 7th.

o CEA budget approval will take place during the April 10th Prospect Heights City Council meeting and the April 17th Wheeling Village Board meetings.

o The next Board of Directors meeting is Wednesday, April 19th.

✈ Further details were outlined regarding Resolution 23-007 to Ratify the Purchase of Cryotech E36 Liquid Runway Deicer:

o Multiple freezing rain events in late February required more E36 than normal.

o The airport maintains 5-6 applications’ volume on hand for pre-treatments and deicing.

o Price does not vary according to the time of the year.

o The price per gallon has increased due to higher Potassium Hydroxide and Acetic Acid demand and Ukraine war supply chain problems.

o Smaller incremental orders to the desired E36 quantity would cost $300 more.

o At ordering time, weather forecasts showed a risk of delivery delays due to road conditions and suppliers’ prioritizing larger deliveries to big Airports like ORD.

o Product does not degrade in storage over the summer months, so overage can be used next Winter.

C) Board Member Comments 

• As Treasurer, Director Saewert congratulated staff on the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, stating that the airport does not receive money from the municipalities, and he appreciates the efforts to make every dollar count.

• Director Kearns noted a nearby billboard that advertises aviation careers through Lewis University. Secondly, he referenced recent news regarding bank failures and requested that the Finance Director contact the appropriate banking institution and confirm in writing that the airport’s deposits over the FDIC limit are collateralized.

• Director Lang asked about expansion and development plans at both Waukegan and Aurora airports, wondering if this is a trend in the region. Executive Director Miller responded that the communities around large metropolitan areas like Chicago are gearing up to be reliever airports for busy commercial airports such as O’Hare International and Midway by accepting more general aviation aircraft and some commercial flights.

• Director Kiefer asked if Lewis University was looking to expand the Aviation Academy facility at the airport to incorporate the increased demand for the program. Executive Director Miller indicated that he confirmed the expansion of the program and that he anticipated the additional students would be accommodated by adding more days to the schedule to maximize the current space.

D) Correspondence and Chairman’s Comments 

• Chairman Harris noted that he is glad to hear that Lewis University is expanding its program at the airport to help address the shortage of professionals in the aviation industry. Additionally, he mentioned his approval that internship applications have increased. He opined that it validates that people want to be part of a good team and congratulated Executive Director Miller on his leadership and on efforts to funnel people into the aviation industry.

• Another point noted was the decrease in noise comments, with Chairman Harris restating the 12-month total equaling 474, which is approximately 1.33 calls per day. He opined that there is always work to be done, but the 1 call per 1,000 flight operations is a very small number and indicates that efforts such as the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP) are working to minimize noise. He asked staff to keep up the good work.

• Chairman Harris recognized Martha Trotter from Sikich, whose report on the 2021-2022 audit was included for review for the night’s Board of Directors meeting. She presented a clean, unmodified opinion on the airport’s financial status, which was conducted in accordance with both generally accepted auditing standards in addition to generally accepted governmental auditing standards which were required due to the level of grant activity. A single audit was also completed in addition to the regular financial audit. Ms. Trotter extended her appreciation to Mr. Griffith for his hard work, preparation, and efforts to accommodate the auditors. Only minor journal entry adjustments related to reporting of grant receivables were required.

VI. Executive Session - Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6) to discuss the appointment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the sale or lease of property owned by the public body and the minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act.

At 6:28 p.m. a motion to move into Executive Session was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

At 8:00 p.m. a motion to return to open session was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

VIII. Action Taken from Executive Session 


IX. New Business 

A. Resolution 23-006 – A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Claims

A motion to approve was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

B. Resolution 23-007 – A Resolution Ratifying the Purchase of Cryotech E36 Liquid Runway Deicer

A motion to approve was made by Director Hellyer and seconded by Director Kearns. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

C. Resolution 23-008 – A Resolution Approving a Contract for the Preparation of Chicago Executive Airport’s Exhibit “A” Property Map to the Approved 2021 Airport Layout Plan

Executive Director Miller explained that this is for the Airport Layout Plan which documents each parcel owned by the airport. Exhibit “A” is typically part of the ALP process. However, the state requested it be removed in accordance with FAA Advisory Circulars on planning processes at airports. The process is grant funded and does not need approval by the communities as it accurately categorizes property already under ownership by the Airport.

A motion to approve was made by Director Kearns and seconded by Director Lang. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

D. Resolution 23-009 – A Resolution Accepting the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2022, and 2021

A motion to approve was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Berman. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

E. Resolution 23-010 – A Resolution Recommending Approval of the FY24 Budget for Chicago Executive Airport

A motion to amend the budget to remove an increase in Directors’ compensation in the proposed budget was made by Director Lang and seconded by Director Kiefer.

Director Saewert stated that just because an item is included in the budget does not mean the Board will spend it. He opined it would be a good idea to include the item in case it is approved by the municipalities.

Director Lang stated that the budget should indicate what the Board is approved to spend per the Intergovernmental Agreement and not what is proposed. He indicated that the Village of Wheeling has asked that the budgeted compensation amount remain the same and not show an increase. He further opined that the CEA Board should honor that request.

Chairman Harris noted that all Directors submitted feedback for recommended changes to the IGA. The intent was to submit those recommendations for approval by the municipalities. This process did not appear to be an issue last year. Director Lang countered that there has been some discourse in previous years over changes in the budget that were not requested and subsequently approved by the municipalities through a request to amend the IGA first.

Director Saewert added that the last time the compensation amount was amended in the IGA was around 1996 and involves $150-$200 a month. Director Kiefer opined that it shows respect to the municipalities by asking for permission first before making the increase in the budget.

The motion to amend the budget was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kiefer, and Lang. Nays: Directors Kearns and Saewert. Absent: None.

A motion to approve the budget as amended was made by Director Lang and seconded by Director Kiefer. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

X. Adjournment 

At 8:14 p.m. a motion was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Lang to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.
