
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

City of Winchester City Council met April 5

City of Winchester City Council met April 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Winchester City Council held their monthly meeting April 5, 2023 at City Hall.

Mayor McIntire called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with the following council in attendance: Jeff Pittman, Lawrence Coultas, Ron Bell, Bill Jacquot, Terry Gregory and City Clerk Teri Little. Sandy Long absent.

Also, in attendance were Wanda Cody, City Treasurer; John Simmons, Supt of Public Works; John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney; Reg Benton, Benton & Associates; Carmen Ensinger, Scott County Times; Steve Doolin, City Police Chief; Fred Andrews, Fire Chief; Jackie Kuchy, Civic Group President; Reg Ankrom, Constellation Energy.

Mayor McIntire led those attending the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer presented bills for approval.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to pay the bills as presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Mayor McIntire asked for any corrections for the regular meeting minutes of March 1, 2023.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular March 1, 2023 meeting. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Fred Andrews, Fire Chief, stated that he did an inventory of equipment due to Illinois Department of Labor doing inspections of fire houses. They are in their 3rd year if inspections and hope to have all departments done in 5 years.

Numerous bunker gear is out of date and worn. He maybe able to get by with the outdated ones that are not worn but not sure they will accept it. He would like to start replacing them a few at a time. Quote on turn out gear is $2500.00 each (pants and coat).

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve the purchase of 6 sets of turn out gear at $2500.00 a set. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Helmets will need to be replaced as well. The quote currently is $378.00 a piece and 12 would be needed for total cost $4536.00. This will be something replaced at a later date.

The SCBA bottles are good for 15 years and they were purchased in 2011. There are 26 and price is about $1200.00 a bottle.

Ordinance 957 was presented by John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney. This is for the MABAS 65 Alarm System. This system allows any fire department in the program to be able to make one call and they will dispatch area departments to aid in case of a disaster. Rich Evans Chief of South Jacksonville Fire Department is the head of our area program. There are 14 departments in the MABAS 65. This is an excellent program and an example would be when Marshall's caught fire several years ago and with that one call many area departments came to assist.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Lawrence Coultas seconded to approve Ordinance 957 MABAS 65 Alarm System. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Reg Benton, Benton & Associates, presented resolution 2023-04-01 for maintenance for the yearly motor fuel tax funds for estimation of maintenance costs.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve resolution 2023-04- 01 to appropriate $90,000 for MFT funds for maintaining streets. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

A map of roads selected to be oiled and chipped was passed out to the council. These are the areas that are in the greatest need of work.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve MTF funds to oil and chip the suggested areas. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

The Engineering proposal wastewater treatment plant IEPA NPDES. This is permit renewal for $2500.00 and it is good for 5 years.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve IEPA NPDES Permit for $2500.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

It was discussed to have Smith Cold Milling to mill streets prior to oil and chipping as he did last year cost is $16,676.00. This cost is not believed to be included in the MFT resolution but John will check into it and see.

MOTION: Terry Gregory moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Smith Cold Milling for $16,676.00 to mill streets. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Reg Ankrom, Constellation Energy was present to explain the new energy program that the city has entered into thru SYMEC Energy Quincy. The mayor was looking for stability for the residents of Winchester for their electric needs. In the past the city has worked with Constellation Energy to help lower the cost of electricity for residents but last year they were not able to provide a lower rate than Ameren so it was decided to opt out of the program. This year they are able to offer about 4/10th of a cent lower than Ameren. Not a large difference but will help. There is nothing for residents to do if they want to remain in this program but if they want, they are welcome to opt out by April 13th. If a resident was already on a different carrier than Ameren, they will not receive a letter. This is for residents within the city limits. A toll-free number has been set up by SYMEC Energy that is strictly for Winchester Residents to call for any questions they may have it is 833-603-1332.

Jackie Kuchy, Civic Group President, gave update on the civic group. New officers were elected she is president, Kenny Mayner Jr is Vice President, Marsha Mayner is Secretary/treasurer, Board members; Dorinda Miller, Jessica Brown and Bobbi Jo Smith.

They would like to be added to the monthly agenda so they can bring any concerns or requests to the council.

They have had interest in a community calendar that can be listed out on the city website. Also, would like a list of contacts and services listed so it is all in one place for new comers' town or even existing residents looking for information.

They would like to see a marketing campaign to promote Winchester and all it has to offer. They are looking into options.

They have had many donate to the downtown lighting project. They have a lot of lights purchased and are working with existing businesses on approval to add the lights.

Public restrooms are a hot topic by many. The old Dr Hynes building seems to be a good area to turn into a small garden area with restrooms. This has been discussed in prior council meetings.

The civic Group would like to have a better communication with the council to help assist in being able to determine what is actually the groups area or the city's area.

Steve Doolin, Police Chief, presented monthly report. Animal complaint - 1; Arrests - 1; Assist outside agency (Police) - 5; Assist fire department/Fire call - 1; Building alarm - 1; Domestic disturbance - 2; Extra patrol requests - 1; Harassment - 1; Juvenile - 1; Paper service - 1; Property exchange - 1; Speak to an officer - 23; Suspicious person - 1; Theft - 1; Traffic accidents – 1; Traffic stops-verbal warnings - 2; Vandalism – 1; Well-being checks – 1.

Undercover buys were conducted at Scotty's - 1, Bowling Alley - 1, Food Mart (BP) - 2 and The Doghouse 1. Since no violations were done with the 3 no other buys were conducted. Since Foodmart sold to minor another buy was conducted and another violation was done.

Mayor McIntire inquired if something was in place for if an active shooter situation occurred at one of the local schools. Chief Doolin stated that they had been down at the school and went over the process in October and the teachers are aware and have procedures in place.

Jeff Pittman, Alderman, advised that Chief Doolin had taken himself and Ron on a ride along to see where cameras would be beneficial. The parks, city hall, softener plant, school, swimming pool. Will present options next month

Also, updated that Ameren is still working on the replacement lighting.

Wanda Cody, City Treasurer, passed out all financial sheets for the month.

The loan on Coultas land had an interest increase of 2% which brings it to 5.9%.

Questioning where the bulk water (FS, Logan, REA, Etc.) money should be reported. It was stated to enter it into the water fund just as any water bill payment would be.

Cody also wanted to verify where the additional money for library Demco bills was to come from. The change order was only for $20,000 this has been exceeded. Teri will check into what has been ordered/received and what moneys were allocated for the additional furniture.

John Simmons, Supt of Public Works,

Monthly report - Work orders - 13; Locate tickets - 16; Monthly brush pick up; Gas leak calls - 1; Monthly meter reading - 2 days; Monthly odorant reading; Replaced gas meters - 4; Replaced water meters-2; Monthly sniff test; Pot holing water services, ID-over 150 services; Manhole extensions -7; Spring cemetery clean-up - 1 day; Filling potholes with sand; Empty water shed; Serviced all the equipment; Street ride with Benton's MFT; Salt purchase for 2022-2023, also ordered for 2023-2024 season; Ditch cleaning at Nichole Dr; Exercised and cleaned all emergency gas valves.

Looking at prices of new backhoe and checking into any money from USDA to assist in purchase.

Wanted to ask what was decided on maternity leave. It was decided to stick with the normal 12 weeks without pay.

Simmons also requested the employee handbook be updated.

Rex McIntire, Mayor, gave update on Looking for Lincoln. He has given information to Merrilyn Fedder to check into getting a committee started. Total so far in the statue fund is $4000.00.

Estimate for damage to Brian Drake fence, done by former employee, is $580.00 thru Amco Fence. Since this damage was done by city employee the city needs to pay for repair.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman second to approved $580.00 to AMCO Fence for repair to Brian Drake fence. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

There have been 4 estimates received for the police car repairs.

Marshall's               $5628.00

Tillet Automotive     $4318.32

Kemper Auto          $4253.52

Frank Pittman        $4221.75

It was decided to let the mayor check into the estimates and whom could get the job done soonest for the best price.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Terry Gregory seconded to authorize the mayor to choose the most reasonable estimate w/new parts. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

The bill for the audit from Pehlman & Dold P.C. has been received and is for $19,300.00

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve payment to Pehlman & Dold P.C. for $19,300.00. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

John Paul Coonrod, City Attorney, presented Ordinance 958 routine and anticipated purchases for fiscal year 2023-2024.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman second to approve Ordinance 958 routine and anticipated purchases for fiscal year 2023-2024. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Resolution 2023-04-02 was presented for approval. This is allowing the Illinois Municipal League is authorized by the board to receive and examine the reports and collect the payments of the 2% foreign fire insurance license fees.

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Resolution 2023-4-02 Foreign Fire Insurance Board Resolution. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Ordinance 959 will adopt a bereavement leave policy. This ordinance allows a city employee to receive paid leave for 2 days (16 hours)

MOTION: Ron Bell moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve Ordinance 959 Adopting Bereavement Leave Policy w/addition sibling in laws. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

Coonrod also advised that it is time to have the Code of ordinances reviewed and redone. This will be costly but there have been many new ordinances passed and need to have an updated version. The employee handbook also needs to be revised.

It will be costly but all agreed that the review needs to be done.

No Public Comments

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Bill Jacquot seconded to move into closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to move out of closed session. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Terry Gregory seconded to approve new hourly rates of pay eff 05/01/2023 as were presented. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Lawrence Coultas moved and Jeff Pittman seconded to approve naming Derik Evans as assistant supt. Effective 03/29/2023 Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.

MOTION: Bill Jacquot moved and Ron Bell second to adjourn at 11:20 pm. Roll call resulted in all yeas. Motion carried.
