
Chicago City Wire

Monday, November 18, 2024

Cook County Board of Commissioners, Zoning and Building Committee met April 26

Cook County Board of Commissioners, Zoning and Building Committee met April 26

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Present: Aguilar, S. Morrison, Britton, Daley, Degnen, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13) 

Absent: Excused Anaya, Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (4)

A motion was made by Vice Chairman S. Morrison, seconded by Commissioner Britton, to allow for remote participation in meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Aguilar, S. Morrison, Britton, Daley, Degnen, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13) 

Absent: Excused Anaya, Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (4) 


Chairman Aguilar asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speakers, in accordance with Cook County Code. 

No public speakers



Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 2/8/2023 

A motion was made by Vice Chairman S. Morrison, seconded by Commissioner Lowry, to approve 23-2556. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Aguilar, S. Morrison, Britton, Daley, Degnen, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13) 

Absent: Anaya, Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (4) 


Presented by: JAMES WILSON, Secretary, Zoning Board of Appeals 


Request: Variation V 23-10 

Township: Lyons 

County District: 17 

Property Address: 1403 64th Street, LaGrange, Illinois 

Property Description: Describe Property 

Owner: Rita L Kovar, Trustee, 1403 64th Street, LaGrange Illinois 

Agent/Attorney: N/A 

Current Zoning: R-4 Single Family Residence District 

Intended use: Applicant seeks to: (1) reduce the distance between the principal and accessory structure from the minimum required 10 feet to an existing 7.1 feet, (2) reduce the rear yard setback for the accessory structure from the minimum required 5 feet to an existing 3.5 feet and (3) reduce the side yard setback from minimum required 3 feet to an existing 2 feet for a proposed shed. 

Recommendation: ZBA Recommendation for application to be granted. 

Conditions: None 

Objectors: Ismet Destani, 6401 Willow Springs Road, LaGrange Highland, Illinois 

Sacir Destani, 6399 Willow Springs Road, LaGrange Highland, Illinois 


Zoning Board Hearing: 4/5/2023/y 

Zoning Board Recommendation date: 4/5/2023 

County Board extension granted: N/A 

A motion was made by Commissioner Lowry, seconded by Commissioner Britton, to recommend for approval 23-2314. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Aguilar, S. Morrison, Britton, Daley, Degnen, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13)

Absent: Anaya, Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (4) 


A motion was made by Vice Chairman S. Morrison, seconded by Commissioner Daley, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Aguilar, S. Morrison, Britton, Daley, Degnen, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13)

Absent:  Anaya, Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (4)
