
Chicago City Wire

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Cook County Board of Commissioners, Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee met April 26

Cook County Board of Commissioners, Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee met April 26

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Present: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Excused Deer, Gordon and Johnson (3) 

A motion was made by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, seconded by Commissioner Lowry, to allow for remote participation in meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, Morrison, Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Chairman Britton asked the Secretary to the Board to call upon the registered public speakers, in accordance with Cook County Code. 

1. Mark Armstrong - Concerned Citizen 

2. George Blakemore - Concerned Citizen 

3. Andrew Johnson - Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois 



Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 03/15/2023 

A motion was made by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, seconded by Commissioner Daley, to approve  23-2387. The motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: TONI PRECKWINKLE, President, Cook County Board of Commissioners 


Appointee(s): Mamadou Diakhate  

Position: Animal Control Administrator  

Department/Board/Commission: Department of Animal and Rabies Control 

Effective date: Immediately  

Expiration date: N/A  

A motion was made by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, seconded by Commissioner Morita, to recommend for approval 23-1560. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita,  K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): Wendy Duboe  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Effective date: Immediate  

Expiration date: November 30, 2026 

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-1887. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): Xochitl Flores  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Effective date: Immediate  

Expiration date: November 30, 2026  

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-1888. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): William Schleizer  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Effective date: Immediate 

Expiration date: November 30, 2026  

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-1889. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): Harold Rice  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Effective date: Immediate  

Expiration date: November 30, 2026  

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-1892. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): Mayor Vernard L. Alsberry Jr  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation

Effective date: Immediate  

Expiration date: November 30, 2026  

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-2018. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Presented by: ALMA E. ANAYA, County Commissioner 


Appointee(s): Harry L. Alston Jr  

Position: Member  

Department/Board/Commission: Cook County Commission on Social Innovation Effective date: Immediate  

Expiration date: November 30, 2026  

A motion was made by Commissioner Anaya, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, to recommend for approval 23-2019. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Sponsored by: TONI PRECKWINKLE (President), Cook County Board Of Commissioners PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 


BE IT ORDAINED, by the Cook County Board of Commissioners, that CHAPTER 10 - ANIMALS,  ARTICLE I. - IN GENERAL, Sec. 10-1. of the Cook County Code is hereby amended as Follows:

Sec. 10-2. Definitions. 

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:  

Administrator shall have the meaning provided by the Illinois Animal Control Act (510 ILCS 5/2.01).  

Administrator means the licensed veterinarian appointed by the County Board, pursuant to the Illinois Animal Control Act (510 ILCS 5/1 et seq.) or authorized representative. 

Animal means any live vertebrate creature except man.  

Animal capable of transmitting rabies means all animals classified as mammals.  

Animal control warden means an employee of the County appointed by the Administrator to powers in the enforcement of this chapter.  

Bird means any flying vertebrate that is covered with feathers.  

Bite means seizure of a person, service animal or companion animal with the jaws or teeth of any cat, dog or other animal capable of transmitting rabies so that the person, service animal or companion animal so seized has been wounded or pierced and further includes contact of the saliva of cat, dog or other animal with any break or abrasion of the skin.  

Cat means all members of the classification, Felis catus.  

Companion animal means a domesticated or domestic-bred animal whose physical, emotional, behavioral and social need can be readily met as a companion in the home, or in close daily relationship with a person or persons.  

Confined means the restriction of the cat, dog or other animal at all times by the owner in a manner that will isolate the cat, dog or other animal from the public and other cats, dogs or other animals.  

Control means any owned animal that is either secured by a leash or lead, or within the premises of its owner, or confined within a crate or cage, or confined within a vehicle, or within the premises of another person with the consent of that person.  

Dangerous or vicious animal means any animal which has known vicious propensities or which has been known to attack or injure any person who was peacefully conducting themselves in any place where they may lawfully be.  

Dog means all members of the classification, Canis familiaris. 

Domestic animal means any animal which has been domesticated by man so as to live and breed in a tame condition.  

Guard dog means a dog used in a commercial business or by a municipal or police department for the purposes of patrol and protection.  

Inoculation against rabies means the injection of a rabies vaccine approved by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and administered by a licensed veterinarian in accordance with the company's recommendations for the vaccine used.  

Offer(s) for sale means to display, sell, deliver, offer for sale or adoption, advertise for the sale of, barter, auction, give away or otherwise dispose of a dog, cat or rabbit.  

Owner means any person having the right of property in an animal, who keeps or harbors an animal, who has it in their care, acts as its custodian or who knowingly permits an animal to remain on or about any premises occupied by them unless possession is prohibited by Federal or State laws. Native wildlife remaining on or about any premises shall not be included in this definition.  

Pet shall mean animals customarily kept for pleasure or enjoyment, rather than for utility. Pets have the following characteristics: a special and close relationship with humans; partial or total dependence on humans; and, bred to live inside a residence in close proximity with humans without requiring extraordinary restraint or causing unreasonable disruption. Feral Cats are not "pets."  

Pet shop operator means as provided in 225 ILCS 605/2 of the Animal Welfare Act. 

Pound means any facility licensed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture and approved by the Administration for the purpose of enforcing this chapter and used as a shelter for seized, stray, homeless, abandoned or unwanted animals.  

Rabbit means all members of the classification, Oryctolagus cuniculus.  

Rescue organization means any not-for-profit organization that has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, whose mission and practice is, in whole or in significant part, the rescue and placement of dogs, cats or rabbits.  

Scratch means to score, mark or break the skin of a person, service animal or companion animal, by a dog, cat or ferret, using nail or tooth.  

Service animal means any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.  

Stray animal means any owned animal that is not controlled. 

Tethering means to restrain a dog by tying the dog to any object or structure, including without limitation a house, tree, fence, post, garage, shed, [or] clothes line by any means, including without limitation a chain, rope, cord, leash or running line. 

Tow chain or log chain means any chain that is more than one-quarter of an inch in width. Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption 

A motion was made by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to recommend for approval 23-1529. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3) 


Sponsored by: KEVIN B. MORRISON, Cook County Board Of Commissioners PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 


Sec. 2-107. - Board of Commissioners; meetings of the Board. 

(i) Order of business. 

(1) At each regular meeting of the Board, the order of business (unless otherwise directed by the  Board) is as follows:

  1. Public testimony. 
  2. New business.
  3. Committee items requiring board action. 

(2) All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided by the presiding officer, without debate, subject to appeal. 

(3) Meetings of the Board may commence with a prayer or invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance 

(4) The County Board shall break for lunch from Noon to 12:45 p.m. or as soon as is practical thereafter on days of the Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Committees, and  Subcommittees.

(5) The County Board shall commence full Board of Commissioner meetings with a Native American Land Acknowledgement that has had input from Native American residents of Cook County.  

Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption. 

A motion was made by Commissioner K. Morrison, seconded by Commissioner Lowry, to accept as substituted 23-1949. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13) 

Absent: Deer, Gainer, Gordon, and Johnson (4) 


Sponsored by: KEVIN B. MORRISON, Cook County Board Of Commissioners PROPOSED SUBSTITUTE TO FILE 23-1949 



Sec. 2-107. - Board of Commissioners; meetings of the Board. 

(i)Order of business. 

(1) At each regular meeting of the Board, the order of business (unless otherwise directed by the Board) is as follows:

  1. Public testimony. 
  2. New business. 
  3. Committee items requiring board action. 

(2) All questions relating to the priority of business shall be decided by the presiding officer, without  debate, subject to appeal. 

(3) Meetings of the Board may commence with a prayer or invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance 

(4) The County Board shall break for lunch from Noon to 12:45 p.m. or as soon as is practical  thereafter on days of the Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Committees, and Subcommittees.

(5) The County Board may commence with a Native American Land Acknowledgement. Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption 

A motion was made by Commissioner K. Morrison, seconded by Commissioner Lowry, to recommend for approval as substituted 23-1949. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (13) 

Absent: Deer, Gainer, Gordon, and Johnson (4) 


A motion was made by Vice Chairwoman Degnen, seconded by Commissioner Daley, to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried by the following vote: 

Ayes: Britton, Degnen, Aguilar, Anaya, Daley, Gainer, Lowry, Miller, Moore, Morita, K. Morrison, S. Morrison, Quezada, and Trevor (14) 

Absent: Deer, Gordon, and Johnson (3)
