
Chicago City Wire

Friday, March 14, 2025

Lake County Special Committee on Broadband met April 28

Lake County Special Committee on Broadband met April 28

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Clark called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call of Members

Present 7 - Member Campos, Vice Chair Casbon, Chair Clark, Member Hunter, Member Kyle, Member Roberts and Member Schlick

*Electronic Attendance: Member Hunter

Other Attendees:

In Person:

Bailey Wyatt, Communications

Candace Browdy, Connect Lake County

Elizabeth Brandon, County Administrator's Office

Jennifer Brennan, Communications

Joe Monie, Public

Kevin Quinn, Communications

Matt Meyers, County Administrator's Office

Peggy Talbot, Connect Lake County

Stan Williams, Public

Tammy Chatman, Communications

Theresa Glatzhofer, County Board Office


Alex Carr, Communications

Frank Deuel, Public

James Hawkins, County Administrator's Office

Janna Philipp, County Administrator's Office

Jolanda Dinkins, County Board Office

Kristy Cechini, County Board Office

Mary Ross Cunningham, County Board Vice Chair

Mick Zawislak, Daily Herald

Patrice Sutton, Finance

Sonia Hernandez, County Administrator's Office

4. Addenda to the Agenda

There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

Public comment was provided in person by Stan Williams.

6. Chair's Remarks

Chair Clark gave an overview of the presentations and topics to be discussed at today's meeting.

7. Unfinished Business

There was no unfinished business to discuss.

8. New Business



8.1 23-0628

Committee action approving the Special Committee on Broadband minutes from March 3, 2023.

A motion was made by Member Roberts, seconded by Member Campos, that these minutes be approved. The motion carried by the following voice vote:

Aye: 7 - Member Campos, Vice Chair Casbon, Chair Clark, Member Hunter, Member Kyle, Member Roberts and Member Schlick


8.2 23-0650

Introductory presentation providing the background and mission of Connect Lake County (formerly Connect Waukegan).

Peggy Talbot, Connect Lake County, gave a brief overview of the broadband-related issues present in Lake County. Ms. Talbot introduced Candace Browdy, who will soon become the new Executive Director of Connect Lake County. Ms. Talbot then gave a presentation regarding the work being done by Connect Lake County.

Discussion ensued.

8.3 23-0651

Presentation on the results of an assessment of Lake County Broadband needs.

Vice Chair Casbon gave a presentation regarding Lake County broadband needs assessment results, specifically pertaining to the Warren Township area.

Discussion ensued.

Chair Clark thanked Vice Chair Casbon for her presentation.

8.4 23-0652

Discussion on a draft National Association of Counties (NACo) Policy Resolution regarding the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, gave a brief summary of the process for drafting and submitting National Association of Counties (NACo) policy resolutions. Assistant County Administrator Meyers introduced, Elizabeth Brandon, County Administrator's Office, who gave an overview of the draft NACo policy resolution regarding the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Discussion ensued.

The consensus of the Committee was to proceed with the NACo policy resolution as drafted. Assistant County Administrator Meyers noted that the item will be brought to the upcoming Legislative Committee meeting.

Chair Clark thanked Ms. Brandon for her research.

8.5 23-0653

Discussion and review of available Affordable Connectivity Program outreach materials.

Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, explained that outreach materials regarding the Affordable Connectivity Program were created in multiple languages.

Discussion ensued.

The consensus of the Committee was to proceed with both digital and hard copy outreach materials for distribution to County residents.

9. County Administrator's Report

Matt Meyers, Assistant County Administrator, gave a brief update regarding hiring a planning consultant for the purpose of conducting a County-wide broadband connectivity assessment. Assistant County Administrator Meyers noted that County staff are in the process of conducting reference checks for a consultant. He also noted that further discussion about funding for the planning consultant will take place at the F&A Special Committee on COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery and Investment at 10:30 a.m. today. Assistant County Administrator Meyers also thanked Connect Lake County for speaking at today's Special Committee on Broadband meeting.

10. Executive Session

The Committee did not enter into Executive Session.

11. Members' Remarks

There were no remarks from members.

12. Adjournment

Chair Clark declared the meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
